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Putin regime enforcers detain Alexei Navalny’s press secretary Kira Yarmysh , won’t allow her personal attorney near her
#Russia #Putin #Navalny #FreeNavalny

Putin regime enforcers detain Alexei Navalny’s press secretary Kira Yarmysh , won’t allow her personal attorney near her #Russia #Putin #Navalny #FreeNavalny
— parallel_universe #FreeNavalny (@ignis_fatum) April 21, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
Now Telegram blocked the opposition led channel that helped ordinary Russians beat the Putin regime by using tactical voting (they call it “smart voting” )

#Russia #Putin

Now Telegram blocked the opposition led channel that helped ordinary Russians beat the Putin regime by using tactical voting (they call it “smart voting” ) #Russia #Putin
— parallel_universe (@ignis_fatum) September 17, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
The #Putin regime decided to go after 1 of #Russia’s most prominent political scientists Ekaterina Schumann, as always through family members , her husband is being persecuted for weird, trumped up charges of “building without permit” .

The #Putin regime decided to go after 1 of #Russia’s most prominent political scientists Ekaterina Schumann, as always through family members , her husband is being persecuted for weird, trumped up charges of “building without permit” .
— parallel_universe (@ignis_fatum) November 4, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
RT @MarQs__: BREAKING: #Putin wants ‘immediate’ start of talks with #NATO on #Russia’s security – Kremlin

BREAKING: #Putin wants ‘immediate’ start of talks with #NATO on #Russia‘s security – Kremlin
— marqs (@MarQs__) December 14, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
The #Putin regime enforcers had re-arrested the father of Ivan Zhdanov (which is 1 of Navalny’s core supporters), just after he was “found guilty” of giving a subsidized apartment to a low income family (due to a clerical error) while being a city councilman in northern #Russia

The #Putin regime enforcers had re-arrested the father of Ivan Zhdanov (which is 1 of Navalny’s core supporters), just after he was “found guilty” of giving a subsidized apartment to a low income family (due to a clerical error) while being a city councilman in northern #Russia
— parallel_universe (@ignis_fatum) December 29, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
US President Joe #Biden and Russian President Vladimir #Putin will speak on Thursday, the White House said, as Washington crafts a common response to Russia’s military build-up on the #Ukraine border with European allies.

US President Joe #Biden and Russian President Vladimir #Putin will speak on Thursday, the White House said, as Washington crafts a common response to Russia’s military build-up on the #Ukraine border with European
— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) December 30, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets

#Biden WH senior admin official provides more info re: #Biden’s call today with #Russia’s president, Vladimir #Putin, re: Russia and #Ukraine.

#BREAKING#Biden WH senior admin official provides more info re: #Biden‘s call today with #Russia‘s president, Vladimir #Putin, re: Russia and #Ukraine.#Zelensky
— Devon Heinen (@DevonHeinen) December 31, 2021

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
RT @IntelDoge: Video of shelling reported near Zolote, Luhansk. First bit of video to come out from this shelling.

Video of shelling reported near Zolote, Luhansk. First bit of video to come out from this shelling.
— Doge (@IntelDoge) February 17, 2022

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
He did it!

He did it!
— Aleph א (@no_itsmyturn) February 21, 2022

The post Monday, February 21, 2022 – 2140Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
2 lunatic & bloodthirsty #Dictators in 1 frame!
In fact, #Khamenei#Putin have no legitimacy for their people except in the advertising of government.
Ideologically, Communism & Shiism is the the 2 sides of the same coin. because they have a bitter enmity against the USA!

2 lunatic & bloodthirsty #Dictators in 1 frame!
In fact, #Khamenei#Putin have no legitimacy for their people except in the advertising of government.
Ideologically, Communism & Shiism is the the 2 sides of the same coin. because they have a bitter enmity against the USA!
— Erfan Fard (@EQfard) July 18, 2022

The post Monday, July 18, 2022 – 1348Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets