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Welcome to Intuitive Emergent.

This social space supports oxytocin pathway repair and individualized creative healing.

Find πŸ”Š Emergent Conversation β€’ @IntuitiveEmergent β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ at https://t.me/joinchat/J8dfcRAN_E0CBdgbiCLGew 🌿
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Forwarded from πŸ”Š @IntuitivePublicMedia β€’ Live Collaborative Media β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
' Dear readers, it is with deeply mixed emotions that I write to say that this will be the last monthly issue of The MOON for the foreseeable future.

The MOON’s success at attracting great writers has created a huge pile of submissions to read each month (and in truth, I don’t get to all of them).

In addition, the production aspect of reading widely to identify prospective interview subjects, scheduling and interviewing said thought-leaders, transcribing and editing the interviews, reviewing films, finding quotes for MOON Shine, selecting and editing all of the essays, memoirs, poetry, and short stories and uploading them, along with author bios, on a monthly basis has become too much.

I’d hoped to raise enough funds to hire assistance, but that hasn’t happened (though I am forever grateful to you wonderful readers and writers who have contributed). 

Therefore, I’m signing off for now and taking a break.

I’m including the donation links for old times’ sake.

Maybe donations will suffice to pay me to write a grant or two that could underwrite The MOON for another few years.

But if not, no worries.

I am proud of the work The MOON has shared since December 2012.

I couldn’t have done it without all you writers and readers.

Thank you and boundless blessings to each and every one of you.

So here’s last call: if you value The MOON, please consider a contribution to keep her shining. There are two ways to contribute: via our secure PayPal link, or our Patreon page, where you can become a continuing supporter of The MOON for as little as $1/month.

And to you beautiful souls who already support The MOON, thank you!

You will forever inhabit a special place in my heart. '



Forwarded from πŸ”Š Makawao β€’ Intuitive Public Radio Makawao Maui β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
Forwarded from πŸ”Š Psyvisor β€’ Real Life Survival Of Psychiatric Astonishment β€’ True Redemptions & Kindness In Modern Science β€’ Psy Sci β€’ IPR β€’β€’
"Psychiatrists have a mental illness called factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA) formerly Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) is a mental illness in which a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick."
Forwarded from πŸ”Š Intuitive Social Face β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
I really do honestly believe that we can believe in Facebook, we can love Facebook in a way that helps it change to help us, too.

It's important that we do that without letting Facebook harm us any further.

Both components are needed for safety and satisfaction.

We must be done solving old problems by making new demons.

We don't need another demon.

We need inclusive community resources, litmus for trust, and ongoing relationship building.
Forwarded from πŸ”Š Intuitive Public Market β€’ Communications Outreach β€’ Email Collaboration β€’ Live IPR β€’β€’β€’
' Jews Against Marginalization (JAM), JYCA's Jews of Color, Sephardic, Mizrahi program, is so excited to partner with Keshet to bring you our first youth-led panel event of the fall on Tuesday, October 27th from 4:30 to 6:00 PM PST via Zoom! This panel will be on Queer and Trans JOCSM identities and feature special guests Kat MacΓ­as, Carmel Tanaka, Binya KΓ³atz, and Kendra Watkins. All Queer and Trans youth and allies (ages 14-18) who identify as JOCSM are welcome to attend.
The first hour of the event will be open to all JOCSM youth, and the last half an hour will be an affinity space for Queer and Trans JOCSM youth and the panelists. The panelists will discuss their JOCSM identity journeys, intersectionality and Queer and Trans activism!
Interested youth can RSVP at https://bit.ly/JAMQTPanel, and adults can sign youth up at the same link. Once you fill out the form, a JYCA staff member will be in contact.
Please feel welcome to share this with young ones who might be benefit from/enjoy being part of this! '
Forwarded from πŸ”Š Autsensing β€’ Intuitive Social Meditations β€’ Intuitive Emergent β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
Forwarded from πŸ”Š Autsensing β€’ Intuitive Social Meditations β€’ Intuitive Emergent β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
Forwarded from πŸ”Š Autsensing β€’ Intuitive Social Meditations β€’ Intuitive Emergent β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
@MaxMorris writes,

I am standing by this morning to circle with and support others between 11am - 12:30pm Eastern (to start about 2.5hrs from the time I am making this post).

If someone messages me they are available for a portion of this time, I will make us a Zoom link and then paste it into the comments here so that others may join.

