Herbalist Announcements
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We protect Rare Herb Farmers using Blockchain technology and make Rare Herbs accessible to everyone by creating a Farmer to Consumer Marketplace.
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Hello Herbalist Token (HERB) Community,
Herbalist Token HERB Staking Form


Please register to our telegram address. Our new airdrob will start in ten days.

Telegram English Group: https://t.me/Herbalist_Token

NEW Airdrop Form:............................................................................

Our investors with 1 million HERB Token will receive extra tokens from the activities of our partners.
90 days registration to HERB Staking Form is mandatory.
Herbalist Announcements pinned «Hello Herbalist Token (HERB) Community, Herbalist Token HERB Staking Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiJ_5mWVu1q_xlB96o1KLy_XQJbc6BK2tR97r2qIv9JDpyDA/viewform //AIRDROP// Please register to our telegram address. Our new airdrob will start…»
Dear Herbalist Token community,

In order to reach a wider audience, we start many organizations one after the other.

We are starting two separate votes for our new global market.
1) Starting from tomorrow, we will review the names you will propose for the name of our market and open 5 names to vote.
2) The second vote will be made for us to choose our logo.
We will vote on the logo work for our market.
We will use the winning logo in our market.
Until 18 August, the name and logo work will continue. 5 names and 5 logos will be submitted for voting. The voting will end on 23 August. Those who participate in this organization will be rewarded. In addition, those who offer first name and logo will be awarded an extra *.
Our new market will be opened on August 28th.

Note: With the opening of the market, all our investors will see that we are in a completely different formation.


Website: https://www.herbalisttoken.com ( NEWS )
Herbalist Marketplace: https://www.herbalisttoken.com/markets
Twitter: https://twitter.com/herbalistoken
Telegram English Group: https://t.me/Herbalist_Token
bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5099693.0
CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/herbalist-token
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0diCyofE-E
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herbalistoken
Instegram: https://www.instagram.com/herbalisttoken
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/herbalistcoin/herbalist-token
Dear Herbalist Token Community,

as you can see, we are creating many initiatives for Herbalist Token and its investors.

We are in contact with two exchanges that are larger than the hotbit exchange.

We are planning to list on fourth largest exchange in Korea where we are expected to make some payments.

Agreements will be signed when Herbalist Token price exceeds 15 Gwei.

The current price of our token will soon be a history as all time low because we are working on many things that will bring good value to our tokens.

As the Herbalist family, we thank you for your support in the bitcointalk form.


Thank you for your interest in voting.
We are voting to determine the name of our global market with our community. Those who participate in the voting and do all the tasks will win 5000HERB&2 ELLA


We would like to thank our investors for the purchases in Mercatox exchange.
Our work will continue without interruption.
