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3.10 after Wand Skill Balance be like
A PoB warrior tale as old as time
The Long Lost Memory (Fan "Art" Card)
How I decide my league starter build
Just when you think you've got it all figured out..
Do we want to bet Arcane Expanse was nuked or just moved?
SSF Influenced Item Base Cheat-sheet

In preparation for Delirium League created a list of influenced item bases that are worth keeping in my stash. This is based on my personal experience and way of playing the game in SSF. I play a lot of different builds and want to have options when choosing a new build without using too much of my valuable stash space. The goal is to have at least one item per entry and replace them should I get a higher item level or better base type. I keep most of the rings/belts/amulets ilvl 75+ because they don’t need a lot of space.

The list doesn’t include weapons because most of them are not worth keeping or you know exactly what you are looking for. Most builds do very well with uniques or it is more cost-effective to craft on a non-influenced, high item level base of your choice.

However, some influenced weapons are build enabling and worth mentioning here (help me expand the list if you think I missed something important):

* Shaper/Hunter dex-stacking bow
* Shaper CwC-staff
* Redeemer Hatred/aura effect dagger/wand
* Hunter poison/dot claw/bow
* Elder Fortify staff/mace

|*Influence/Item Slot*|*Item Level*|*Mod*|
|All|75+|Curse on hit|
|Conqueror|82+|\+all gem level|
|Shaper|80+|Cold/Fire DoT Multiplier|
|Elder|80+|Chaos/Physical DoT Multiplier|
|Elder|68+|\+1 Zombie/Skeleton|
|*Body Armour*|||
|Shaper|84+|Spell Crit/+active gem level|
|Elder|84+|Attack Crit/%Life|
|Hunter|82+|Additional Curse/Crit|
|Warlord|80+|\+active gem level|
|Crusader|75+|Cooldown Recovery|
|Warlord|75+|\+1 Endurance|
|Shaper|82/83+|Area/Mine/Hypo./ Innervate|
|Elder|82+|Conc./Immolate/Burn/Minion Life/Damage|
|Hunter|80+|Additional Strike/Physical/Fire/Cold/Chaos DoT Multiplier|
|Redeemer|80+|Frenzy on Kill/Blind on hit|
|Warlord|75+|\+1 Frenzy/Culling|
|Shaper/Warlord|80+|\+1 Arrow|
|Hunter|80+|Physical/Fire/Chaos DoT Multiplier|
|Redeemer|80+|Curse/Aura Effect/Min Frenzy|
|Shaper|70+|\+1 Totem/ %Life/Mana/ES on block|

Edit: separated belt and rings, added shaper/elder amulet and added different mods to existing bases

Keanu Reave Blade Flurry/Reave build
Should Chaos Orbs be stackable to 20 instead of 10? You Pro or Con?

With only 10 Stacks its too much clicking for Trades sometimes.
And also they are not as rare as Exalts, so 20 Stacks should be ok.

What do you think?

Questions Thread - March 04, 2020

Questions Thread - March 04, 2020

This is a general question thread on March 04, 2020. You can find the previous question threads [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/search?q=Questions+Thread+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).

Remember to check [the Wiki](http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki) first.

You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in [our official Discord.](https://discord.gg/pathofexile)

The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

* New player questions
* Mechanics
* Build Advice
* League related questions
* Trading
* Endgame
* Price checks
* Etc.

**No question is too big or too small!**

We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.
We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

Sometimes a Vicious Skewering is called for.
If GGG wants players to complete and run many different maps, lots of them seriously need a layout rework!

There are so many maps that just aren't fun to run. Things like Cells, Plaza or most of the current t16s feel extremely bad to play. And I am not talking about monster count. Some of them have such an annoying layout that I will run them once per league and never again. It's just not fun.

I think it really is time to remove annoyances like doors and other obstacles and streamline them a bit more. They are just way too many maps that suck and I want to enjoy running a bunch of different maps. Please GGG do it, make variety mapping fun :)

Collecting Questions For Dev Baeclast This Sunday

As I announced in a previous thread Rory and Neon will be joining ZiggyD, RaizQT, Octavian, Nugiyen and myself this Sunday on Baeclast. At 9pm NZ, 8am UK & 3am EST. The show will be streamed live on twitch.tv/tarkecat and afterwards uploaded in full on my YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/tarkecat

I'll be collecting the best questions from this thread and adding them to our topic list for the episode that as always is sent to u/Bex_GGG to be approved by the team. The reason we do this is so the Devs can collect answers from their colleagues in regards to specific questions outside of their wheelhouse. With this in mind, I would like the focus of the episode to be on Delirium itself and the new changes coming with the 3.10 patch. While we may touch on PoE2, don't expect too much news on that front.

With all of that out of the way, feel free to leave me any questions you have for the Devs.

Countdown Timer https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20200308T21&p0=22&msg=Delirium+Dev+Baeclast+With+Rory+%26+Neon&font=cursive

Link to previous thread https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/fcq88y/developer_baeclast_with_rory_neon_this_sunday/
