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Questions Thread - March 09, 2020

Questions Thread - March 09, 2020

This is a general question thread on March 09, 2020. You can find the previous question threads [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/search?q=Questions+Thread+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).

Remember to check [the Wiki](http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki) first.

You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in [our official Discord.](https://discord.gg/pathofexile)

The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

* New player questions
* Mechanics
* Build Advice
* League related questions
* Trading
* Endgame
* Price checks
* Etc.

**No question is too big or too small!**

We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.
We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

Tomorrow we'll reveal all of the new notables! In the meantime, check out the Seeker Runes notable.
Highlights from the Delirium Baeclast episode (#54) with GGG_Rory and GGG_Neon

[Episode link here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ICtmqqFYKY)

Tried to only put information that the community and playerbase previously didn't know. Definitely omitted various things, sorry if I missed anything or got anything wrong.

- 3:18 - **This League has had the most unreleased Skills thus far** due to not having a specific archetype in mind. There wasn't any huge problems to tackle so they just created a bunch of skills from all different backgrounds. Some made it, and many didn't and will be QA'd and released at a later time

- 4:40 - Best things about Delirium League are: (1) It is the biggest League to ever interact with other League mechanics. (2) It has a heavy horror/scary theme to it. (3) Difficulty scaling ramp-up. Delve 3000 was too high of a number when he thought of an example, but it's as if you're doing Delve 1 -> 3000 in a single instance and it slowly ramps up the farther you go into the fog. **Delirium is more monster HP-based scaling and less monster Damage-based scaling**, so you won't be getting one-shot all the time.

- 8:25 - The reward structure for Delirium encounters will be singular type that is pre-selected per instance. Unlike Blight/Legion/etc where you can get multiple types of rewards per encounter, **a Delirium Encounter will be one thing, say Currency-only for the whole encounter. It will be a scaling reward structure that requires more and more kills as you fill up a progress bar** (Numbers are just for example, but say, 10 kills = 1 Currency reward, then another 15 kills for a second Currency reward, and another 25 kills for a third Currency reward, etc.). It will not be solely based on kill-count however, as there are different factors/multipliers in play (such as the rarity of monster). They've learned from the Domain of Timeless Conflict in Legion League, where rewards were linear so they're going to avoid that.

- 11:00 - A valid concern is spamming an instance (say, Harbour Bridge), checking the reward type, and remaking the instance until you find the type you want (ie. Currency), **but they've scaled the rewards such that you'll get better (and more rewards) in Maps and some may even be exclusive to a certain Tier/level of Map** as well.

- 11:47 - A lot of the reward and difficulty-scaling in a Delirium encounter is based on the pathfinding distance from the start to the end-point. **Thus, linear Maps (like Strand or Glacier) will have extremely hard bosses in delirium whereas Maps that have nearby bosses (like Coves or Mesa) will have easier bosses in delirium.**

- 14:00 - Knowing this, Delirum will most certainly affect the Mapping-meta in the League which is a good thing

- 14:23 - Regular Delirium encounters will always reach the Map boss, as delirium lasts for several minutes. It's less about if the fog can reach there and more about if your character can reach there. **In Delirium Maps (ie. Maps that you use Delirium Orbs on), there is no time limit.**

- 15:45 - A valid concern is phased Map bosses being generally less-appealing for Delirium encounter because time will still be ticking during the immunity phases. **If it gets bad enough and they need to tweak things to address the problem, they will**. With that being said, killing a Map boss in the delirium state is not mandatory. It's just a cherry-on-top.

- 17:25 - Delirium uses the monster's current HP as a basis for the reward at the time of triggering the Mirror. **Thus, you will not be able to exploit/snapshot it by bringing 100 monsters with 5% hp left to the Mirror** and then triggering delirium to start the encounter.

- 18:33 - You will not be able to sit in one place to farm Delirium monsters. The fog will uncover more and more monsters so you will have to go farther into the fog and seek them out

- 19:00 - **There will be a Synthesis-style "fast-forward" button to stop a Delirium encounter** if you are overwhelmed and want to stop.

- 19:50 - Regular loot will drop as they drop during a Delirium
encounter, but Delirium-specific type rewards will only drop after an encounter has stopped.

- 20:55 - In Delirium Maps (the ones where you use Delirium Orbs on), each Orb applies 20% "Delirious-ness" to the Map but it isn't a linear-scaling from say 40% -> 60%. **Each orb usage will significantly increase the difficulty and significantly increase the rewards**

- 23:55 - There won't be huge spikes in difficulty during a Delirum encounter, as it'll be just a slow, gradual increase. So you won't "unlock" a type of rippy Delirium monster at the 2 minute mark or say the halfway point and all of a sudden die. From moment-to-moment, it'll just be slightly harder -> slightly harder -> slightly harder. Much like an increase in a Delve level or two

- 25:08 - They had the basis for Delirium thought-up of on the day Metamorph League launched, so it was easy to design and develop the League before and after Christmas since conceptualzation was already done

- 26:33 - **Delirium monsters do not leave corpses, so you cannot corpse-proliferate them or detonate them**. You can still do On-death proliferation effects, though.

- 28:20 - Players should be wary when juicing up Maps because it's all culminative. Map mods, sextants, etc. will affect Delirium monsters and Delirium itself will affect stuff like Essence mobs, Betrayal mobs, etc. So you can stack up things quite fast if you're not careful.

- 29:20 - A valid concern is the stability of instances when you're adding this many monsters to a zone on-top of the already-existing monsters in that zone. They are nearing the threshold of what a zone can handle so eventually nerfs will need to happen and/or things may get changed in the near future. So far in testing, Delirium has been fine and they will be keep an eye on this once the League launches

- 30:37 - You cannot apply Delirium Orbs to Blighted Maps. They want to enable this sometime later but don't know if it's a good idea due to the implications on performance.

- 32:40 - **From internal testing, the visibility in Delirium encounters hasn't been too big of a problem, as the fog uses some physics-based mechanics**. So explosions/blasts will actually push away the fog briefly, allowing players to see better before the fog naturally occupies that space a few moments later. They were aware of this potential problem as soon as the League trailer went live and they do have a way to adjust the fog's visibility and will be keeping an eye out for player feedback, as they can change it if need be.

- 35:00 - **The Simulacrum is a wave-based Map and every wave you complete increases how "delirious" you are. There's 20 waves in total and it scales from 5% deliriousness to 100% deliriousness at Wave 20**. You start to get bosses after a while, more monsters after a certain wave, etc. Loot drops at the end of a wave but there are Delirium-specific type of rewards at the end of a wave. ie. you might get a Currency reward at the end of one wave, and then 2 Map rewards at the end of another wave, then 3 Cluster Jewwel rewards after the next wave, etc. There'll be a Stash enabled at the end of a wave so you don't have to leave the instance to deposit items. Any remaining items on the ground will be deleted after each wave to preserve performance (a big confirmation window will appear, so don't worry). The Map starts off pretty tame and ramps up to be pretty crazy difficult.

- 37:50 - **The Simulacrum is roughly balanced such that you'll be able to collect enough splinters to do the Map every ~30 Maps or so.** Keep in mind that Delirium Maps (the ones you use Delirium Orbs on) will bridge the gap between regular encounters and the Simulacrum.

- 39:25 - Slower builds won't be punished to a large degree, as slower builds will still get more rewards than any other previous "clearspeed meta" Leagues in the past due to the exponentially-scaling of the difficulty.

- 40:30 - The reason why they've been doing Leagues with a failed-state lately is because **one of their objectives it to push player's builds as high as they can/want,
instead of avoiding content because the player is unsure when the difficulty spike will go from 0 -> 100**. By having failed-states, they can effectively tell the player they are not strong enough to do X yet and need to farm better gear without outright one-shotting them because the former teaches them something whereas the latter doesn't necessarily teach them something.

- 41:02 - Metamorph was a tricky League for them in terms of damage spikes, because it was essentially the nature of the League. When you get to build-a-boss, of course some players will intentionally or unintentionally create impossible bosses. **There's blame on both sides, as players knew and saw what they were getting themselves into when the game told them what Attacks the boss had and what Modifiers the boss had**. So if you intentionally just clicked every left-side organ and didn't read the mods, you were gonna get rekt.

- 46:32 - Certain things will not be affected by Delirium, such as Bearers. So if a Bearer does occur in the fog, it won't have increased damage. **As previously said, Delirium is more about monster HP-scaling rather than monster Damage-scaling**. Stuff like Porcupines won't that much scarier than they already are now.

- 49:30 - Recently they have tried to make things more fair/balanced. Of course their goal is to kill players, but they want to do it in as fair of a way as possible, with telegraphed attacks and whatnot. If they were to go back and change things (like Porcupines), they would of course make them avoidable instead of unavoidable.

