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nd links. Made about 150ex doing minimal work. Since I knew summoners wanted these gloves I had no issues selling these mid league as people could now afford to spend 10ex upgrading their gloves. Again no need to snipe, I just simply logged on and bought the cheapest ones and updated them.

Running Cortex maps:

Again this was a no brainer, cortex maps were 2.4ex, bottled faiths were selling at 14ex a pop. 1 month into the league. The bottles dropped 1/5. So cost was 12ex on average and I return was 14ex (not counting fossils/elder/shaper/GCP/chisels). I simply bought the maps ran to the end and killed the boss and left. You could do 30 maps per hour. You do the math.

No inbetween this period I did have a 28 maps without a flask dropping (this mean I was 70ex in the hole). So there is a chance you could go broke if you don’t have enough currency. It all avgs out eventually as you might get like 5 flasks in 7 maps.

Adding catalyst onto mark of the elder:

This is another instance of identifying a gap and using league mechanics that were previously not available. I simply added 20 abrasive catalysts to 80% mark of the elder rings. 80% rings were 40-80c 20 abrasives at the time was 1c each. I sold these rings at 250c – 3.5ex. Again the theme is minimal effort, no need to snipe, 3 trades (like 2 minutes of work) for like 1.5ex profit.

These are just some examples I used. There are so many other gaps in the market. If you want to make money, use your game knowledge, find out how things work and identify gaps in the market. This way you can print exalts with minimal effort.

Key points to identifying gaps and whether its worth doing:

Is there demand for the product?

How much effort do I have to put into it? How many trades or things I have to do to complete one trade cycle?

How much time do I have to put in? if it’s less than 5ex per hour there’s probably something better to do?

And most importantly IS ANYONE ELSE DOING WHAT IM DOING? If the answer is yes, you guys will eventually under cut and margins get thinner.

Identify a gap in the market by applying a certain action (applying a service) and on selling that service for profit preferably around 1ex per trade cycle. No need to snipe, no need to play 12 hours a day. Play at your own pace, no need for group play or bitch boys.

GGG - Please give us a customizable UI

This game really needs an updated and improved UI. Buffs/Debuffs up top, Mana bottom left corner, Health bottom right corner. Its actually terrible in my opinion to try and keep an eye on these things while trying to kill things and not stand in things that kill you.

If we could move things around, hide certain buffs/debuffs it would be great. If nothing else, move the relevant information closer to each other so we don't have to be looking all over the screen at once trying to see what is going on.

If something like WeakAuras in world of Warcraft could be implemented for those who are familiar, it would be AMAZING!

Spicy little chaos spam before my last build of the league!
What would glue you to the PoE league for longer each league?

I am usually done with the PoE league in 5-6 weeks, but I'd really love to stay longer in case there is some incentive. I think this is the case for most PoE veterans.

Question for all - what would make you stick in the game for longer each league?

ie. for me - I'd definitely stick around if there is some unique MTX reward for sc/hc SSF mode @ each league.

Bugged Bug?

I killed Arakaali so quickly that she skipped her mid-death phase and just kind of sat there. I was able to continue attacking. My golem and totem AI were able to still target her as well. Wasn't able to proc her death or the phase two thing at all though.

This ever happen to anyone? First time I've seen it.


What is this debufff?
Constant disconnects

Hi guys, I'm playing from Singapore server and I keep disconnecting (an unexpected error has occured) and sometimes I can't connect back for 10-15 mins. Not really sure what is wrong cuz other games this doesn't happen, also I'm playing via ethernet so the ping is real stable but I still keep getting disconnections. Any solution to this problem? Thanks in advance.

This is a big issue for me cuz
1. Dying which can be annoying at levels 90+
2. I want to play hardcore but it's impossible
3. Zana maps with only 1 portal

Items stopped working. Definitely built something wrong. Any suggestions on what to do?
Help with my summoner


I am new player. I dont have a lot of game knowledge, so i decided to ask community for help.

My level 87 Necro:

I am trying to play build:

King of all summoners

Budget version.
But I reach tier 12 maps and I am dying a lot. Like 3-4x in first half of the map. My zombies are dying quickly and they dont do enough damage i think. And i am even not able do complete tier 6 Blight maps.

Offcourse I tried to look up fo some informations on forums etc. But there is just a lot variations and i dont have too much currency.

I was thinking about switch to:

Pure phys skeleton like here

How can i improve or "repair" build? I have now about 200c

Thank you :)

Got my Hands onto this gorgeous Helmet for my Aura focused Deaths Oath Character
Hello! If not a big secret does someone know how to craft those 10% reduced mana reserved helmets. I've used more than 100 lucent+dense+bound fossil and never hit more than 5% on redeemer based helmet. Am i doing somethig wrong?

250 hours and still never completed maps
GGG pls defragment your own ggpk before deploying it to Steam

I shaved **10 GB** off the Steam ggpk by running the defragmenter on it. _EDIT: by this I'm referring to the well-known ggpk_defragment(er).rb script_

"Just don't use Steam LOL, what a loser OP, Steam is retarded, etc." you say? This is **not** Steam's fault, they just give you the exact same files that GGG (or any other developer) provides to them. For some reason GGG deploys the Steam ggpk **with 10 GB of garbage in it**, and they're the only ones who can fix this.

Crafting Challenge League (MSC Trade)

Hey guys,

This little private league experiment has been going really well so far, so I wanted to open it up to some more people.

Long story short, the ONLY mod enabled is "No magic or rare items drop". Uniques still drop, influenced items drop as white, etc. However, it REALLY shakes things up.

There are a bunch of people at various levels of progression right now. It's 100% free, and I'll buy more slots if necessary. The goal is to help everyone get better at crafting, especially with limited resources. Be creative in your builds!

The link is below, as well as the discord which has two channels specifically for the league.



We use Global 7123 to chat. Once you've applied, you can tag me in discord (@Iron) or reply here and I'll accept you to the league within 30 mins-1 hour.

Hope you enjoy!

[MSC] Beast Siege - Dex stacking miner bow
Don't let your memes be dreams



Because an unset without extra implicit is too boring

Crafting process:

* Get a hunter unset base
* Use gilded fossil to add and extra implicit
* Use chances to get a unique ring
* Kill your favorite boss for good luck
* Vaal it and pray for a good one
* Profit?
