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Srsly, why those even drop if there is no altar available in the game anymore..
The performance of this league is dead

I cannot actually play this league since GGG broke something with their performance
Last league I was playing around 60 fps and now 30-35 is my normal fps


Why Does the Delirium Gauge is based "per unit" rather than stuff like "Total life of killed monsters" which would make harder monsters worth more, aka Bosses would maybe be worth killing

Just set the gauge ratio per Alevel and we are good to go

ie: *figurative numbers*, alvl 50 requires 1000 monster life per 5% gauge while alvl 80 requires 100000 monster life for the same 5%

add to this the player level as a penalty and we got, ie:

- gauge%X( area level/player level*)

so the greater your difference with the area the greater you are penalized... to avoid the fiasco we are living with Harbour Bridge once again lol. A lvl 90 player would fill his gauge almost 50% slower in harbour bridge

*player level value stops increasing at maximum area level(84-85 iirc)


People have been rolling seawitch for years in order to get all the "per unit" buff like rampage and Beyond, Would be cool to see "Monsters have extra life" & "Boss has extra life" become a looked after map mod

Let us bind THE SAME button for multiple actions. I want to use the same button for Flares and Delirum end.

This looks like a simple oversight causing unnecessary limitations. I always used league-specific buttons (Bestiary nets, Delve flares/dynamite, Incursion map) on the same buttons: D and F. Now I can not because "End Delirium Encounter" binding is a separate thing from "Use Temp Bound Skill 1/2" and choosing any binding for one removes the second. Delirium and Delve never happen together.

Anyone else getting cute texts like this?
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First time encounter with Sirus, I feel like it's a bit unfair to be hit before laser actually fires.
Starting 3.10.0, performance is so bad that my Poe client takes 70% of my CPU...

...forcing me to close everything besides the client when I play. And if that's not enough, I overclocked my CPU from 3.3 ghz to 4.0 but the game still lags so bad that when it lags at 0 FPS it actually crashes to the desktop(!).

I am not going to say how many supporter packs I've got, all I'm gona say is that I play since 2012 and the performance had gone from bad to worse to unacceptable to unplayable.

So far Delirium has one of the most balanced distributions of Ascendancies I've seen in a long time.
Questions Thread - March 22, 2020

Questions Thread - March 22, 2020

This is a general question thread on March 22, 2020. You can find the previous question threads [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/search?q=Questions+Thread+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).

Remember to check [the Wiki](http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki) first.

You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in [our official Discord.](https://discord.gg/pathofexile)

The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

* New player questions
* Mechanics
* Build Advice
* League related questions
* Trading
* Endgame
* Price checks
* Etc.

**No question is too big or too small!**

We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.
We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

Me, trying to stash items after a map
The Simulacrum can't drop red-tier rewards, even at later waves.

I ran around 15 Simulacrums yesterday, and I noticed that I couldn't drop any reward that's locked behind red-tier maps, and that's possibly because the base level of the zone is yellow tier (75).

For example, I got 100+ scarabs, but not a single gilded one.

Hundreds of fragments, but all of them were Sacrifice Fragments, no mortal/shaper/prophecy fragments

I got a bunch of blighted maps, all of which were yellow, even the ones that dropped at later waves which should've been affected by the +9 levels modifier.

The only things that seemed to be affected by the +# levels modifier in the zone are Maps (I got a few T14+) and the actual items' itemlevels.

I know that the sample size isn't huge so it could've just been 15 bad runs, but I had a bunch of people who ran them and confirmed that they couldn't get red-tier rewards either.

I am hoping that this is an oversight, the Simulacrum is the endgame encounter and it should be able to drop the highest tiers of rewards.

Just crafted this Beast!
Alva now feel amazing to do with delirium after the patch, i m now extremely happy when i find her in my maps and i m always at 0 missions left for her. Also : Chibi Alva.
I don't even at this point...
Today is my birthday and I got a gift from some random guy I met in general chat. He didn’t even know it was my cake day.

I’ve been struggling more than normal this league with making currency. I’ve made 7 builds since league start because I can’t find anything that tickles my pickle.

Today, I asked a really noob question in general chat and this guy sent me a PM. We start talking a bit and he asked what tier of maps I’m on and what character I’m playing. I told him scourge arrow pathfinder.

He started asking me more questions about my gear and how much currency I have, so I told him. 5 minutes later, he invites me to party and opens a trade window with well rolled dark scorn and asked for all the currency I have. I was blown away because I only had was 1ex 50c and I was trying to get the currency to buy it. I was so grateful and told him it was my bday and that it meant a lot.

2 minutes later he invited me back to give me a kaoms heart for free and said happy bday. I was started to get pissed off by the community because earlier today, I got ripped off 1ex. It was my own fault, I put the 1 ex in the trade window instead of 1c (I’m sick and didn’t sleep well).

This interaction made my day. I was excitedly telling my girlfriend about what I got and she just nodded in agreement not understanding what I was saying. I’ve had a rough week with being sick and other real-life issues, so for this guy to just give me that to make my build 100x better really put a smile on my face.

I just wanted to share this because I don’t know anyone else who plays PoE and this is the best interaction I’ve had with another player.

[Fluff] Time for new logo
Spinny boi is the goodest boi
drew delirium league fanart.