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Inside Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom | Faceless | The Short List
Full film:
// Admin私心推介,全長2小時27分鐘,不遜於其他得奬的反送中紀錄片,希望你能夠抽時間觀賞。//
Faceless is an intimate portrayal of four young protestors in Hong Kong struggling to protect their freedom and way of life under the shadow of authoritarianism. Following characters simply known as the Daughter, the Believer, the Student and the Artist, the film documents the stories of the individuals whose lives are upended as protests against a controversial extradition bill engulf Hong Kong.
#反送中 #紀錄片 #FightForFreedom #Faceless #理大圍城 #前線 #勇武 #中大保衛戰 #Teargas #五大訴求 #警暴 #光復香港時代革命 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Full film:
// Admin私心推介,全長2小時27分鐘,不遜於其他得奬的反送中紀錄片,希望你能夠抽時間觀賞。//
Faceless is an intimate portrayal of four young protestors in Hong Kong struggling to protect their freedom and way of life under the shadow of authoritarianism. Following characters simply known as the Daughter, the Believer, the Student and the Artist, the film documents the stories of the individuals whose lives are upended as protests against a controversial extradition bill engulf Hong Kong.
#反送中 #紀錄片 #FightForFreedom #Faceless #理大圍城 #前線 #勇武 #中大保衛戰 #Teargas #五大訴求 #警暴 #光復香港時代革命 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Inside Hong Kong's Fight for Freedom | Faceless (Full Film) | The Short List
Faceless is an intimate portrayal of four young protestors in Hong Kong struggling to protect their freedom and way of life under the shadow of authoritarianism. Following characters simply known as the Daughter, the Believer, the Student and the Artist,…
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
#冤獄 #政治打壓 #革命無罪 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #消失的民主自由 #法治之刀 #政治凌駕法治
Artist: 一個人
IG @oneaguy / twitter @hkguy1988
#冤獄 #政治打壓 #革命無罪 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #消失的民主自由 #法治之刀 #政治凌駕法治
Artist: 一個人
IG @oneaguy / twitter @hkguy1988
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
Wish you are acquitted
Artist: Little Pink Man
#願公義歸手足 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Wish you are acquitted
Artist: Little Pink Man
#願公義歸手足 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Forwarded from 同路人在港生存資訊
近六成定罪被告不涉直接證據 上訴庭指急救員非有效辯護理由
2019年反修例運動至今逾3年,《法庭線》整理暴動案數據和翻查判詞,被裁定罪成的269人(274 人次)之中,當中 59%(161 人次)被告是控方在審訊中未提出直接證據,而法庭藉被捕時間、地點、衣著、裝備等環境證供,推論曾參與暴動。
至於餘下約 41%,控方曾提出警員目擊或錄像拍攝到被告行為等直接證據,而相關被告被指涉及實質暴力行為如「私了」,例如元朗 721 白衣人,其他行為包括堵路及襲警等。
此外,就急救員在案發現場是否屬於參與暴動,上訴庭 2022 年駁回一宗上訴時指,充當急救員非有效的辯護理由,又指「救人不等如中立」,當造意和行為符合定罪元素,「就是參與了暴動」。律政司亦就 8.31 灣仔暴動案,一名救護員的無罪裁決提出上訴。
#暴動罪 #反修例 #數據統計 #直接證據 #環境證供 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #法治之刀 #法治喪屍
報導:法庭線 @thewitnesshk
近六成定罪被告不涉直接證據 上訴庭指急救員非有效辯護理由
2019年反修例運動至今逾3年,《法庭線》整理暴動案數據和翻查判詞,被裁定罪成的269人(274 人次)之中,當中 59%(161 人次)被告是控方在審訊中未提出直接證據,而法庭藉被捕時間、地點、衣著、裝備等環境證供,推論曾參與暴動。
至於餘下約 41%,控方曾提出警員目擊或錄像拍攝到被告行為等直接證據,而相關被告被指涉及實質暴力行為如「私了」,例如元朗 721 白衣人,其他行為包括堵路及襲警等。
此外,就急救員在案發現場是否屬於參與暴動,上訴庭 2022 年駁回一宗上訴時指,充當急救員非有效的辯護理由,又指「救人不等如中立」,當造意和行為符合定罪元素,「就是參與了暴動」。律政司亦就 8.31 灣仔暴動案,一名救護員的無罪裁決提出上訴。
#暴動罪 #反修例 #數據統計 #直接證據 #環境證供 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #法治之刀 #法治喪屍
報導:法庭線 @thewitnesshk
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
17人被控違《反恐條例》 兩案2024年開審
法庭線報導 TG/IG @thewitnesshk
#反恐條例 #爆炸品案 #毋忘手足 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #歷史將要還我們公義 #未審先判 #欲加之罪 #莫須有
17人被控違《反恐條例》 兩案2024年開審
法庭線報導 TG/IG @thewitnesshk
#反恐條例 #爆炸品案 #毋忘手足 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #歷史將要還我們公義 #未審先判 #欲加之罪 #莫須有
Forwarded from 港島西。Channel
Cancel inviting Donnie Yen who supports human rights abuses as a presenter for the Oscars.
