H I (Hedtke Institute)πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ“ƒ β€” πŸ“°
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Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
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The CDC is not an independent agency β€” it is a vaccine company.

The CDC owns over 20 vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion of vaccines every year.

The number of vaccinations that a child receives before the age of five has increased dramatically. In 1983, a child following the CDC’s recommended schedule would have received five vaccines by age five. In 2024, a child following the CDC’s schedule would have received THIRTY-EIGHT vaccines by age five. This is nearly quadruple what a child received in the 1980’s.

In their first year of life, children receiving the full CDC schedule of vaccines may be exposed to as much as 4,225 micrograms of aluminum.

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H I (Hedtke Institute)πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ“ƒ β€” πŸ“° pinned Β«The CDC is not an independent agency β€” it is a vaccine company. The CDC owns over 20 vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion of vaccines every year. The number of vaccinations that a child receives before the age of five has increased dramatically.…»
Hi, this is Mark Hedtke one of the so called winners in TRUMP FORCE 47 drawing!
I am sharing info about Coinbase,
as one must set up an account with them in order to receive the windfall $100,000 we have so interestingly been chosen to receive! Allow me to before hand, express my apprehension concerning this entire team effort, esp Steven and to the person contributing these funds to those who were selected in whatcappears to be an elaborate scam, claiming that It would be quite a financial blessing, to all involved. Please understand why everyone should be cautious in sharing any personal infornmation on here:

Here is info you need to know about Coinbase

Coinbase Global, Inc., branded Coinbase, is an American publicly traded company that operates a cryptocurrency exchange platform. Coinbase is a distributed company; all employees operate via remote work. It is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States in terms of trading volume. source Wikipedia

CEO: Brian Armstrong (May 2012–)

Founded: May 2012

Founders: Brian Armstrong, Fred Ehrsam

Number of employees: 3,416 (2023)

Revenue: 3.11 billion USD (2023)

Subsidiaries: Coinbase Canada, Inc., Coinbase Ireland Limited, MORE

According to Coinbase:
Crypto creates economic freedom by ensuring that people can participate fairly in the economy, and Coinbase is on a mission to increase economic freedom for more than 1 billion people. We’re updating the century-old financial system by providing a trusted platform that makes it easy for people and institutions to engage with crypto assets, including trading, staking, safekeeping, spending, and fast, free global transfers. We also provide critical infrastructure for onchain activity and support builders who share our vision that onchain is the new online. And together with the crypto community, we advocate for responsible rules to make the benefits of crypto available around the world.