- 50:40 - One of their inspirations for Cluster Jewels were Runewords from D2

- 52:28 - They didn't intentionally choose 280 Notables. It was simply the result of going through the list and ensuring almost every playstyle was accounted for (ie. DoT, Axes, Fire, etc.)

- 53:30 - **Itemlevel on Cluster Jewels matter** - in their current form, the highest iLvl to get certain mods is iLvl 84.

- 54:58 - **Large Cluster Jewels are common and are heavily focused on Damage affixes (ie. Spell Dmg or Elemental Dmg), Medium Cluster Jewels are uncommon and are heavily focused on Utility (ie. DoT multiplier, Warcries, Totems, Traps), and Small Cluster Jewels are rare and are heavily focused on Defenses (ie. Life, ES, Mana, Resists, Armour, Evasion)**

- 56:30 - In the beginning stages of the League, Cluster Jewels will be a form of creating wacky possibilities on the "wrong" side of the Tree. ie. a Ranger getting a bunch of good Spell Dmg/Elemental nodes. Much later in the League when people dump currency into Cluster Jewels, we'll have a situation where a Cluster Jewels create a strictly-better version of an already-existing wheel on the Passive Tree due to the perfect line-up of stats. This will be one of the endgame loot hunts, essentially.

- 56:58 - **Cluster Jewels have been designed to be easily upgradeable, so it's very cheap (or free) to refund them and put a new Jewel in there**. Most builds will want 1-2 Cluster Jewel sockets, but it will be interesting to see what crazy things the playerbase gets up to. Maybe a build with 6 Cluster Jewel sockets?

- 59:52 - **There's an extremely high possibility that Cluster Jewels will go core. It's a system that they can keep adding to it over time too**. Delirium is in the same boat. To iterate - they generally do not design "throwaway" mechanics any more in PoE as they deem it wasteful. It is only in very rare cases (ie. Synthesis) that they have to not make it go core, and even then, they will try and salvage as much as they can (ie. Distant Memory maps) to be assimilated into the core game.

- 1:03:55 - On the Official Website, you'll be able to see the Cluster Jewel someone has socketed and what Notables it contains, but you'll be unable to tell which points were spent or which path they took due to the headache that the web programmers are having atm trying to code in these Cluster Jewels on the PoE Tree on the official website.

- 1:05:14 - You cannot trade-up Cluster Jewels (3 -> 1 upgraded one) but if players want it badly,
they can add it in later. **However, you're able to trade 5 Large Cluster Jewels for a random one just like the regular 5 -> 1 random one recipe)**

- 1:06:32 - Some affixes on Cluster Jewels will be weighted

- 1:08:05 - Overall, they (both GGG and Baeclast streamers) consider Conquerors of The Atlas' boss HP/dmg increase a success.

- 1:10:10 - **Summoners will be getting nerfed** - right now they reach their top-end without much gear investment and they would like to rebalance it so summoners need gear investment to reach that state.

- 1:14:05 - The Sirus fight was controversial because they were making small changes up until an hour before Metamorph release. They had just come off from ExileCon so the studio was crazy busy with a lot on their plate. The second reason was that the competition was going on, so they didn't want to tarnish the integrity of the race by patching in Sirus so the first few people had a different fight than the next few.

- 1:19:45 - They're aware of the issue where players are less incentivized to run Catarina due to the Syndicate board-wipe. They've internally tried a few things but didn't like the outcome so they're still back to the drawing board.

- 1:24:58 - They want to improve the Unveiling system but their current plan has run into a technical issue. They're keen on fixing the system but don't have a date on when they'll address it.

- 1:25:57 - The Mana-based skills were from GGG_Hrishi. Really wanted to do them for a long time now.

- 1:29:05 - With the recent introduction to things like the Spellslinger Support gem, they're aware that Self-Casting might get even further left behind and they want to buff it again eventually. **In fact, they were just talking about Self-casting earlier today**

- 1:29:55 - **There will be some changes coming to Mines and Traps that bring them closer together**, as Mines felt like a strictly-better version of Traps. The nature of the ever-evolving meta is that everything will get its time in the spotlight and even multiple times. Traps were once FOTM, and they may be strong again later.

