01.02.2024 @ 09 : 05 hrs CET
🔥 Feuer und #BauernProteste vor dem EU-Parlament in Brüssel
🔥 Fire and #FarmersProtest in front of the EU Parliament in Brussels
🔥 Incendi e proteste degli #agricoltori davanti al Parlamento UE a Bruxelles
🔥 Incendies et #AgriculteursEnColere devant le Parlement européen à Bruxelles
🔥 Incendios y protestas de #campesinos frente al Parlamento de la UE en Bruselas
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Reuters Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA-IBj2Vd9Q
#BauernProteste2024 #FarmersProtest2024 #NoFarmersNoFood
01.02.2024 @ 09 : 05 hrs CET
🔥 Feuer und #BauernProteste vor dem EU-Parlament in Brüssel
🔥 Fire and #FarmersProtest in front of the EU Parliament in Brussels
🔥 Incendi e proteste degli #agricoltori davanti al Parlamento UE a Bruxelles
🔥 Incendies et #AgriculteursEnColere devant le Parlement européen à Bruxelles
🔥 Incendios y protestas de #campesinos frente al Parlamento de la UE en Bruselas
Reuters Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA-IBj2Vd9Q
#BauernProteste2024 #FarmersProtest2024 #NoFarmersNoFood
LIVE: Belgian tractors park up in front of the EU Parliament | REUTERS
Belgian tractors park up in front of the EU Parliament during a day of protests while EU leaders meet in the city.
#tractor #protest #Belgium #live #Reuters #news
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#tractor #protest #Belgium #live #Reuters #news
Keep up with the latest news from around the world: https://www.reuters.com/
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