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🔴 چند کالوکیشن خوب و کاربردی با Measure


1.The government should take drastic measures against the offenders to reduce the crime rate in the country.

2.Scientists believe that all nations need to consider appropriate measures to prevent the production of green house gases in to the air.

3.Employers have to adopt precautionary measures in order to keep worker's safety in high-risk jobs.

4.The use of renewable energy is a necessary measure to protect the environment as much as possible.

👌 فهرست 100 کالوکیشن ضروری نمره 7 رایتینگ آیلتس
It never ..... to me that Mike and Cherie's marriage was in any trouble.
Anonymous Quiz
- struck
- occurred
- concerned
- revealed
- happened
- told
- I am not sure
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✍️ ساختارها و لغات کاربردی برای تسک 1 رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک
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❤️ موفقیت نگار از زبان آموزان سختکوش دوره نیمه خصوصی فشرده آیلتس اردیبهشت 1402:

🏆 نمره 6.5 Overall در تنها 2 ماه طی
#19_جلسه شرکت در دوره نیمه خصوصی از سطح نمره حدودا 5.5 بدون آشنایی با آزمون آیلتس

#اولین_جلسه دوره نیمه خصوصی آیلتس اردیبهشت 1403: تاریخ 5 اردیبهشت 1403
#کل_جلسات برگزار شده پیش از برگزاری آزمون: 19 جلسه
#وضعیت_اشتغال و تایم آزاد: شاغل نبودند با 6 ساعت مطالعه روزانه
#تاریخ_آزمون ماک: شرکت نداشتند
#تاریخ_آزمون اصلی: 1 شنبه 10 تیرماه 1403 (برابر 30 جون 2024)
#سنتر و #فرمت آزمون: کامپیوتری در ایران (سنتر آیلتس تهران)

🎯 نمره هدف = 6.5 آیلتس آکادمیک
🏆 نمره آزمون ماک = در طول دوره شرکت نکردند
🏆 نمره آزمون اصلی = اسپیکینگ 7 ، رایتینگ 6 ، ریدینگ 7 ، لیسنینگ 6.5 و Overall 6.5

👨🏻‍🏫 مدرس: مهندس ابوالقاسمی

❤️ با آرزوی موفقیت های بیشتر برای ایشان

🔷 به زودی تجربیات ایشان به صورت صوتی برای راهنمایی دیگر عزیزان منتشر خواهد شد.
نمونه رایتینگ های نگار در پاسخ به سوالات کمبریج آیلتس 19 آکادمیک در سایت
The building was designed in a .... style that reflects traditional architecture.
Anonymous Quiz
- futuristic
- conventional
- unprecedented
- experimental
- colonial
- novel
- I am not sure

1. Pay by card 💳

2. Pay by cash 💵

3. Pay in installments ⌛️

4. Get a loan 🏦

5. Get into debts 😞

6.Pay off my debts ☺️

7. Rip someone off 🔪

8. Pay interest-free 😍

9. Withdraw 🫴

10. Dedicate a budget
✍️ فهرستی از اسم های خاص و دیگر نام های رایج در آزمون آیلتس (لیسنینگ)

Useful for Listening section

Rose Garden, Orchard Street, the Fifth Avenue, Birch Drive, Sunset Boulevard, Rose Lane, Sea View Hotel, Bayside Hotel, Palm Lounge, Comma House, Gold Street, Central Station, People's Bank, King's Road,48 North Avenue, Northland Street, South Road, Woodside Road


Brazil Greece Greek Latin Austria Malaysia Malaysian New Zealand New Zealander Irish Ireland Welsh Scotland Scotch


Bristol Edinburgh Cambridge Oxford Glasgow Canberra Melbourne Brisbane Adelaide Ottawa Toronto Vancouver Montreal Athens Stockholm Paris Sydney Aucklan Berlin

People’s Names:

