⚡️ A completely new feature appears for the first time in HeroesTD.
⏰ GOLDEN HOUR - where the talented heroes of HeroesTD gather. Fierce PK battles will happen here and this is where the top heroes will rise to take their positions.
🔥 Every day, within the time frame from 1 - 3am UTC and 1 - 3pm UTC, the User who wins in PVP mode will receive x2 RP.
🥰 Golden Hour will be where everyone gathers to increase their position in the rankings. How about you? Have you prepared a strategy to win? Please let the HeroesTD Team know.
#HeroesTD #GoldenHour
⚡️ A completely new feature appears for the first time in HeroesTD.
⏰ GOLDEN HOUR - where the talented heroes of HeroesTD gather. Fierce PK battles will happen here and this is where the top heroes will rise to take their positions.
🔥 Every day, within the time frame from 1 - 3am UTC and 1 - 3pm UTC, the User who wins in PVP mode will receive x2 RP.
🥰 Golden Hour will be where everyone gathers to increase their position in the rankings. How about you? Have you prepared a strategy to win? Please let the HeroesTD Team know.
#HeroesTD #GoldenHour