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Forwarded from Master PollBot | Updates
🆕 Big Update of March/April

New Cool Features
New type of poll: Quiz - Set the right answers, don't show the result and when you close the poll see who answered well.
New option: show more choices in a string on menu.
New setting: Theme - Change theme for graph and others graphics in the Bot.
New Ban-list Setting: @BottinoBot Block-list - Auto-Blocks potentially dangerous users!
New integration: @NoAutoPinBot Block - Leave the poll message shared by channels pinned in groups containing @NoAutoPinBot!

⭐️ New Premium Features
Fixed the bug in "Send To..." after clicking it.
On "Send To..." the Bot show only the channel who has seen!
Fixed the advertising on Premium users polls.

🔁 Minor Changes
Discount in shop title.
(Only if the discount applies to all items)
Now you don't start the Bot to see advertising.
We'll send it to you in dm without start the Bot.
Changed the graph library.

Bug Fixed
Fixed affiliate earning by advertising.
Fixed unban date to banned users.
Fixed the ban/unban of users.
The users list on participation poll faster.
More stability.

#BigUpdate #Update #March #April
Forwarded from Master PollBot | API
🆕 Update of March/April

New Methods
addVote - This method allows you to vote on polls.
(currently limited to vote on your polls)

editVote - This method allows you to edit an already entered vote.
(Multi-choice polls aren't supported yet)

removeVote - This method allows you to remove your vote from a poll.
getSubscribers - Return the numeric value of the registered users in our Database.

New Parameters
status in Poll - Indicates the status of the poll: whether it is open or closed.
participating in Poll - If the poll is a participation, this parameter indicates whether you are participating or not.
privacy in editPoll - Using this parameter you can change a public poll to anonymous
New poll type: Quiz
right_choices - Right choices for quiz-type polls.
web_content_preview in Settings - The link of the web media preview is passed on this field.
theme in graph - You can select the theme for the graph. (light or dark)
monitor_url in status and errors - The link of the uptime monitor.
id in getMe - Added the id field indicating your Telegram ID.

🔁 Changes
Totally refactored our API Documentation. - Now it's more faster, easy to read and finally had the beloved dark theme ("cause light attracts bugs")

Bug Fixed
Fixed choices and settings in createPoll.
Fixed disable_web_content_preview and disable_web_page_preview fields, now is bool.

#BigUpdate #Update #March #April
Forwarded from BotNews
Bot API 6.0

• Added support for Web Apps.
KeyboardButton and InlineKeyboardButton can now be used to launch Web Apps.
• Added control over the bot's menu button via setChatMenuButton and getChatMenuButton.
• Added control over the bot's default admin rights via setMyDefaultAdministratorRights and getMyDefaultAdministratorRights.
• Added support for links to add bots as admins.

• And more, see the full changelog for details:

Warning: After the next update, login_url will only allow HTTPS links.
Forwarded from BotNews
Bot API 6.7

Unlimited Web Apps
Web Apps can now be launched from any chat – to play multiplayer games, work together in groups or create content on the fly.
Launch Web Apps with inline query results or direct links.

Collectible Usernames & Custom Emoji
Collectible usernames can be upgraded and assigned to bots – including usernames that don't end in -bot.
Bots that are using collectible usernames can now send Custom Emoji via HTML and MarkdownV2.

Bot Profile
Users can now edit bots directly from their Telegram profile, including setting a new name, description or animated profile photos.
Introduced support for localized bot names that are shown based on the user's language.

InlineKeyboardButton can now be used to switch to inline mode in any chosen chat for a given type.
The ChatMemberUpdated class now distinguishes joins coming from Shared Folder invite links.

And more, see the full changelog for details:
Forwarded from Telegram Info Italia
La Bot API è stata aggiornata alla versione 6.7

Novità importanti:
• Ora l'applicazione web può essere aperta tramite un link, pulsante inline o modalità inline, non solo nei messaggi privati, ma anche nei gruppi. Questa modifica consente a tutti gli sviluppatori di creare bot web per le chat di gruppo. In precedenza, questa funzione era disponibile solo per quei bot i cui proprietari pagavano per l'integrazione nel menu "Allega". Tuttavia, l'aggiunta di bot al menu "Allega" è ancora possibile solo a pagamento.
• BotFather ora dispone di comandi per la creazione di link per aprire bot web e possono essere passati loro anche parametri URL aggiuntivi. Esempio di collegamento:

Altre novità:
• Aggiunta la possibilità di impostare nomi per i bot diversi per diverse lingue utente utilizzando il metodo setMyName.
• Aggiunta la possibilità di ottenere il nome del bot corrente nella lingua specificata come oggetto della classe BotName utilizzando il metodo getMyName.
• Aggiunta la possibilità di modificare le impostazioni del bot dal suo profilo nelle applicazioni ufficiali di Telegram, inclusa la possibilità di impostare immagini del profilo animate.
• Aggiunto supporto per emoji personalizzate per i bot con username collezionabili.

L'elenco completo delle modifiche si trova sul sito web ufficiale.

#aggiornamento #BotAPI