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Found a small accidental Standard nest egg while organizing my stash tab layout for Delirium.
StupidFatHobbit's Filter v3.10.0 - Delirium League Launch Release

##3/12/20 - v3.10.0 - Delirium League Launch Release

[**3.10.0 - Sovereign General**](https://pastebin.com/rXX1hEUZ) | [**CS**](https://pastebin.com/eKQPTiXb)

[**3.10.0 - Sovereign Strict**](https://pastebin.com/H9xaHuwm) | [**CS**](https://pastebin.com/UZ6GvjF2)

[**3.10.0 - Sovereign UberStrict**](https://pastebin.com/NcEJA6Zs) | [**CS**](https://pastebin.com/3kFLmrvj)

[Forum Item Filter Page](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/StupidFatHobbit/item-filters)

[Forum Thread](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1595976/page/1)

[FilterBlast Preview](http://filterblast.xyz/StupidFatHobbit/)

[Custom Sound Example - Sonic 3 Sounds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dexDzMDEob4&feature=youtu.be)

[Sonic 3 Sounds Download](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VeGxujj3btxcAui_p2fu5J9noNd-B8Gv/view?usp=sharing)

## Update Notes:

In addition to the usual new league items, thanks to the new AreaLevel command I've finally been able to set in motion my plans to tighten the strictness of the General filter and make it more usable past the first 1-2 days of the league. The General filter now tapers as it approaches top tier maps and is also now the only filter that shows 84 bases as they're now hidden in Strict and still hidden in Uber. The most notable impact of these changes is that the chaos recipe now terminates at t15 maps - if for whatever reason you're still doing the chaos/regal recipe in t16 maps ~~then I can't save you~~, you'll need to delete the two "AreaLevel <=82" lines near the end of Section 21.

The other most noticeable impact of AreaLevel is that the Leaguestart override block has been completely removed and its relevant components are now fully integrated into the General filter. This means the General filter essentially always has the Leaguestart overrides on when in zones lower than 68. The SSF & Race override blocks have also been drastically reduced and overall this means much less necessary editing at leaguestarts. All you have to do now is set your socket colors in Section 1 and then delete the levelling sections that are irrelevant to you (i.e. if doing melee, delete caster/summoner/ranged). Note that the SSF overrides for currency are also gone - with the actual currency section now being Section 2 instead of further down the filter it makes more sense to simply edit the primary blocks directly if needed.

As GGG has not released the itemlevel tiers that certain cluster notables can roll, I've taken a wild fucking guess and put the sound/icon threshold at a very conservative ilvl 80 given prior experience with Abyss Jewels. I have absolutely no idea how common/rare they'll actually be so just keep this in mind. If they're crazy rare you might want to put sound on all, if they're common then you might want to raise the ilvl threshold to 84 (as that's the highest level they've commented on a mod being so far, subject to change). Relevant lines are located at the very end of Section 3.

Lastly, while we've received a bunch of new icons and colors to play with we didn't get the details until this update was more or less finished and the large number of new icons/colors will precipitate a huge number of highlighting changes in the filter. I'm leaving all that for the first league update as it's simply too much work right now and I've been trying to get the leaguestart updates out a bit sooner than usual so people have time to edit. I will also be making much further use of the AreaLevel command as this update just contained the basics.

Side note: I'm aware of the new Glorious Plate unique sharing base with Kaom's Heart but I'm leaving the current Glorious Plate highlighting as is because I'm gambling on the new item being boss specific. Hopefully it's not an ultra-common item that can just drop anywhere. If it does wind up being really common just move Glorious Plate from max value to the UVV tier in Section 8.

Major Strictness / Feature Changes:

- Added highlighting for all new Delirium items and
tiered all new div cards
- Leaguestart Override block has been completely removed and all relevant components are now integrated into the rest of the filter. Remaining sections have been renumbered accordingly
- SSF and Race Override Blocks have been drastically reduced given that most of their functions have now been integrated into the General filter using AreaLevel.
- Strict filter now hides 84 bases, shows 85 and 86. This means the current filter setup is: general 84-86, strict 85-86, uber 86 only
- General filter no longer shows chaos recipe in t16 maps / 83 zones. Chaos/regal recipe shows in all other tiers
- General filter now hides trash non-chaos recipe rares starting in red maps (the ones that were faded out)
- General filter now hides wisdom scrolls starting in red maps
- Essences dropping during levelling ranges in General filter are now always all max font size
- Basic Gems are no longer hidden in the Coast in the General filter but they are still hidden after town
- Block reordering has finally been completed. Standardized order of text lines in blocks is Background, Border, Text, Font, Sound, Icon, Light.

Other Changes:

- Re-added Imbued Wand rare highlighting special borders under caster color, subject to change
- Switched Vaal Rapier and Ambusher in rare highlighting (ambusher now hidden in strict, rapier shown)
- Sections 11A and 11B (Rare Highlighting) have swapped positions (the override section, which is disabled by default, now comes first)
- Default Chance item set to Glorious Plate, chance blocks now disabled by default in Uber. Chance item block no longer flags mirrored items thanks to new command
- Reduced the threshold for stacked minor currency (alt, bauble, chance, etc) showing in Uber from 5 to 3
- Moved atlas jewellery bases to small yellow diamonds
- Lowered threshold for higher highlight on q vaal gems from 14 to 10 in higher strictness filters
- Added exception for 2 socket tombfist/bubonic thanks to new abyss socket filtering
- Heavily cleaned up section 21, removed a number of redundant blocks
- Added support for double corrupted items dropping just in case GGG does something funny
- Removed the Veiled line from the priority highlight blocks as it never worked properly
- All Veiled item minimap icons now on small triangle, color differences only
- Tacati attack suffix sceptre border downgraded from white to red. Note: this change was implemented before patch notes were known, apparently this is now legacy
- Expanded flask IDcraft
- Disabled drop sound on most hidden items dropping (actually makes a big difference if you're playing without music, the "background noise" of stuff dropping while killing mobs is something we all apparently were used to or never noticed). Note: due to the sheer number of instances of lines like this, this is very likely not a completely finished task yet but the most noticeable ones have been so far neutralized
- Numerous minor font size changes and other various adjustments

Levelling Changes:

- All levelling sections now terminate at 70 instead of 72. Certain maraketh and other bases which don't drop until 71/72 still show briefly at those levels.
- Rewrote both 1h and 2h melee levelling sections to show axes/swords instead of axes/maces to more accurately reflect the current meta. Axes are still favored as they're overall higher dps while levelling.
- 1h melee levelling is now above 2h melee levelling (Sections 16A and 16B have swapped positions)
- 2h melee levelling is now disabled by default
- 2L priority racing blocks terminate after A1 instead of after A2 now but now include body armour
- 3L priority racing blocks terminate after A2 instead of after A3
- Bone Spirit Shield / Sharktooth Quiver SSF overrides now end after a3 (as they basically never drop after that point anyways) but have much bigger font size/highlights. It's intended that if you're planning on using these vendor recipes that you pick up the required bases during late a2 and a1 respectively which is when they drop the most.
- Larger magic items are now hidden after a3 instead of
waiting until after a5
- Increased font size all chromes before kitava
- Increased font size small/mid chromes in racing levels between a5 and 10 kitava
- Removed block that shows white wands/scepters at 15 or lower in summoner block
- Summoner levelling: Now only Pagan wands show for wand weapon bases from mid to endgame. Heathen is identical implicit and Profane has way too high of an int requirement for a levelling / early mapping weapon
- Summoner levelling: Added extra highlight for 3L pagan wands dropping during levelling range
- