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HongKongers in Leeds
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More Info on Campaign for ‘Hong Kong 47’:
Twitter: https://x.com/standwithhk47?s=21&t=9Ku3k_HKzB9yBrIl2zqh7g
Telegram: https://t.me/standwithHK47

#HK47 #NotGuilty #SaveJimmyLai #SaveHKPoliticalPrisoners #今日好多中國人影我哋呀 #期待係小紅書出Post

Hongkongers in Leeds
Thank you so much for standing in solidarity with us during our flash mob silent protest for the "Hong Kong 47" case. As locals strolled by the Christmas market, we stood in silence, taking a moment to connect with them, raise awareness about political prosecution in Hong Kong, and amplify the voices advocating for justice.

Numerous locals were left utterly stunned, expressing surprise at the fact that merely fighting for freedom and democracy may lead to a life sentence. The shockwave hit hard, propelling them to support our cause, sharing photos on social media with hashtags such as #SaveHKPoliticalPrisoners, #SaveJimmyLai, #HK47, and #NotGuilty.

As the trial of the 47 people begins, we aim to capture public attention through various activities and persist in supporting political prisoners in Hong Kong. Stay tuned to our social platforms for updates!

For more details on the “Hong Kong 47” campaign:
Twitter: https://x.com/standwithhk47?s=21&t=9Ku3k_HKzB9yBrIl2zqh7g
Telegram: https://t.me/standwithHK47

Hongkongers in Leeds
47 人案已於日前(29/11/23)開審並正處理雙方結案陳詞,預計審訊時間為十日,結案陳詞後將進行審判。



為此,繼較早前快閃默站行動後,為能有更多人參與行動,引起我們身邊港人及本地人的討論,"Everyone, everywhere, all save Hong Kong political prisoners" 行動即將展開。

大家可以透過是次行動之參與組織領取「透明卡」,於各地景點影相打卡(建議選擇旅遊景點以增加是次活動曝光率),再加上以下Hashtags :
#SaveHKPoliticalPrisoners #SaveJimmyLai

有關領取透明卡的詳情,請留意我們Telegram Channel 及各參與組織之公布!
The trial of the Hong Kong 47 resumed on 29/11/23 with the start of closing arguments, expected to last for ten days. After these arguments, the trial is likely to proceed to a verdict. The individuals involved in this case greatly need ongoing support from us. Furthermore, it is important to exert pressure on the UK government to address the repeated breaches of the Sino-British Joint Declaration by CCP and Hong Kong authorities.

Our upcoming action:
"Everyone, everywhere, all save Hong Kong political prisoners."

Participants can obtain transparent cards from the participating organisations and take photos at various landmarks in their areas, add hashtags #SaveHKPoliticalPrisoners #SaveJimmyLai #NotGuilty #HK47 #(name of landmark) when sharing on social media. We also encourage everyone to spread the word, aiming to raise awareness in society through word of mouth.

For details on how to obtain the transparent cards, please stay tuned to announcements from the participating organisations!











自英國推出BNO visa 計劃以來,十數萬香港人由香港移居英國。英國本地人究竟對我們了解有幾多?他們知道香港同英國的淵源,知道是甚麼驅使香港人到英國重新建立家園嗎?


參展藝術家 (跟英文字母次序排列)
-Bowie @bowie_art_
-Jade (玉丸) @jadepearls_
-Justin Wong (黃照達) @little_pink_man
-Lumli Lumlong (淋漓淋浪) @lumlilumlong_
-Ricker Choi @ricker_choi

在此特別鳴謝 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg 贊助今次藝術作品展。

藝術作品展將於Leeds City Museum 展出,暫定於四月十六日對公眾開放,詳情請繼續留意列斯手足連線的公布!

HongKongers in the UK:
A Journey of Hope and Resilience
Art Exhibition

Since the announcement of the BNO visa scheme, tens of thousands of HongKongers have moved from their homeland to the UK. How much do you know about us? Do you know what drives us to move to the UK?

We have invited five artists from Hong Kong to tell the story of the Hong Kong diaspora. We hope that through artworks, we can let you know about the stories of Hong Kongers, which are stories of hope and resilience.

Participating artists (in alphabetical order):
-Bowie @bowie_art_
-Jade (玉丸) @jadepearls_
-Justin Wong (黃照達) @little_pink_man
-Lumli Lumlong (淋漓淋浪) @lumlilumlong_
-Ricker Choi @ricker_choi

Special thanks to 我地 NGO DEI @ngodeiorg for sponsoring this art exhibition.

The art exhibition will be held at Leeds City Museum, open to the public from 16 April to 2 June tentatively. Please stay tuned to our social media for updates!

HongKongers in Leeds
列斯手足連線 - 🔅公海頻道🔅 pinned «移英港人-希望與不屈的進行曲 藝術作品展預告 自英國推出BNO visa 計劃以來,十數萬香港人由香港移居英國。英國本地人究竟對我們了解有幾多?他們知道香港同英國的淵源,知道是甚麼驅使香港人到英國重新建立家園嗎? 列斯手足連線邀請到五位來自香港的藝術家,向英國本地人以作品訴說香港人的故事,以藝術觸動大家的心靈,希望在各人心中演奏出一首由香港人譜出的希望與不屈的進行曲。 參展藝術家 (跟英文字母次序排列) -Bowie @bowie_art_ -Jade (玉丸) @jadepearls_ -Justin…»
香港人2003 年齊心抗23條惡法,豈料21年後嘅今日,喺港共踢走所有反對聲音之下光速通過惡法。 23 條以國家安全為理由,肆意踐踏香港人嘅人權同自由,更甚者株連九族,以隱匿叛國為由推廣篤灰,將香港徹底變成一個共產黨統治下嘅一個內地城市。

各位身處海外嘅香港人,必定都對廿三條立法義憤填膺。 全球各地都有港人組織於3月23日企出嚟發聲!列斯手足連線亦會響應號召,於當日舉辦街站,我哋呼籲所有香港人一齊企出嚟聲討中共港共政權,反對廿三條立法!

日期: 三月二十三日 (星期六)
時間: 12:00 - 14:00
地點: Leeds Art Gallery 外 (LS1 3AA)

Hongkongers in Leeds
21 years ago, over 500,000 HongKongers took to the streets to oppose the enactment of the notorious Article 23 in 2003. However, despite the outcry, the Hong Kong government swiftly passed Article 23 yesterday after silencing all opposition. This law infringes upon the human rights and freedoms of HongKongers under the guise of "National Security." Furthermore, it introduces the offense of "misprision of treason," fostering a culture of reporting on family and friends for treason, effectively transforming Hong Kong into an authoritarian city.

As HongKongers living overseas, we are enraged by the passage of Article 23. There have been numerous protests worldwide on 23/3 against Article 23. HongKongers in Leeds are planning to organise an assembly alongside other cities to demonstrate unity. Let's stand up and oppose Article 23!

Date 23 March (Sat)
Time: 12:00-14:00
Location: Outside Leeds Art Gallery (LS1 3AA)
Please prepare your own demonstration props

Hongkongers in Leeds

星期六嘅街站會移師到Briggate (Debenhams 外)(LS1 6LX)舉行,請大家留意!




Heads up! Our Saturday assembly will now take place at Briggate (outside Debenhams) (LS1 6LX).

We aim to explain the ongoing situation in Hong Kong to the locals, while also making our voices heard loud and clear. Please bring along your own protest materials to vividly express our collective frustration and discontent to the world. 🤬🤬

See you there!