Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧
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We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aid and empower Hongkongers in Britain.

It is the first Hongkongers expat/diaspora and community-building group set up in the UK after 2019.

Disclaimer: https://www.hongkongers.org.uk/disclaimer
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過去兩個月,#英國港僑協會 持續跟進及協助 被襲受害人 Bob Chan 及 #捍衛港人陣線 爭取 #合理待遇,並期望事件得到 #妥善處置,保障 #在英港人#安全#自由不受侵犯。由於六名涉嫌 #人身襲擊 的時任 #中共外交官 仍 拒絕配合 #英國警方調查,並 #奉召回國,本會在未來仍會持續關注事態,要求 #英國外交#司法 部門 #體面 地窮盡及完成所有程序及措施,讓 #法治#公義 被伸張且看見。

就有關事態,港僑會 創辦人 的分析及評論如下:https://youtu.be/i8CQkfzBnus

Hongkongers in Britain (HKB) has continued to follow up and assist the victim Bob Chan and the Hong Kong Indigenous Defence Force to fight for reasonable treatment. The #manchester incident should be properly handled and the #safety and #freedom in the UK shouldn't be trampled. Since the six CCP #diplomats who are suspected of #assault refused to cooperate with the UK #police #investigation and were recalled back to China, HKB will continue to pay attention to the situation and ask the British #diplomatic and #judicial departments to exhaust and complete all procedures and measures with #dignity, so that the rule of #law and #justice are upheld and seen.

The analysis and comments of HKB founder are as follows: https://youtu.be/i8CQkfzBnus
Media is too big
#英國港僑協會 創辦人 #鄭文傑 接受 《#泰晤士報》 電台採訪,回應 #香港國安警察 #懸紅通緝 至少八名海外民主活動人士。 

鄭強烈讉責港警惡行,港人民主訴求絕不會因恫嚇而卻步,涉及 #侵害人權 的中港官員、警察、檢方、法官均應受到 #制裁

HKB founder Simon Cheng was interviewed by The #Times Radio, responding to the Hong Kong National Security Police's arrest warrants with bounty to at least eight overseas democracy activists.

Cheng strongly condemns the evil actions of the Hong Kong police. Hong Kong people's democratic demands will never be deterred by intimidation. Chinese Hong Kong #officials, #police, #prosecutors, and #judges involved in human rights violations should all be #sanctioned.
Media is too big
#英國港僑協會 創辦人 #鄭文傑 接受 #英國廣播公司 (#BBC) 採訪,回應 #香港國安警察 #懸紅通緝 至少八名海外民主活動人士。 

鄭強烈讉責港警惡行,港人民主訴求絕不會因恫嚇而卻步,涉及 #侵害人權 的中港官員、警察、檢方、法官均應受到 #制裁

HKB founder Simon Cheng was interviewed by #BBC News, responding to the Hong Kong National Security Police's arrest warrants with bounty to at least eight overseas democracy activists.

Cheng strongly condemns the evil actions of the Hong Kong police. Hong Kong people's democratic demands will never be deterred by intimidation. Chinese Hong Kong #officials, #police, #prosecutors, and #judges involved in human rights violations should all be #sanctioned.
柴郡警務總監 John Dwyer 邀請香港人提出意見

Cheshire, Halton & Warrington Race & Equality Centre、柴郡東香港人、英國港僑協會同 Hong Kong in Chester將會於 2023 年 12 月 7 號與柴郡警務總監會面,反映柴郡 ( 包括 Cheshire East、Cheshire West and Chester、Halton 及 Warrington ) 香港人喺警務上嘅需要,例如大家經歷過嘅罪案、歧視、仇恨犯罪、打手指模等等。如果大家有諗法想我哋代為反映,請於 2023 年 12 月 6 日或之前,盡快聯絡我哋其中一個組織。

CHAWREC : Lydia@chawrec.org.uk / Lionel@chawrec.org.uk柴郡東香港人 Cheshire East Hongkongers : cheshireeast.hkers@gmail.com
英國港僑協會 Hongkongers in Britain : alex.mak@hongkongers.org.ukHong Kong in Chester : eric.yip@hkinchester.org

#英國港僑協會 #移英港人 #移民英國 #BNO #northwestengland #英格蘭西北 #hongkongese #香港語 #HKB #cheshire #柴郡 #chester #車士打 #cheshireeast #柴郡東 #cheshirewest #柴郡西 #warrington #窩靈頓 #halton #呵頓 #police #crime #commissioner #PCC #PCCC #警務總監 #聽取意見 #英國 #警察