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My league starter in 3.10, feel free to copy it.
My MS Paint League Starter - Created in PowerPoint
[Unpopular] I'm okay with map sustain being nerfed, but "fix" side content map drops please.

I can agree that 3.9 sustain with zero investment (running white/blue maps can sustain T16) is a bit too much and makes for very easy mapping, especially in HC.

However, at the same time, I'd like to see Temple and Delve map drops "fixed". I know it's technically caused by the watchstones, but opening empty map chests feels absolutely awful. Often you don't get a single map from T3 temple map room or delve city.

I know its nowhere near perfect but its my first "big" craft.
Unpopular opinion: Even though autopicking up splinters sounds good...

There's a big difference between splinters and Metamorph organs.

The organs instantly disappear if you leave the area and are wiped out of existence if you don't use them.

What resembles this is the keys in Alva's temple - now those can be picked up.

However splinters require inventory management, empty space.

A Low Tolerance for Poison
A leaguestarter tale as old as time
Questions Thread - March 03, 2020

Questions Thread - March 03, 2020

This is a general question thread on March 03, 2020. You can find the previous question threads [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/search?q=Questions+Thread+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).

Remember to check [the Wiki](http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki) first.

You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in [our official Discord.](https://discord.gg/pathofexile)

The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

* New player questions
* Mechanics
* Build Advice
* League related questions
* Trading
* Endgame
* Price checks
* Etc.

**No question is too big or too small!**

We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.
We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

The Cheater Divination Card
just dropped this sick belt
Rest in pieces, "Hand-casting"

Spellslingers about to bury you now.

Developer Baeclast with Rory & Neon this Sunday!

I'm very happy to announce that we will be joined by Rory & Neon for a Developer Baeclast to awnser all your Delirium questions this Sunday at 9pm NZ, 8am UK & 3am EST. The show will be streamed live on twitch.tv/tarkecat

The episode as always will be available in full on my YouTube afterwards. So don't worry if you cant stomach the timezones. https://www.youtube.com/c/tarkecat

I'll be making a reddit thread to collect questions from the community after the next Developer Manifesto. As I'm sure that will answer a whole bunch of questions and raise plenty more.

Huge shoutout to Rory and Neon for sacrificing their Sunday evening!


first league starter meme build
TLDR on how Spellslinger works

Some people still have trouble understanding how it works, rightly so, as GGG can be super technical when they explain mechanics.

Basically, think of Spellslinger like Blasphemy. You link spells to Spellslinger, and when you activate Spellslinger, it will reserve the mana based on how many spells you've linked (15% per spell + whatever multipliers if you have other supports).

Now when you use ANY wand attack, it will also activate the spells you've reserved with Sepllslinger. The attack you use doesn't need to be linked with Spellslinger. So you can have 6-link with Spellslinger + 5 spells/supports, and then a 4link Power Siphon, and all those spells will trigger when you use Power Siphon, for example.

The only thing I'm unsure of is how does it activate spells, one at the time or all at once.

3.10 after Wand Skill Balance be like
A PoB warrior tale as old as time