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Cancel inviting Donnie Yen who supports human rights abuses as a presenter for the Oscars.


Donnie Yen is a supporter of the Chinese Communist regime and has made several remarks in support of the Chinese government's policies, including supporting the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and accusing Hong Kong protesters of being rioters. These remarks not only violate the spirit of freedom of speech but also deny the rights of the people of Hong Kong to fight for their freedom and democracy.

We demand that the Oscars Committee reconsider this decision and cancel the invitation of Donnie Yen as a presenter for the Oscars. Let us work together to uphold human rights and moral values, and make the Oscars a truly respectful award.

#OscarAwards #聯署 #petition #甄子丹 #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Forwarded from 港島西。Channel
Cancel inviting Donnie Yen who supports human rights abuses as a presenter for the Oscars.


Donnie Yen is a supporter of the Chinese Communist regime and has made several remarks in support of the Chinese government's policies, including supporting the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and accusing Hong Kong protesters of being rioters. These remarks not only violate the spirit of freedom of speech but also deny the rights of the people of Hong Kong to fight for their freedom and democracy.

We demand that the Oscars Committee reconsider this decision and cancel the invitation of Donnie Yen as a presenter for the Oscars. Let us work together to uphold human rights and moral values, and make the Oscars a truly respectful award.

#OscarAwards #聯署 #petition #甄子丹 #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政


藝人甄子丹日前以政協委員身份參與在北京舉行的全國兩會,這亦是繼汪明荃及成龍之後,第三位香港藝人獲這個身份。不過近年甄子丹的言論卻引起網民熱議,他接受外國媒體《GQ Hype》訪問時提到2019年反送中運動,並指:「那不是抗議,好嗎,是暴動」。其發言一出,即有反對派發起聯署,要求即將舉行的奧斯卡取消甄子丹擔任頒獎嘉賓,至今4天超過8.3萬人簽名。


#奧斯卡 #甄子丹 #聯署 #政協委員 #johnwick4 #Oscars #DonnieYen #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Tens of thousands of people have signed a petition to remove Hong Kong actor Donnie Yen as an Oscars presenter over his support for the Chinese government.

The online petition was started by "a group of people from Hong Kong".

It says that his latest remarks over protests in Hong Kong in 2019 "violate the spirit of freedom of speech".

BBC news:
Petition link:

#奧斯卡 #甄子丹 #聯署 #政協委員 #johnwick4 #Oscars #DonnieYen #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政和黑警