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Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

In recent times, there is a constant growth in the amount of the waste we produce. Nevertheless, this discourse delves into the rationale behind this and subsequently, put forward the measures that can be taken by the authorities to thwart this worrying trend.

According to a school of thought, the most common ratiocination behind overproduction of rubbish is probably due to the fact that industries manufacture more disposable items nowadays. In this respect, most of the items that were reused in the past are recently discarded after a single use; thus, building up more waste in the surrounding. For instance, according to the Vanguard newspaper in 2015, disposable items accounted for almost 50% of waste products in London. In addition to this, another reason could be lack of interest in recycling waste. Put differently, people are relunctant about sorting their waste products and sending them to recycling companies. This; therefore,add up to the amount of refuse in our environs.

On the other side of the coin, could there be any panacea to this worrisome development? Certainly, it follows that the authorities should make laws that will oblige the masses to recycle their refuse, failure of which should attract penalties. Additionally, the government can also regulate the production of disposables by limiting it to necessary items such as medical equipment.

In conclusion, having explored both perspectives, it is evident that the rise in the manufacture of disposables and lackadaisical attitude of people towards recycling are the reasons for the growth in environmental waste. However, the government can arrest this menace by creating laws to recycle refuse and reduce the amount of disposables produced.


...put [puts] forward...or will subsequently put forward

...most of the items that were...are [were] recently discarded...

TA = 7.5
CC = 7.5
LR = 7.5
GRA = 6.5

BS = 7.5

Good job!

#sample #essay #writing
In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantage of young people who decide to do this.

In some parts of the world, youngsters are advised that either work or travel for a year after college before furthering their education in the university. Nevertheless, this discourse looks into the boons and pitfalls associated with this trend, accordingly.

According to a school of thought, the major plus point of taking a break after high school to either get a job or migrate to a different location is probably to earn money in order to take care of their financial needs when they start studies in the high institution. Put differently, students work and save money to help life some financial burden off their parents. In addition to this, another reason could likely be to acquire soft skills. In this respect, scholars volunteer to work in organizations where they learn important life skills such as interpersonal skills, which sets them apart and increase their chances of getting admitted into the school of their choice. To illustrate this, out of the myriad of students that apply each year at the Cambridge university, about 10% are chosen based on their extracurricular qualities, according to Vanguard newspaper,2012.

On the flip side, could there be a downside related to this scenario? Certainly, it follows that one of the main drawback to this trend is probably that students lose interest in their academic pursuit during this period. Students tend to concentrate on their newly found interest when they are out of school for a long time especially when it gives them financial freedom. For instance, according to a survey carried out at the institute of information, university of London (2013), about 60% of students who took a break to either work or travel, never returned to school.

In conclusion, despite the plus points of earning a living and developing skills, working or traveling after secondary education before beginning university studies has a negative effect of students losing focus in their academic ambition.


... youngsters are advised that [to] either...

[Always endeavour to re-read your work as many times as possible in order to be able to fix lapses/slips of this kind.] the high [higher] institution help life some financial burden off their parents. [Construction not quite clear... A bit awkward.]

TA = 8
CC = 7
LR = 8
GRA = 6.5

BS = 7.5

Fantastic job! Keep it up!

Meanwhile, diligently effect the corrections, and further explore some other correlative conjunctions (such as "both/and, not only/but also, as [well] as, neither/nor, etc.,) in order to boost your grammar range.

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#Health #essay #sample
"Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? .
The prophylactic initiatives have been playing a superior role to protect people against diseases rather than finding remedies for them since the ancient time. The argument whether a nation's financial blueprint should be deflected towards the protective steps from medicaments โ€“ has become a moot point. Notwithstanding, this disquisition delves into these both standpoints, and subsequently will explore my own perspective, accordingly.

Apparently, the exponents that postulate that pre-emptive operations must get a substantial part of the forecast, and should be carried out by the authorities to abbreviate the ailment โ€“ have their justification. The rationalization behind their argument might due to the fact that public edification by arranging awareness campaigns can proliferate the importance of hygienic practice in communities; hence, the chances of outbreaks of the deadliest illnesses can be diminished to a great degree. Additionally, researching methods for therapy may take years of practice and experiments to find its positive effects; nonetheless, it may not able to find medical care at all. To epitomize, human science has been investigating a perfect therapeutics for malignant illnesses, such as cancer, and autoimmune disorders, from past many decades, but still there are no successful drugs available in the market that can cure the disease completely. Thus, the vindication for precautionary measures.

Conversely, could the contenders that opine that ministrations only the best option to make the world healthy, be absolutely right? Certainly, it follows that some fatal ailments like heart disorder and stroke need spontaneous treatment than allocating on protection. Moreover, if a large share of the budget will be designated to find a cure than in a short period of time, a country would have the best control on these kinds of diseases. According to one survey by the Chronicle Journal, in 2009, 5% of indigenous people in the rural part of Canada died due to lack of emergency facilities in a hospital, where the government could not provide it.

To conclude, having explored both vantage points, I am in perfect alignment with the school of thought that maintains that obstructive actions ought to be given priority to enlighten civilians, for the sake of lessening outspread of disease, and to improve the quality of healthy environment; however, enough statement should be devoted to pivotal treatments for emergency situations as well.


...has [no doubt/unarguably] become a moot point.

[Or ...has metamorphosised/transmuted into a moot point.]

[Note that it makes sense to incorporate these 'filters' in order to avoid the tendency to over-generalize.]

... might [be] due to... [Always re-read your work.]

