الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ - Habib Omar
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*💫 #شاهد #Watch :*

🌟 *من الذين وصفهم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بأنهم إخوانه وودّ رؤيتهم ؟ الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ*

🎙 *Who are the ones whom the Prophet ﷺ described as his brothers and whom he loved to see?*

مترجم إلى تسع لغات : #الانجليزية #الاندونيسية #الفرنسية #الالمانية #الاسبانية #الاوردية #السواحلية #الروسية #التركية

With subtitle in 9 languages : #English #Indonesian #French #Deutsch #Spanish #Urdu #Swahili #Russian #Turkish


🌀 لمتابعة الصفحات الرسمية للعلامة الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ:

🌐 الموقع الرسمي:

🗳 تيلي جرام :


🐤 تويتر:

👤 فيس بوك:

🏞 انستغرام:
🌙 The best way to welcome Ramadan is through excellence and by being attached to the people of excellence. The source of excellence, its reality and foundation, as mentioned by the master of all people of excellence, is "To worship Allah as if you see Him."

💡 Feeling Ramadan's approach requires that you be as if you see the One who made fasting Ramadan an obligation, the One who gave you unique gifts in this month—He is Allah. Your joy with Ramadan for Allah's sake is the joy of one who sees Allah—as if you see Allah. He, Glorious is He, sees what is in your heart in the month in which He made fasting an obligation upon you.

Our portion of Allah's generosity in this month and Allah's beneficence for its people is in accordance to the degree of our reverence, love, and joy for Ramadan.

🎙 *Al-Habib Omar bin Hafidh (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)*

(مترجم باللغة #الانجليزية - #English )

*💫 #شاهد #Watch :*

*🌙 الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ : التهيؤ للشهر الكريم وجود الله في أول ليلة - ليلة النظرة :*

*Al-Habib 'Umar bin Hafiz: Preparing to Welcome Ramadan*

(مترجم باللغات: #الانجليزية #الملايوية #الفرنسية #الالمانية #الاسبانية #الماليالامية #الامهرية #السواحلية With Subtitle in: #English #Malay #French, #Deutsch #Spanish #Malayalam #Amharic and #Swahili)

🔻 بالتفصيل : الحبيب عمر يوضح مهاماً ينبغي للمؤمن أن يهتم بها في رمضان ليغنم الخير فيه


🌀لمتابعة الصفحات الرسمية للعلامة الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ:

🌐 الموقع الرسمي:

🗳 تيلي جرام :



👤فيس بوك:

🏞 انستغرام:
💬 *العلامة الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ:*

🌟 *استقبلوا ذكرى شهر ميلاد الحبيب، بصدقِ الوِجهة، وتنمية الإيمان والمحبة واليقين وحسن الاتباع.. ازجلوا بالصلاة والسلام عليه، نوِّروا بها قلوبكم ونوِّروا بها دياركم.. شرِّفوا ديارَكم واعمروها بالصلاة على النبي محمد، وبذكر مولده وسيرته وأخباره.. صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم.*

◀️ *مترجم إلى ست عشرة لغة:*
#الانجليزية، #الاندونيسية، #الصينية، #الفرنسية، #الاسبانية، #الالمانية، #الايطالية، #السواحلية، #الصومالية، #الامهرية، #الاردو، #الماليالامية، #التايلندية، #الهوسية، #التركية، #الروسية

*⃣ *Translated into 16 Languages:*
#English, #Indonesian, #Chinese, #French, #Spanish, #Deutsch, #Italian, #Swahili, #Somali, #Amharic, #Urdu, #Malayalam, #Thai, #Hausa, #Turkish, & #Russian.

▪️ https://omr.to/Rabie-Tr
▪️ https://t.me/HabibOmar/19513
مترجم باللغة #الانجليزية - Translated into #English
🎙 Habib ʿUmar Bin Hafiz was asked, *"How do we take advantage of the virtues of Rajab? And what should we do in this month?"*

🤲🏼 He, may Allah preserve him, said, *"Sayyidunā ʿAli ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be well pleased with him) used to devote himself entirely to worship during the first night of the month of Rajab.* It is a virtuous night, and it has been narrated that it is one of the night in which duʿa is answered.