Anne, Amy, Barbara, Carol, Catherine,Christina, Cindy, Charlie, Daisy, Diana, Elizabeth, Emily, Emma, Fiona, Gloria, Helen, Jennifer, Janet, Julia, Linda, Margret, Mary, Nancy, Olivia, Rachel, Rebecca, Sally, Sam, Sandy, Sarah, Shirley。 Adam, Alan, Allan, Tony, Bill, Bob, Carl, Chris, Daniel, Edward, Frank, George, Harold, Henry, Jack, Jerry, Jim, Joe, John, Mark, Martin, Max, Neil, Owen, Paul, Philip, Richard, Robert, Robin, Sean, Steven(Stephen), Ted, Thomas, Victor, William, Bill , Adam , Allan , Andrew , Anthony , Austin , Bill , Bob , Brian,Charles , Chris , Christopher , David , Dennis , Donald , Douglas , Edward , Eric , Frank ,George , Henry ,James , Jeffrey , Jeshua , Jim , John ,Joseph ,Kenneth , Jason , Keith, Kevin , Mark , Matthew , Michael, Mike , Nicholas , Patrick , Paul , Peter , Phillip , Reed , Richard , Robert , Roy , Ryan , Sam ,Samuel , Scott , Steven , Thomas , Tom , William , Anna, Amy , Andrea , Barbara , Catherine , Cathy , Charlotte , Christina , Christine , Deborah , Elizabeth , Ellen , Emily , Daisy Hannah , Joan ,Helen Jacqueline Jane , Jennifer , Jessica , Judy , Julia , Julie , Karen , Katherine, Kelly , Laura , Linda , Lisa , Maria , Martha , Mary , Maureen , Megan , Melissa , Michelle , Nicole , pam , Pamela , Phyllis , Rachel ,Samantha , Sarah , Sharon , Susan , Tina , Tracy , Wendy


🔸U.K./the United Kingdom/Great Britain:

London, England, Liverpool, Manchester , Scotland, Sheffield , Birmingham , Coventry , Leeds, Glasgow , Edinburgh , Wales , North Ireland , Belfast, Ireland Dublin


Canberra , Queensland , Brisbane , New South Wales, Sydney , South Australia, Adelaide, Victoria, Melbourne, Western Australia, Perth

🔸New Zealand:




British Columbia

Victoria, Ontario

Vancouver , Alberta , Edmonton , Toronto , Quebec , Montreal

🔸 The United States of America

George Washington , New York , Boston , Chicago , Atlanta , Seattle, Los Angeles/L.A.
✍️ چند لغت و ترکیب آکادمیک همراه با توضیح درباره موضوع #محیط_زیست (رایتینگ و اسپیکینگ آیلتس)

1. Environmental Damage: Discuss how plastic pollution harms wildlife, ecosystems, and contributes to climate change.

2. Health Concerns: Address the potential health risks associated with plastic use, including chemicals leaching into food and water.

3. Economic Impact: Explore the economic costs of plastic pollution, such as cleanup efforts and the loss of tourism revenue in affected areas.

4. Legislation and Policies: Argue for stronger government regulations and policies to limit plastic production and encourage the use of sustainable alternatives.

5. Corporate Responsibility: Emphasize the role of companies in reducing plastic usage through innovative packaging and product designs.

6. Public Awareness Campaigns: Highlight the importance of educating the public on the environmental impact of plastics and promoting behavior change.

7. Sustainable Alternatives: Provide examples of eco-friendly alternatives to plastic, such as reusable bags, biodegradable packaging, and plant-based materials.

8. Recycling and Waste Management: Discuss the importance of improving recycling infrastructure and waste management systems to handle plastic waste more effectively.

9. Community Initiatives: Showcase successful community projects and grassroots movements aimed at reducing plastic use and promoting sustainability.

10. Global Cooperation: Argue for international cooperation and agreements to tackle plastic pollution on a global scale.
❤️ ساختار Convenient alternative برای نمره 7+ آیلتس

✍️ یکی از عبارت های آکادمیک و حرفه ای برای رایتینگ و اسپیکینگ آیلتس ترکیب convenient alternative هست که تقریبا میشه در همه رایتینگ ها به خصوص درباره موضوعاتی که حالت
#مقایسه یا #مزایا و #معایب دارند استفاده کرد.

#معنی این ساختار:
Another method which can be easier or more comfortable to use

🔹 اما نحوه کاربرد در جمله و
#مثال ها:

1️⃣ Online payment platforms are convenient alternatives to cash.

2️⃣ Modern agriculture is a convenient alternative to ineffective methods of our ancestors.