- 1:33:45 - **Totem/Ballista life will be getting buffed significantly (~50%)** with the exception of a very few (ie. Melee totems, Decoy Totem)

- 1:34:50 - **Mana Guardians (especially Radiant Crusade), Herald of Agony, very large sources of Mana, Grand Spectrum, and a couple of other Uniques he can't think of right now will be getting nerfed**. The goal is to promote normal Mana builds and nerf the excessive Mana builds.

- 1:37:35 - **Shaper's Touch and Geofri's Sanctuary will be getting nerfed.**

- 1:38:06 - They want to address Flasks in the future, but they're unsure of what they want to do atm

- 1:40:35 - They're going to implement a "system of preferred Maps" which is still in the process of development so take it with a grain of salt. **So per Region, you're able to pick 1 or 2 or 3 Maps (or 3 of the same Map if you want) to apply a higher drop-rating to. You would unlock these tiers of bonuses by say, doing Bonus Objectives or Awakening Objectives**. The goal of this is that if you wanted to do the single-Map farming strategy, you could allocate all 3 selections to the same Map and that Map would drop very very frequently. This way, players can choose if they want to go full Atlas completion or just farm one Map over and over again if they want

- 1:51:52 - **They will be fixing the perma-influence strategy** on the COTA Atlas.

- 1:52:52 - **They have removed the teleport-aspect on Stormbind** due to the clunkiness of it. You would potentially teleport into a pack of Porcupines or right beside a Boss

- 1:55:10 - They have a plan to fix Delve strategies/"exploits" that involve farming 99% of a Delve node containing dropbears (grants huge amounts of XP) and then logging out so you can repeatedly farm it. **They will be doing something similar to Incursions where most of the XP is distributed at the very end of a Delve run when you complete a node.**

- 1:56:10 - Certain Delirium monsters will be able to drop Maps (ie. only Rares/Unique
monsters for example). It'll either be that route, or having everything in Delirium able to drop Maps just at a lower rate. They're still fine-tuning this aspect

- 1:57:05 - In the Temple of Atzoatl, certain rooms won't be changing (like the Corruption Room), but they are buffing the less-used Rooms so they're more enticing. For example, buffing the Currency Room so they drop more currency-related items from the past few Leagues, as Currency Rooms fell behind in terms of what they could drop. **Other examples include buffing some of the Unique items gotten in the Temple, buffing the Torment Room such that all Architects in the Temple gain a mod, chests dropping some Rares that have an Incursion affix in addition to the usual Magic item with an Incursion affix**, etc. Not too many changes to the Omnitect or Vials.

- 2:01:58 - **There are plans to add more to the Brand Skills and Rage-based Skills** and it will come soon.

- 2:03:56 - They will look at Hideout decorations' favour costs and try to reduce them.

- 2:05:10 - **Delirium will not affect Sirus, but will affect the Conquerors**. While it couldn't make it into 3.10.0 just yet, they want to make it such that when doing a Conqueror's Citadel, you will be presented with the Map Device window and will be able to modify the Map instead of just running it plain white with no affixes like we do now.

- 2:06:18 - **You will be able to apply Delirium Orbs to Shaper and Elder Guardian Maps.**

As we approach patch notes and the YouTube "league starter" videos, please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.....

When many of you create videos about new league starters, please put more emphasis on the early endgame gearing choices rather than talking immediately about how to scale it to a A8 killer.....

For those of us trying to figure out builds and such there is a huge gap between league start and end game boss killer that many of these videos do not address.

maybe spend some time talking about the things your league stater build would look for when reaching maps.... some of the strats you might use to gear in the early end game, and what to save vs what to sell (assuming trade league)

This would help out people more than you know.

Maybe I have bad taste, but I think the new wings will look great!
Hey GGG, I want to buy the Delirium portal, Is that something you're looking to add.
The best part of Delirium League is that we'll be too busy playing PoE inside to catch Coronavirus

CDC recommendations; Avoid large crowds and self isolate for long periods of time.
***Advice for casuals.***


More CDC recommendations; Avoid touching your face.
***Our hands are too busy on 12345 flasks and mousing anyway***


Ty GGG for nerfing IRL Contagion builds

With the new league starting soon, here's what you can do to protect your hands

The new league mechanics look pretty sweet, but this game, as with all similar ARPGs, can take a toll on your hands and wrists. About a year ago, I started taking that more seriously, and it has made playing a lot more enjoyable. I'm going to make some product recommendations to help you do the same, but in the age of affiliate blogging and such, I want to make it clear I'm NOT getting paid for this; this is just something to promote good hand/wrist health.

