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我係Ricker Choi, 以前乜嘢政治都唔理, 離開香港三十幾年連香港親戚朋友都冇乜聯絡. 但係2019你哋團結一齊抗爭, 喚醒好多我哋呢啲住喺外國嘅港豬,最近我寫信比被囚禁的香港手足,非常感動地講咗句"香港永遠是我家". 雖然我咁多年淨係返過香港兩三次, 但係呢一年見到你哋嘅勇氣, 令我視自己為香港人而驕傲! 希望可以用啲藝術來表達我對你哋嘅敬佩.

Admin: @RickerChoi
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六月十六號-二百萬加一: June 16, 2019 Hong Kong: 2 Million + 1

acrylic paintings by Ricker Choi TG/ @HKRevolutionArt

#光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #FiveDemands
港人雨中痛別蘋果日報 - Final Farewell To Apple Daily; acrylic painting 16"x20" by Ricker Choi

tg/ @HKRevolutionArt

#StandWithAppleDaily #撐蘋果 #政治打壓 #蘋果日報 #新聞自由 #appledaily #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #standwithhongkong #香港加油
2019 7月1日 佔領垃圾會- 應該一把火燒撚咗佢! Acrylic painting 18"x30" by Ricker Choi

**原畫和重印均有出售。 扣除成本後的净額將捐贈給協助尋求政治庇護的手足基金。聯繫我以了解詳情。

Storming of HK Rubber Stamp Garbage Legislative Council - Just Burn It Down!

Tg/ @HKRevolutionArt

#佔領立法會 #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #standwithhongkong #香港加油
我不入地獄,誰入地獄! - Inferno; 向留守在香港的朋友致敬! Acrylic painting 18"x30", by Ricker Choi

TG/ @HKRevolutionArt

#天滅中共 #打倒共產黨 #全黨死全家 #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #standwithhongkong #香港加油
9/1/2019 - Airport Rescue - 機場營救 - 18"x24" acrylic painting by Ricker Choi, based on photo by Studio Incendo

TG / @HKRevolutionArt

#HKDarkAge #SpeakUp4HK #願榮光歸香港 #FreeHongKong #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #standwithhongkong
Xi-Busters - 死熊圍你! - digital painting by Ricker Choi for Taiwan Freedom - 台灣自由! 背景是臺北1O1

#天滅中共 #xinniethepooh #台灣 #Taiwan #TaiwanFreedom #twfreedom89 #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong

tg / @HKRevolutionArt
全宇宙 都 有效嘅國安法 (painting by Ricker Choi )

The green object is "King Nikochan" from Japanese Manga "Dr Slump". He represents someone without intelligence, love to brag. He thinks through his ass, where his brain is. He believes poo is the most beautiful flower. The 3 Chinese characters on the lower right means "Entire Universe"

#天滅中共 #屎賤平 #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong
六月十六號-二百萬加一: June 16, 2019 Hong Kong: 2 Million + 1
acrylic paintings by Ricker Choi

Tg = @HKRevolutionArt

#光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #FiveDemands
Goodbye, 再見。。。digital art 24"×30" by Ricker Choi. 畫了兩個版本. It is a companion piece to "For Those who Stay" "留下來的人‘’

