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#Iranian Conservative ‘KAYHAN’ paper affiliated to #Khamenei: we don’t need negotiations for lifting the sanctions, leave Vienna immediately!

#Iranian Conservative ‘KAYHAN’ paper affiliated to #Khamenei: we don’t need negotiations for lifting the sanctions, leave Vienna immediately!
— BenSabti (@BeniSabti) April 7, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
Saturday #Iranian papers: KAYHAN affiliated to #khamenei: Europe lied-S.Korea didn’t release Iranian assets; conservative AFKAR: Iran will produce 40 tones of yellow cake; SOBH EMROOZ: 3 weeks of death ahead. #COVID

Saturday #Iranian papers: KAYHAN affiliated to #khamenei: Europe lied-S.Korea didn’t release Iranian assets; conservative AFKAR: Iran will produce 40 tones of yellow cake; SOBH EMROOZ: 3 weeks of death ahead. #COVID
— BenSabti (@BeniSabti) April 9, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
I mean fuck the whole headlines and the BS on #Khamenei-backed Keyhan newspaper, someone just tell me how’s that la…

I mean fuck the whole headlines and the BS on #Khamenei-backed Keyhan newspaper, someone just tell me how’s that lady getting her shot?
— Aleph א (@no_itsmyturn) June 10, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
.#Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro to Al-Mayadeen:
“I’m in love with Ayatullah #Khamenei, I’ll go to #Iran, soon!”

.#Venezuela‘s Nicolas Maduro to Al-Mayadeen:
“I’m in love with Ayatullah #Khamenei, I’ll go to #Iran, soon!”
[I’m dead serious – Source: 2nd image – FarsNews]
[Sorry for bad Photoshop, I suck at photoshop ]
— Aleph א (@no_itsmyturn) December 26, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
#Iranian paper KAYHAN affiliated to SL #Khamenei is very satisfied from #Iran backed #Huthies attacks on #UAE & threatens #Israel directly: “Israel is next”!

#Iranian paper KAYHAN affiliated to SL #Khamenei is very satisfied from #Iran backed #Huthies attacks on #UAE & threatens #Israel directly: “Israel is next”!
— BenSabti (@BeniSabti) January 24, 2022

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
The peaceful regime according to 46th administration’s “progressive talks”

The peaceful regime according to 46th administration’s “progressive talks”
— Aleph א (@no_itsmyturn) February 7, 2022

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
It’s a new perspective inside Iran. This is a protest in #Izeh, a city in #Khuzestan Province.
When the brave people chanted “Death to #Khamenei / Down with Khamenei” a dictator of a rogue regime in Iran.
@elliecohanim @VictoriaCoates @MessageFromLen @BenWeinthal @mrubin1971

It’s a new perspective inside Iran. This is a protest in #Izeh, a city in #Khuzestan Province.
When the brave people chanted “Death to #Khamenei / Down with Khamenei” a dictator of a rogue regime in Iran.@elliecohanim @VictoriaCoates @MessageFromLen @BenWeinthal @mrubin1971
— Erfan Fard (@EQfard) May 9, 2022

The post Monday, May 09, 2022 – 1832Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
Normally, The Iranian People call #Khamenei as /al’dang/ which means clown, blockhead, coward, lout. hobo, scoundrel
In contrary, @nytimes & @CNN or @BBCWorld labeled him as The Supreme leader or Ayatollah [means sign!]
He is the #sign of barbarism & savageness!

Normally, The Iranian People call #Khamenei as /al’dang/ which means clown, blockhead, coward, lout. hobo, scoundrel
In contrary, @nytimes & @CNN or @BBCWorld labeled him as The Supreme leader or Ayatollah [means sign!]
He is the #sign of barbarism & savageness!#Abadan
— Erfan Fard (@EQfard) May 29, 2022

The post Sunday, May 29, 2022 – 2135Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
#Iranian paper KAYHAN affiliated to #Khamenei praises him two days before the anniversary of Khomeini, with biggest title: “Khamenei is exactly like Khomeini”. They probably haven’t heard the slogan “Death to Khamenei” in the last weeks. #IranProtests

#Iranian paper KAYHAN affiliated to #Khamenei praises him two days before the anniversary of Khomeini, with biggest title: “Khamenei is exactly like Khomeini”. They probably haven’t heard the slogan “Death to Khamenei” in the last weeks. #IranProtests
— BenSabti (@BeniSabti) June 1, 2022

The post Wednesday, June 01, 2022 – 1921Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
This is an interesting scene. Khamenei wants to demonstrate how inclusive he is today. But his men on the Guardian Council disqualified Hassan Khomeini from running for the Assembly of Experts and discouraged him for running for #Iran’s presidency.

This is an interesting scene. Khamenei wants to demonstrate how inclusive he is today. But his men on the Guardian Council disqualified Hassan Khomeini from running for the Assembly of Experts and discouraged him for running for #Iran’s presidency.
— Jason Brodsky (@JasonMBrodsky) June 4, 2022

The post Saturday, June 04, 2022 – 1635Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
Two lunatic stooges of #PutinWarCriminal in one frame!
Two thugs who are the sworn enemy of the #USA.
Two illiterate puppets & aggressive #dictators who are destroying their countries
Two illegitimate rulers who wants to win the war against #America & world
#Maduro #Khamenei

Two lunatic stooges of #PutinWarCriminal in one frame!
Two thugs who are the sworn enemy of the #USA.
Two illiterate puppets & aggressive #dictators who are destroying their countries
Two illegitimate rulers who wants to win the war against #America & world#Maduro #Khamenei
— Erfan Fard (@EQfard) June 11, 2022

The post Saturday, June 11, 2022 – 1624Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
On the 7th annual day of signing #JCPOA and with an eye on @POTUS visiting #Israel & #SaudiArabia, #Iranian paper KAYHAN affiliated to #khamenei reminds that “JCPOA was a disaster and a destructive process against #Iran nation. Raisi’s government chose another path”.

On the 7th annual day of signing #JCPOA and with an eye on @POTUS visiting #Israel & #SaudiArabia, #Iranian paper KAYHAN affiliated to #khamenei reminds that “JCPOA was a disaster and a destructive process against #Iran nation. Raisi’s government chose another path”.
— BenSabti (@BeniSabti) July 13, 2022

The post Wednesday, July 13, 2022 – 1925Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
2 lunatic & bloodthirsty #Dictators in 1 frame!
In fact, #Khamenei#Putin have no legitimacy for their people except in the advertising of government.
Ideologically, Communism & Shiism is the the 2 sides of the same coin. because they have a bitter enmity against the USA!

2 lunatic & bloodthirsty #Dictators in 1 frame!
In fact, #Khamenei#Putin have no legitimacy for their people except in the advertising of government.
Ideologically, Communism & Shiism is the the 2 sides of the same coin. because they have a bitter enmity against the USA!
— Erfan Fard (@EQfard) July 18, 2022

The post Monday, July 18, 2022 – 1348Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets