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[五城書展將在各地陸續開幕 讓書籍自由傳播 以文字連結彼此]
由在台灣港人開辦的1841文化工作室將於7月20至26日在臺北、倫敦、曼徹斯特、溫哥華、多倫多五個城巿的當地店鋪,首次舉辦聯合書展。是次書展邀請到資深傳媒人吳志森、國際關係學者沈旭暉、專欄作家曾志豪、香港著名文化研究學者羅永生等人,於書展期間進行直播及講座等活動,以線上線下形式連結離散華人社群,宣揚「自由閱讀 書本連線」的理念。
#曼徹斯特 #自由 #倫敦 #多倫多 #五城書展 #1841文化工作室 #傳播 #臺北 #溫哥華 #1841餐酒館 #思家士多 #Buyship #BelsizeCommunityLibrary
由在台灣港人開辦的1841文化工作室將於7月20至26日在臺北、倫敦、曼徹斯特、溫哥華、多倫多五個城巿的當地店鋪,首次舉辦聯合書展。是次書展邀請到資深傳媒人吳志森、國際關係學者沈旭暉、專欄作家曾志豪、香港著名文化研究學者羅永生等人,於書展期間進行直播及講座等活動,以線上線下形式連結離散華人社群,宣揚「自由閱讀 書本連線」的理念。
#曼徹斯特 #自由 #倫敦 #多倫多 #五城書展 #1841文化工作室 #傳播 #臺北 #溫哥華 #1841餐酒館 #思家士多 #Buyship #BelsizeCommunityLibrary
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
HUMAN CHAIN: Fight for freedom. Stand with HK
Date: Sep 10, 2022 (SAT) 中秋節
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Location: Burrard Bridge
Remarks: 1) Block Bloc 2) Human chain will ONLY held on the pedestrian area of west side of the bridge. Participants can go from the south or north side of the bridge.
Source: IG @vanactivistshk
#人鏈 #中秋節 #溫哥華 #Canada #Vancouver
HUMAN CHAIN: Fight for freedom. Stand with HK
Date: Sep 10, 2022 (SAT) 中秋節
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Location: Burrard Bridge
Remarks: 1) Block Bloc 2) Human chain will ONLY held on the pedestrian area of west side of the bridge. Participants can go from the south or north side of the bridge.
Source: IG @vanactivistshk
#人鏈 #中秋節 #溫哥華 #Canada #Vancouver
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
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Hong Kong Protest Exhibition aimed to raise awareness of the human rights crisis that occurred during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, showcased the sacrifice and continuous effort of Hong Kongers to fight for freedom and democracy and served as a cautionary reminder to Canadians to safeguard our country against attacks of authoritarian regimes around the world.
#溫哥華 #抗爭展覽 #vancouver #exhibition #毋忘初心
Source: @vanactivistshk
Hong Kong Protest Exhibition aimed to raise awareness of the human rights crisis that occurred during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, showcased the sacrifice and continuous effort of Hong Kongers to fight for freedom and democracy and served as a cautionary reminder to Canadians to safeguard our country against attacks of authoritarian regimes around the world.
#溫哥華 #抗爭展覽 #vancouver #exhibition #毋忘初心
Source: @vanactivistshk