NOTE: While that is their vision, that is not ours! Are you aware that the current US administration through their pushing for a digital currency and other bought off fiat counterfitters, easily can attempt to control whether you can buy a home or for that matter whatever you would like? These money launderers will be deciding who gets the loans, the prices of the homes and whether you can purchase anything or not!. Watch out. Just return to honesty: only gold and silver coins are real money and God's approved currency. We can not serve two masters, GOD and Money. We are counseled to choose and that we choose Right. We must find ways to really get close to God. In James 5, the whole chapter is about counterfeiting money. Paul tells us to confess using their businesses and counterfeit money, and it is a sin. Call out to God to forgive and deliver all of us. Article 1, Section 10, the Constitution, the Bible, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are in us, with us. On our side, we have to have each state make counterfeit money illegal, returning to legal, honest God's money. Reverting back to a good relationship with God and our fellow man. Remember to reject all the artificial ignorance attempts to deceive you, use your discernment from the Lord and remember to seek His guidance in all things, PRAY in Jesus' name! Basically all things AI are not of the Father in Heaven! Yes it is our choice that HE has enabled in us, but it is up to us not to be deceived by such temptations or deception by the evil one, as he is the father of lies!
So, if that means I forfeit this money, so be it! I would rather stand and do what the Lord guides me to do, than fall to my knees yielding to temptation. THINK ABOUT IT AND PRAY ABOUT IT! May Heavenly Father give you eyes to see, ears to hear and a mind to perceive HIS TRUTH, in Jesus' name, Amen!
Drink water where your horse drinks, a horse will never drink bad water. πŸ’§Make your bed where the cat sleeps peacefully. Eat fruit touched by a worm. It fearlessly collects mushrooms on which insects perch. Plant a tree dug by the mole. Dig a hole where the birds hide from the heat. Sleep and wake up at the same time as the birds, you will reap the golden grains of life. Eat more greens, you will have stronger legs and a resilient heart like the spirit of the forests. Look at the sky more often and talk less so that silence can enter your heart. and your soul is calm and your life is peaceful.
Do you have a self defense plan for your home in place? Then please read this recommendation to the end in order to make an assessment of what you either have in place or need to do!! If you are like most people you are relying upon your local police for that protection, maybe its time to reevaluate your choices before you regret that choice!
1st and the foremost reason to have your own protection is that criminals get guns anyway they can and they likely don't register them, so why should you be required to do so or have your guns taken away by the present federal administration's ANTI GUN sentiment in its attempt to eliminate the 2nd amendment of the US Constitution!
The 2nd reason you should have self protection is that you need to think seriously about whether the police will show up to protect you in a timely manner when you experience a potential life threatening situation! Take it from me as a former LEO I can attest to the fact that you need to protect yourself as the average time for police to respond to emergency calls for help in most residential areas of towns regularly exceeds ten to fifteen minutes meaning the likelihood of you being protected by police when you need it basically is zero!
3rd That means you need to know the law in order to not be accused of breaking the law and you have a plan in place to protect you and your family!
So that brings us to determine what kind of self defense weapon is best!
Although shotguns are considered
to be the gun best home defense, it has its drawbacks therefore after extensive research I have arrived at the ideal solution to those weaknesses
Folks, As a former LEO, I recommend everyone in your family and friends learn how to protect yourselves and to get a nonlethal BYRNA like I have!!! From my own experience here a few side tips for protecting yourselves:
1. Just Getting your opponent back on his heels and panicking gives you a huge advantage.
2. Distance. Managing space is crucial. One of the most devastating errors is to allow a suspicious character to get close enough to strike you suddenly.
If he can reach out with an arm or leg and touch you, you've allowed him to get too close, a Rookie mistake! And if you use a gun and shoot someone -- even in a clear-cut case of self-defense -- you'll STILL go to jail ( quicker, and more skilled -- even if he's armed -- you will STILL have an advantage. Allow me to encourage alternatives, I'm talking about Pepper Spray, Even bear spray works! In a pinch almost any spray will work, Lysol has a strong stream, even Mosquitoe spray, both are flamable & can be effective sprayed or used in combination with a lighter, with a flame thrower effect!
Now hear me out on this, because these sprays, like pepper spray...
1. Gives you the element of surprise. You see, they dont expect you having anything, with them attacking you)...
2. Pepper Spray allows plenty of distance to keep you out of his reach.
Again... distance is key.
One blast in the eyes and nose can instantly strip away his capability to continue the fight -- even if he's armed with a gun or a knife.
Another plus is that Pepper Spray is a non-lethal option. Remember, the legal ramifications for using pepper spray on a bad guy are minimal.
Not so with a gun or a knife.
There are a number of different options available --
1. Home. know where its at so you're never digging around through drawers during a breakin or a burglary.
2. Automobile. Your car or truck should be a primary place where you keep pepper spray. Road rage is common. So are creeps who follow your girlfriend or wife. So make sure you've at least got one cannister in center console ot clipped to the visor.
Carry in your car.
3. On foot. City streets are rife with criminal scum, making something as simple as walking to your car at night a hazardous activity. Having a small canister that can clip to a keychain or purse is a smart idea.
Keychain size.
4. Crowd Control. There may come a time when you need an industrial-sized canister to handle a crowd of rioters or an angry mob. Unfortunately, today it's not uncommon for bands of angry illegals to target an innocent victim for their troubles. (It's all your fault they don't have a new car). But here's a way to handle that -- without killing anyone.
Get yourself a 9oz canister that particularly lasts a long time, hefty, and capable of keeping a mob away from you.
Okay... pepper spray may not be the 'miracle cure' for everything in self-defense -- but it's a powerful option to stop someone in their tracks so you can either finish the fight or escape. When you continue through my telegram site, you will see an item I recommend and use, nonlethal that helps keep you from being arrested, from a company called Byrna, legal in all 50 states! And in a street fight, it won't get much better than that. Stay Safe!
Check them out, there are local companys who carry them, here's their site to look up at byrna.com I make my own self defense equipment, you can too! For example people should also learn how to make a CLAVE with CONDUIT PVC with a lanyard and learn how to use it! When you VISIT MY telegram SelfDefenseEquipment site: @HEDTKEINSTITUTE I show you that for FREE! May the Lord Bless You and if someone hasn't told you this yet today, JESUS LOVES YOU!

and a great spiritual site called Neighborhood social
H I (Hedtke Institute)πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ“ƒ β€” πŸ“° pinned Β«Keychain size. 4. Crowd Control. There may come a time when you need an industrial-sized canister to handle a crowd of rioters or an angry mob. Unfortunately, today it's not uncommon for bands of angry illegals to target an innocent victim for their troubles.…»
Nhi MΓ£ Đỗ β€” The Loud Introvert
There will be violent shakings but it will be for those who are against God.

God is your fortress, protector, and defender.

Fortress definition: a place of protection and defense.

Do not be afraid of the attacks against you because God is your fortress.

God is:
Jehovah Sabaoth-Lord of Hosts
Elohim Shomri- God is my protector
Jehovah Jireh – The Lord your Provider
Jehovah Rapha – The Lord your Healer
El Elyon- The Most High God
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible

No matter how big your enemy is he is not bigger than God.

God has hope for you in your final outcome because He is your everything.

If you get to know who God really is, it will destroy the fear of what's to come. You will experience His peace.

Stay prayed up and fight the enemy with the power of God's Words.


The enemy will always deceive, distract and destroy.


No matter the attacks of the enemy, you will not give in, surrender or fear. You are a fighter because you are in the Army of the Lord.