جمله شما 👇👇👇
Modern conditions such as diabetes and alcohol abuse has caused life ...... to fall in some countries.
Anonymous Quiz
- duration
- length
- period
- expectancy
- term
آموزش لغات آیلتس
❤️ ساختار Convenient alternative برای نمره 7+ آیلتس

✍️ یکی از عبارت های آکادمیک و حرفه ای برای رایتینگ و اسپیکینگ آیلتس ترکیب convenient alternative هست که تقریبا میشه در همه رایتینگ ها به خصوص درباره موضوعاتی که حالت
#مقایسه یا #مزایا و #معایب دارند استفاده کرد.

#معنی این ساختار:
Another method which can be easier or more comfortable to use

🔹 اما نحوه کاربرد در جمله و
#مثال ها:

1️⃣ Online payment platforms are convenient alternatives to cash.

2️⃣ Modern agriculture is a convenient alternative to ineffective methods of our ancestors.

جمله شما 👇👇👇
In existentialism, it is argued that people are responsible for, and the .... judge of, their actions.
Anonymous Quiz
- sole
- judicial
- recurrent
- existing
- self
- I am not sure.
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🔫 ویدیو واضح لحظه تیراندازی به ترامپ

✍️ نگاهی به 8 لغت کاربردی در این زمینه:
🔸Assassination attempt: the act of trying to kill someone important

🔹A rally: a mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing support for a cause.

🔸Motive for the shooting: a reason for shooting.

🔹Spectators: people who watch a show, game, or other event.

🔸Critically injured: so badly injured that you might die

🔹To condemn the violence: express complete disapproval of violence

🔸Rally venue: the place wehere the rally was held

🔹Fired multiple shots toward: to make a gun shoot several bullets to...
🔶بسيارى از زبان اموزان در استفاده از ٢ فعل do و make مشكل دارند

به ترکیب خاص واژگان با یکدیگر کالوکیشن يا به فارسى همايند می گوییم. فعل کالوکیت به معناى همراهی کردن با یک لغت مى باشد.
استفاده از کالوکیشن ها در مهارت های writing و speaking آیلتس بسیار موثر و نمره آور خواهد بود زيرا این ترکیبات خاص بیشتر توسط native ها استفاده می شود، در نتيجه استفاده صحيح از آن ها ما را به آن حالت نزدیک می کند.


make a choice
make a decision
make an effort
make friends
make a mistake
make a phone call
make progress
make a change/changes
make a comment/comments
make a contribution to


do your best
do damage
do an experiment
do exercises
do harm
do your hair
do your homework
do shopping
do ironing
do washing
do some work
🔶 چند ساختار کاربردی برای توصیف گروه های سنی در تسک اول رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک

Talking about ages in task 1:

1. People from the 18-39 age group
2. People in the 18-39 age set
3. People aged from 18 to 39
4. Those aged from 18 to 39
5. People who are/were aged 18-39
6. 18-39 age group / category / bracket
7. Individuals within the 18 to 39-year-old range
8. 18 to 39 year-olds
9. 18 to 39 year old people
10. People ages 18 and 39
11. People within the 18-39 demographics
12. The youngest age group / category
13. The oldest age group / category
14. Their younger / older counterparts
15. Their male / female counterparts aged 18-39
16. People belonging to the 18-39 age bracket
17. People aged between 18 and 39
18. People between the ages of 18 and 39

19. Their female counterparts of the same age
✍️ واژه prior در زبان انگلیسی به معنی previous یا ex هست که حالت آکادمیک تری داره اما همه جا قابل جایگزین کردن واژه های یاد شده نیست.