Donnie Yen is a supporter of the Chinese Communist regime and has made several remarks in support of the Chinese government's policies, including supporting the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and accusing Hong Kong protesters of being rioters. These remarks not only violate the spirit of freedom of speech but also deny the rights of the people of Hong Kong to fight for their freedom and democracy.
We demand that the Oscars Committee reconsider this decision and cancel the invitation of Donnie Yen as a presenter for the Oscars. Let us work together to uphold human rights and moral values, and make the Oscars a truly respectful award.
#OscarAwards #聯署 #petition #甄子丹 #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Cancel inviting Donnie Yen who supports human rights abuses as a presenter for the Oscars.
Donnie Yen is a supporter of the Chinese Communist regime and has made several remarks in support of the Chinese government's policies, including supporting the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and accusing Hong Kong protesters of being rioters. These remarks not only violate the spirit of freedom of speech but also deny the rights of the people of Hong Kong to fight for their freedom and democracy.
We demand that the Oscars Committee reconsider this decision and cancel the invitation of Donnie Yen as a presenter for the Oscars. Let us work together to uphold human rights and moral values, and make the Oscars a truly respectful award.
#OscarAwards #聯署 #petition #甄子丹 #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Forwarded from 港島西。Channel
Cancel inviting Donnie Yen who supports human rights abuses as a presenter for the Oscars.
Donnie Yen is a supporter of the Chinese Communist regime and has made several remarks in support of the Chinese government's policies, including supporting the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and accusing Hong Kong protesters of being rioters. These remarks not only violate the spirit of freedom of speech but also deny the rights of the people of Hong Kong to fight for their freedom and democracy.
We demand that the Oscars Committee reconsider this decision and cancel the invitation of Donnie Yen as a presenter for the Oscars. Let us work together to uphold human rights and moral values, and make the Oscars a truly respectful award.
#OscarAwards #聯署 #petition #甄子丹 #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Cancel inviting Donnie Yen who supports human rights abuses as a presenter for the Oscars.
Donnie Yen is a supporter of the Chinese Communist regime and has made several remarks in support of the Chinese government's policies, including supporting the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and accusing Hong Kong protesters of being rioters. These remarks not only violate the spirit of freedom of speech but also deny the rights of the people of Hong Kong to fight for their freedom and democracy.
We demand that the Oscars Committee reconsider this decision and cancel the invitation of Donnie Yen as a presenter for the Oscars. Let us work together to uphold human rights and moral values, and make the Oscars a truly respectful award.
#OscarAwards #聯署 #petition #甄子丹 #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
藝人甄子丹日前以政協委員身份參與在北京舉行的全國兩會,這亦是繼汪明荃及成龍之後,第三位香港藝人獲這個身份。不過近年甄子丹的言論卻引起網民熱議,他接受外國媒體《GQ Hype》訪問時提到2019年反送中運動,並指:「那不是抗議,好嗎,是暴動」。其發言一出,即有反對派發起聯署,要求即將舉行的奧斯卡取消甄子丹擔任頒獎嘉賓,至今4天超過8.3萬人簽名。
#奧斯卡 #甄子丹 #聯署 #政協委員 #johnwick4 #Oscars #DonnieYen #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
藝人甄子丹日前以政協委員身份參與在北京舉行的全國兩會,這亦是繼汪明荃及成龍之後,第三位香港藝人獲這個身份。不過近年甄子丹的言論卻引起網民熱議,他接受外國媒體《GQ Hype》訪問時提到2019年反送中運動,並指:「那不是抗議,好嗎,是暴動」。其發言一出,即有反對派發起聯署,要求即將舉行的奧斯卡取消甄子丹擔任頒獎嘉賓,至今4天超過8.3萬人簽名。
#奧斯卡 #甄子丹 #聯署 #政協委員 #johnwick4 #Oscars #DonnieYen #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政