The Inkling Studios Project
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A page to post art/comics/whatnot relating to The Inkling Studios Project. Ran by @Bakartridge2095.
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Where do we go? Nobody knows
I've gotta say I'm on my way down
God give me style and give me grace
God put a smile upon my face
I really wanna make a proper animation sometime this year, likely for halloween or something
I'll get flash and some friends to help voice act
I say halloween as that's months from now, gives me time to think of a plot, and gives me an excuse to be edgy and bloody also gives me time to get some friends who can voice act for me
The Inkling Studios Project
the big drawing is likely coming saturday or sunday too, i work saturday morning and i'm off completely on sunday
still plan on doing this btw, might do it sometime this week, I work early on friday and saturday
prob gonna do a smaller drawing soon before the bigger one, got a good idea
drawing coming very soon, i don't work again until thursday
It takes my pain away
It's a lie, a kiss with open eyes
And she's not breathing back
Anything but bother me
likely making more ref sheets next month since it's been about a year since the previous ones, both in terms of updating old ones and (mainly) making new ones
To our future fans
In far off lands
Do you want to join our club
We're on the road
It's super-sprode
We'll just ask for one thing more
Come see our tour
You will agree
To sing a-long-long-long with me
wanna get started on making the character page but I really want to make custom art for all my OCs for it (plus need to show off Hawk's redesign first)
not like 3 or 4 drawings per character, just one (or two if needed) showing em off
Mentioned I was gonna do it, but here's Hawk's rework, he's more in line with my other characters now. He's a Tabby now instead of being a Chantilly-Tiffany.
though admittedly this look of his is now more post-hardcore than purely punk but still happy with how he turned out
blog is now up btw, using Dreamwidth and embedding my posts onto the page via RSS, way better than my original plan of making a new page for each post
was planning on both drawing something and working more on my site but got sick, should be fine in a couple days tho
late to adding but my plan (once I get better) is to draw all the art for the character pages, each is gonna have a drawing of the appropriate character along with info, basically a way to show off their current appearance while updating any info from their ref sheets