Here are some tips I've followed to help keep my hands safe:

* Buy a vertical or semi-vertical mouse. [This](https://www.amazon.com/J-Tech-Digital-V628-Adjustable-Sensitivity/dp/B0759V6FZC) is the one I bought.

Keeping your wrists upright is important to minimizing the amount of strain. I got to try a few different mice at my last job thanks to a pretty robust ergonomics review they allowed us to do, and my preference ended up being the semi-vertical variety, which gave me just enough of the traditional mouse experience to be familiar while also keeping my wrists in a more natural posture.

It might seem weird at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly, and the difference in my right wrist was night and day. A lot of you who are younger (early 20s or teens) might think it doesn't apply to you, but I promise you that it does, and you will hurt much sooner than you realize if you don't do anything about it.

* Buy an ergonomic keyboard. [This](https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Natural-Ergonomic-Keyboard-4000/dp/B000A6PPOK) is the one I use at home, whereas [this](https://www.amazon.com/Goldtouch-GTN-0099-Adjustable-Ergonomic-Keyboard/dp/B005OCQBKM/ref=asc_df_B005OCQBKM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309807187084&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13533239189507243314&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027599&hvtargid=aud-829758849484:pla-524762019791&psc=1) is the one I used at my previous job.

Again, this is all about keeping your wrists in a more natural posture. The latter keyboard is a bit weird, and I doubt it would be a good fit for POE, but the former is just fine. I was leery of using such a keyboard for games, but in fact the split keyboard actually makes it a little easier to find keys quickly by touch.

* Get a good chair. I splurged on a [SecretLab Titan](https://secretlab.co/collections/titan-series?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=us-google-shop&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=datafeed#titan_2020-black&gclid=CjwKCAiAzJLzBRAZEiwAmZb0arX2IVrFgl2qJFMUtc70WE5p7ZE3c-WQnV-91rnNj2HHY-8iz4ECFBoCmzMQAvD_BwE) with the main reason being that it has highly-adjustable armrests.

There's no real point in having an ergonomic mouse and keyboard if you're not using them correctly, such as if you're supporting the weight of your arm with your wrists. If you're going to be gaming for long periods, having a decent chair that allows your arms to be mostly-level or slightly above your desk height is very important.

You might not have the budget or inclination to buy a $400 chair like I did, but keep in mind that a chair is a lot cheaper than carpel tunnel surgery. Don't be afraid to spend just a little more than you might want to just to keep your hands (and back, and legs) healthy.

* Ask for all this stuff at work

Employers are obligated to provide a safe working environment, and if you work a desk job where you type many hours a day, you're entitled to ergonomic equipment to keep you safe.

If for some reason your work can't/won't provide it, you might just buy it yourself. I am *definitely* not a lawyer, so I won't make any other suggestions about what you should do if they refuse. Point is, though, that if you only keep your wrists safe while you're gaming, you're probably harming them the rest of the day.

* Stretch periodically

The main thing I do, taken from ergonomics advice I've received through work and online, is to put one arm straight out in front of me, and then I pull my palm straight up, hold it for ten seconds, then straight down and hold it for ten seconds.
Stretching in general is important.

* Split the burden of the game between your hands

All the above info is stuff you'll get from a standard ergonomics website or a handout from your company's HSE department. This is something a little extra that I've adopted that has helped quite a lot once I got used to it: **put force move on the keyboard**. I personally use the E key.

I found that in both this game and Grim Dawn, I was doing almost all the heavy lifting, so to speak, with my right hand, especially my pointer and middle fingers, and thus my right wrist was always the first thing to get sore. By putting force move on E, I've managed to eliminate that problem completely, well past what I would have been able to achieve with just the semi-vertical mouse.

Even if you don't follow any of the suggestions I've given, I hope you all will **take your ergonomic health seriously!** It's very easy to get a repetitive strain injury in a game like this. Enjoy Delirium!

TL;DR: buy a popsickle stick.

I have created over a thousand builds
Since catalysts are tagged as currency, is there any chance 3.10 allow to get them from strongboxes or cards?

Cards: The Master Artisan or Emperor's Luck
Strongbox: Artisan's
both are declared as yielding currency or currency that affects quality

Can I have these Wings instead? (Sorry for awful Photoshop)
And so it begins...
A tribute to the Zombiemancer. Bone armour inspired.