#光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #FiveDemands
記憶與遺忘 - Memory Against Amnesia - Digital art 24"x30" inches by Ricker Choi. (Chinese below). This work is inspired by Kundera's quote “The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting”. The artist used 3 scenes from the documentary 因為愛所以革命 Love in the Time of Revolution and juxtaposed them in one work:
1.) Lady Liberty - 9/6/2019
2.) Protest at Victoria Park - 6/16/2019
3.) Lion Rock - 2/26/2020
《因為愛所以革命》x Ricker Choi慈善義賣06《跨時空回望記憶與遺忘》
以下節錄自Ricker Choi的創作理念:
「人類對抗權力的鬥爭,就是記憶與遺忘的鬥爭」“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting” 想信近年香港人都不會感到陌生。這句話出自米蘭昆德拉的小說《笑忘書》中主角米瑞克,當時的語境是,「米瑞克保留朋友寫來的信,把聚會討論政治局勢、未來行動都詳記在日記裡」,無論是小說中還是現實中的香港,這聽起來都是自挖墳墓,一但出事也就是證據確鑿,但米瑞克卻認為,「自己是在跟人類的遺忘做鬥爭,這些紀錄不違反憲法,要是遮遮掩掩覺得自己犯了罪,那正是失敗的開始」。
Ricker 在創作時選了三個富像徵意義的Icon,分別是「民主女神像」、「維多利亞公園」和「獅子山」去表達他心目中,的記憶與遺忘。
1.) 民主女神像 - 2019年9月6日
2.) 維多利亞公園 - 2019年6月16日
3.) 獅子山- 2020年2月26日
這項有意義的聯乘計劃由Ricker嚴選了紀錄片中一些重要情節, 幻化成一幅幅翊翊如生的畫作,用心詮釋抗爭者之間的細膩情感,重現幕幕素人抗爭故事。
作品將會以畫作及一系列Postcard出售,扣除成本後,所得款項將捐給長期關注香港的人權組織Hong Kong Watch 香港監察
#光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #FiveDemands
#米蘭昆德拉 #笑忘書
#跨時空回望 #記憶與遺忘
香港抗爭回憶藝術 - Ricker Choi - HK Revolution Art
Hong Kong Watch 香港監察
#因為愛所以革命 #LITTOR

願榮光歸香港 - Glory to Hong Kong - 演奏版 - performed by Ricker Choi - 這是2022 年 11 月 5 日在 Flato Markham Theatre 舉行的'自由狂想曲'音樂會. 雖然2019年場革命已過了幾年, 但係希望大家莫忘初心, 我用我的鋼琴音樂表揚香港人的革命精神, 亦都希望大家唔好忘記現在還受緊苦難的手足, 好多而家先至上庭, 開始被監禁. This is performance from 2022 Nov 5 Freedom Rhapsody concert at Flato Markham Theatre. Even it had already been few years after the 2019 revolution in Hong Kong, there are still many who are going through trials and newly imprisoned. I hope through my music and art, we will continue to support those persecuted in Hong Kong and not to forget their sacrifice. #願榮光歸香港 #glorytohongkong #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #StandWithHongKong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可
paintings by Ricker Choi . 民間人權陣線宣布於16日再舉辦大遊行,要求政府撤回修訂《逃犯條例》,有200萬加1人參與示威,創下香港最多人遊行的紀錄.

#光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可 #FiveDemands
Farewell #AppleDaily ( #蘋果日報), paintings by Ricker Choi. Apple Daily was a Hong Kong pro-democracy newspaper, founded by Jimmy Lai in 1995 and terminated in 2021. It was one of the most popular newspapers in Hong Kong.

Because of its pro-democracy position, CCP subjected it to advertising boycotts and immense political pressure. On 17 June 2021, Hong Kong national security law was used to freeze the company's assets. This move was widely criticized as an attack on press freedom. As a result of the asset freeze, Apple Daily had to cease operations. The final edition was published on 24 June, with over a million copies printed, all sold out within a day. In this scene, Apple Daily staff shined lights from their office to farewell Apple Daily's supporters who had gathered around the building to show support.

#光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #StandWithHongKong #香港加油 #五大訴求缺一不可
Airport Rescue - 機場營救 - 18"x24" acrylic painting by Ricker Choi, based on photo by Studio Incendo

"9/1/2019 - 示威者的目的是導致香港機場(HKG)關閉,但當局做好準備,不僅阻止示威抗議活動,更進一步關閉連接機場的地鐵系統,令距離香港中心約 35公里的示威者在孤島上絞盡腦汁設法離開。

離開機場島後,示威者開始沿著高速公路步行往香港市中心。但是,驚人和令人溫暖的行動開始出現,大量市場開車前往機場,接載示威者離開孤島。這次的行動首先於 Telegram 出現,並促使很多司機提供幫助。" source:

Hong Kong activists rescued by thousands of cars after HK authorities shut down public transits and police deployed to try to block activists from returning home from the airport.

#HKDarkAge #SpeakUp4HK #願榮光歸香港 #FreeHongKong #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #standwithhongkong