Forwarded from Friends of VSSDM.Org
全球10.1 齊齊抗共
日期: 10月1日(星期六)
時間: 2PM
地點: 3380 固蘭湖街 (Granville Street), 中領館門前
1. Friends of Canada and India Foundation
2. Global Pinoy Diaspora Canada
3. Students for a free Tibet
4. Vancouver Society of Freedom, Democracy & Human Rights for China (溫哥華中國自由民主人權促進會)
5. Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement (溫哥華支援民 主運動聯合會)(VSSDM)
6. Vancouver Uyghur Association
溫哥華多個族裔包括中國大陸,香港,西藏,新疆,印度和菲律賓的加拿大公民組織,響應全球舉辦10.1全球反共日; 將于10月1日下午2時中領館門前示威活動譴責中國共產黨對外侵略和對內逼害的集會。集會將譴責北京中共政權對香港人,西藏人及被佔據統治的東突厥斯坦人的逼害,和對鄰國印度和菲律賓等的侵略。 集會的跨國多族裔維權團體一致要求中共停止對內逼害/對外侵略的行為。
日期: 10月1日(星期六)
時間: 2PM
地點: 3380 固蘭湖街 (Granville Street), 中領館門前
1. Friends of Canada and India Foundation
2. Global Pinoy Diaspora Canada
3. Students for a free Tibet
4. Vancouver Society of Freedom, Democracy & Human Rights for China (溫哥華中國自由民主人權促進會)
5. Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement (溫哥華支援民 主運動聯合會)(VSSDM)
6. Vancouver Uyghur Association
溫哥華多個族裔包括中國大陸,香港,西藏,新疆,印度和菲律賓的加拿大公民組織,響應全球舉辦10.1全球反共日; 將于10月1日下午2時中領館門前示威活動譴責中國共產黨對外侵略和對內逼害的集會。集會將譴責北京中共政權對香港人,西藏人及被佔據統治的東突厥斯坦人的逼害,和對鄰國印度和菲律賓等的侵略。 集會的跨國多族裔維權團體一致要求中共停止對內逼害/對外侵略的行為。
引自Instagram @dc4hk :
The Chinese Embassy in DC is participating in the annual #WorldEmbassyTour this Saturday to promote its songs, art, cultural diversity and such — all while eliminating the Uyghur and Tibetan identities, and persecuting artists and singers in Hong Kong.
‼️But we won’t let them get off with their lies! Our DC-based cross-movement groups will be protesting against the CCP’s atrocities against our people and expose the real life under CCP dictatorship: genocide, imprisonment, and transnational repression!
Venue: Embassy of the People’s Republic of China (3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008)
Date: May 4 (Saturday)
Time: 11am-1pm
#ResistCCP #FreeHongKong #FreeTibet #FreeUyghurs
The Chinese Embassy in DC is participating in the annual #WorldEmbassyTour this Saturday to promote its songs, art, cultural diversity and such — all while eliminating the Uyghur and Tibetan identities, and persecuting artists and singers in Hong Kong.
‼️But we won’t let them get off with their lies! Our DC-based cross-movement groups will be protesting against the CCP’s atrocities against our people and expose the real life under CCP dictatorship: genocide, imprisonment, and transnational repression!
Venue: Embassy of the People’s Republic of China (3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008)
Date: May 4 (Saturday)
Time: 11am-1pm
#ResistCCP #FreeHongKong #FreeTibet #FreeUyghurs