این فهرست بعضی از لغاتی هست که در زبان انگلیسی آکادمیک و آیلتس به خوبی و همیشه با prior همراه میشوند:

Prior knowledge
Prior experience
Prior approval
Prior permission
Prior arrangement
Prior understanding
Prior agreement
Prior notice
Prior commitment
Prior history
Prior involvement
Prior exposure
Prior consent
Prior familiarity
Prior notice

👈 نوبت شما! میتونید با یکی از این ها جمله ای در مورد یکی از تاپیک های رایتینگ آیلتس بنویسید و در گروه بفرستید؟ (ساعت فعالیت 6 تا 10 شب)👇👇👇
✍️ چند سینونیم کاربردی و آکادمیک به خصوص برای پارافریزهای آیلتس
👥 @ielts2Group

1. Opinion: view, perspective, belief
- Example: "Everyone has a different perspective on this issue."

2. Education: schooling, instruction, training
- Example: "Proper schooling is essential for children's development."

3. Technology: innovation, machinery, equipment
- Example: "Modern machinery has revolutionized agriculture."

4. Environment: surroundings, habitat, ecosystem
- Example: "We must protect our natural habitat."

5. Research: study, investigation, analysis
- Example: "The research revealed new insights into the disease."


1. Create: generate, produce, develop
- Example: "The artist can generate beautiful paintings."

2. Destroy: demolish, ruin, devastate
- Example: "The earthquake devastated the entire city."

3. Support: back, endorse, advocate
- Example: "Many people endorse the new policy."

4. Achieve: accomplish, attain, reach
- Example: "She accomplished her goal of graduating with honors."

5. Explain: clarify, elucidate, expound
- Example: "The teacher clarified the complex concept."


1. Old: ancient, elderly, vintage
- Example: "The vintage car was in excellent condition."

2. New: modern, recent, novel
- Example: "The novel approach yielded promising results."

3. Beautiful: attractive, lovely, picturesque
- Example: "The village is known for its picturesque scenery."

4. Ugly: unattractive, unsightly, hideous
- Example: "The building's unsightly exterior was criticized."

5. Quick: rapid, swift, prompt
- Example: "The rapid response of the emergency team saved lives."

❗️More Verbs

1. Improve: enhance, upgrade, refine
- Example: "They upgraded the software to improve performance."

2. Start: begin, initiate, commence
- Example: "The meeting will commence at 10 AM."

3. End: finish, conclude, terminate
- Example: "The project concluded successfully."

4. Find: discover, locate, uncover
- Example: "The archaeologists uncovered ancient artifacts."

5. Hold: grasp, clutch, seize
- Example: "She clutched the handle tightly."
🥸 لغاتی برای توصیف ویژگی های شخصیتی افراد

🗣 Talkative - a person who talks too much.
🌟 Eccentric - unusual and different from others.
😊 Cheerful - a person who is always happy and full of energy.
🤔 Indecisive - a person unable to make a final decision.
🤦 Clumsy - a person who always breaks things.
😟 Anxious / Apprehensive - worries about something.
💪 Assertive - a person who looks confident.
Charming - attractive.
😒 Cynical - a person who does not really believe others.
😏 Egoistic - self-centered; a person who always puts themselves first.
🤷 Gullible - a naive person.
🤨 Self-conscious - a person who is well-aware of their character and problems.
🤗 Sensible - understanding others and their emotions.
🗣 Tactful - very careful while talking with others.
🥰 Well-liked - a person who everybody likes.
🙄 Self-absorbed - a person who is occupied with their feelings and opinions only.
🧘 Well-adjusted - a person who got used to something.
💁 Self-assured - self-confident.
😇 Well-behaved - a person with good behavior.
🎓 Well-bred / Well-brought-up - a person who got good manners and education from their parents.
🏆 Self-congratulatory - showing pride in one’s achievements.
😌 Self-deprecating - modest/humble.
👗 Well-dressed - a person with fine clothing.
🎓 Well-educated - a person with desirable education.
👑 Self-important - a person who always cares the most about himself.
📚 Well-informed - a person who knows a lot of stuff.
🤵‍♂️ Well-mannered - a person with good manners.
💪 Self-reliant - a person who always believes in himself.
🏅 Well-rounded - having a lot of skills.
🤲 Considerate - a person who also cares about others.
😢 Sensitive - emotional/easily influenced by others

🔥 چند عبارت سطح نمره 7.5 تا 8 آیلتس

1️⃣ Once-in-a-lifetime (C1)

2️⃣ It’s easier said than done (C1)

3️⃣ Sleep like a baby (C1)

4️⃣ Give it a shot (C1)

5️⃣ Bad-behaved (C1)

6️⃣ Take it easy (C1)

7️⃣ Who would have thought that (C1)

8️⃣ Think twice (C1)