💫 It has been authentically narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ would fast in Rajab, and that he honored, glorified, and revered the month. Abu al-Hasan ʿAli bin Muhammad al-Ribʿi narrated (with a chain of narration of reliable narrators) that ʿUrwa asked Sayyidunā ʿAbdullah ibn ʿUmar (may Allah be well pleased with them both), *'Did the Messenger of Allah ﷺ fast in Rajab?'* He replied, *'Yes, and he would honor the month.'* [Suyuti] He would fast in Rajab and honor this noble month. He called it the singular month from among the sacred months. He said in a Hadith, *'Abundantly ask for forgiveness (_istighfār_) in Rajab, for truly Allah has, in every hour of it, people he releases from the Fire.'* [Daylami] O Allah, make us of its elect people. O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Shaʿban and allow us to reach Ramadan, and assist us in fasting and night prayer.

*Therefore, one must abundantly seek Allah's forgiveness and become realized in repentance in Rajab.*

🌟 They would say that Rajab is the month of planting seeds, Shaʿban is the month of watering the seed, and Ramadan is the month of harvest. The one who doesn't plant seeds, how can he water them? One who doesn't plant nor water the seeds, how can he harvest?

🌙 *So Rajab is the month of planting seeds:*
▪️ Seeking forgiveness (_istighfār_) and turning to Allah the Exalted in repentance
▪️ True resolve to draw closer to Allah
▪️ Looking in on relatives and neighbors
▪️ Taking advantage of giving charity in Rajab
▪️ Fasting some of the days of Rajab, even if three days, if not more
▪️ For whoever is able to, slaughtering a sacrificial animal for Allah the Exalted in Rajab, which is the ʿAtira, and in Dhul Hijja it is called the Udhiya. So in Rajab it is called ʿAtira. *'It is upon every household to sacrifice an animal in Rajab and an animal on [Eid] al-Adha.'* [Abu Dawud] For whoever it is easy for.

🔸 The first night has a special virtue. Also, the commemoration of the Night Journey and Ascension (_Isra' wa Miʿraj_) that contains lessons and meanings. Most are of the opinion that it is on the 27th night of Rajab.

( مترجم باللغة #الانجليزية Translated into #English )

🌟 *Rajab is the month of sowing the seeds, Shaʿban is the month of watering them, and Ramadan is the month of harvesting.*

Therefore, one must sow the seeds well, truly turning back to Allah (tawba) in Rajab, and cutting off all disliked (makruh) things in addition to the forbidden (haram).

We then water the seeds in Shaʿban with yearning, love, and sending abundant blessings (salawat) upon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Then the harvest of mercy, forgiveness, and being set free from the Fire comes in Ramadan.

🌙 *O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Shaʿban, and allow us to reach Ramadan.*

🤲🏼 Allow us to suffice with little sleep, make it the most blessed month for us and for all the people of Islam, and open the door of relief for the Muslims in this month.

*⃣ ( مترجم إلى اللغة
#الانجليزية Translated into #English)

💬 *AlHabib Omar Bin Hafidh*

مترجم إلى اللغة #الانجليزية - Translated into #English
*💫 #شاهد #Watch :*

*🌙 الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ : التهيؤ للشهر الكريم وجود الله في أول ليلة - ليلة النظرة :*

*Al-Habib Omar bin Hafidh: Preparing to Welcome Ramadan*


(مترجم باللغات:
#الانجليزية #الملايوية #الفرنسية #الالمانية #الاسبانية #الماليالامية #الامهرية #السواحلية With Subtitle in: #English #Malay #French, #Deutsch #Spanish #Malayalam #Amharic and #Swahili)

🔻 بالتفصيل : الحبيب عمر يوضح مهاماً ينبغي للمؤمن أن يهتم بها في رمضان ليغنم الخير فيه


🌀لمتابعة الصفحات الرسمية للعلامة الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ:

🌐 الموقع الرسمي:

🗳 تيلي جرام :



👤فيس بوك:

🏞 انستغرام: