Forwarded from Phoenix Project of Iran ققنوس
🛑🛑اعلام نتایج #نظرسنجی #نافرمانی_مدنی انجام شده در ماه اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۸به وسیله #پروژه_ققنوس_ايران درباره هزينه نهادهاى #مذهبى در داخل و خارج از #ايران:
Recent poll by #Phoenix_Project_of_Iran with Iranians inside #Iran indicates that 94% “completely disagree” with the government’s expenses over #religious entities inside & outside of #Iran.
Recent poll by #Phoenix_Project_of_Iran with Iranians inside #Iran indicates that 94% “completely disagree” with the government’s expenses over #religious entities inside & outside of #Iran.