Conversely, ...ministrations [of what?] ... [is?] only the best option...[Again, another vague construction... Kindly further simplify to clarify things.] Chronicle Journal in 2019, ...[take note of where the comma is placed]

obstructive actions [precautionary, preemptive, preventative, inhibitory actions]

See PRECISION in vocabulary.

TA = 7.5

CC = 6.5

LR = 7 [Although the lexical resources explored mostly sound quite unnatural and/or not way too skilfully managed, it follows that they are largely less common (rare) constructions.]

GRA = 6.5

BS = 7

Quite impressed that this actually achieved 7 this time.

Credits: IELTSGrammarPoint

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#Globalization | #ForeignTrade - Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? (IELTS 10, AC)

Essay #10

Many products are available in the local markets makes the countries equivalent. Whether or not this trend is a boon - is a moot point; thus, in this discourse, both viewpoints, among others, will be explored, in turns.

From one perspective, some supporters argue that one of the core benefits of availability of counterfeit products in many countries might be the best quality products at competitive price for the residence. In addition to that, no one can claim the monopoly in any region. Also, new invented products by different countries can be employed at work without much delay. The rationale behind their reasoning might be the availability of similar products in different countries provide similar standard of living and create equal opportunity to deploy the tools for their aid. To epitomise, nowadays there is no much difference in lifestyle of people who are leaving in a city of the United Nation and in a rural area of India.

Conversely, could there be downsides to this argument? Of course, it follows that there are high chances of sale of duplicate products of reputed brands. In addition to that, people of poor country may attract to spend on precious products and inventions of developed countries which lead them to high cost of leaving unknowingly. Also, this also motivate some to involve in crime to enjoy luxurious life. To illustrate, in India, recently, a gang was caught by the police who was robbing the houses to afford the precious mobiles and cars.

To conclude, having explored both slants, it is evident that enormous boons eclipse the negative sides. Therefore, it is a positive prospect.


Many products are available in the local markets makes the countries equivalent.


It is unarguable that many [foreign] products could now be bought in the local markets, and against this backdrop/background, the world has no doubt turned/metamorphosed into a global village. Band 7.5

In addition to this, [Put differently,]

...which [may/might/could] lead them to...[result in]

...high cost of leaving [living]

TA = 7.0
CC = 7
LR = 7
GRA = 6

BS = 7

Good job!

Credits: IELTS Grammar Point

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#writing #task2 #essay #assessment

To succeed in a business, one needs to know maths.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Running an effective business requires some calculations which made some people believe that an entrepreneur needs mathematical skills in order to operate a successful business. Notwithstanding, this discourse delves into both point of views, and subsequently will put forward reasons why I disagree with the view.

Calculation is essential in day to day activities of every establishment, and the sole purpose why most people feel that an extensive knowledge in mathematics is invaluable for any business to excel. For instance, estimating work profit and loss, quantity of goods or services required, and fixed and recurrent expenditures involves daily computation by a skilled personnel. Therefore, if the manager or owner of an investment have little or zero understanding of mathematics, there is a high possibility that the trade might collapse from mismanagement.

On the other hand, does it mean that there is a significant chance that most striving businesses might fail due to owner's incompetence in maths? Personally, I think that mathematics is undoubtedly an inconsequential skill for most determined business persons. By this I mean that some individuals, who are specialized in this vocation such as mathematicians, could be graciously employed to handle the everyday calculations needed in the job. Moreover, there are other crucial properties that most entrepreneur require to maintain a profitable merchandise. For instance, studies have shown that managerial and innovative talents are definitely substantial in building up a great business.

In conclusion, having explored both stand points, I reiterate that maths is immensely vital in growth of a business, but this skill can easily be filled by a professional. Beside, possessing other skills are equally indispensable for most excellent businessmen or women.

#Assessment by John Bosco

Running an effective business "requires" some calculations which "made" [makes] some people "believe" that an entrepreneur "needs" mathematical skills...

[See verb-tense consistency rule!! Also not that "Running an effective business..." here is taken to be a singular subject which must equally agree with its singular (verb) object (i.e. "requires", "makes".]

...most entrepreneur [entrepreneurs]

[See Quantifiers.] growth of a business [in "the" growth of a business or in growing a business

See Articles and Determiners.]

TA = 7.0
CC = 6.5
LR = 6.5
GRA = 6.5

BS = 6.5

Good attempt!

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#ielts #speaking #check #assessment
Checklist for Speaking Assessment

โœ… Use grammatical constructions such as โ€œUsed toโ€ and โ€œgoing toโ€
You know Iโ€™ve been living in Tashkent for 6 years but before I used to live in Samarkand

โœ… Use variety of tenses and aspects (past, present, future, simple, continuous and perfect)
I have known him for a long period of time
When I came she was preparing dinner

โœ… Start every single response with lead-in cohesive devices.
You know, Well, So, Actually, Naturally, Telling you the truth, Being Honest, Speaking Frankly, Traditionally, Basically, Fortunately, Luckily and etc

โœ… Use Phrasal verbs ( look after, to make sm1โ€™s mind up, look like, take after, and etc)

โœ… Use Idiomatic language ( to be on the top of the world, to be browned off, to be out of spirit, to be full in spirit, to be on cloud nine and etc)

โœ… Use modals and modal verb like verbs ( can, could, should, have to, ought to, to be supposed to, manage to, to be able to)

โœ… Use Conditional Sentences
If I were him, I wouldnโ€™t do in this way
If I had millions of dollars, I would buy an island
If I had known that, I wouldnโ€™t have done it for sure
If only I could fly

โœ… Use complex sentences
Instead of saying I like it because X, say for example
The reason why I like playing chess is I guess due to the fact that my dad used to be a professional chess player
Or The part that I like most about this story isโ€ฆ..

ยฉBarno Mukimova

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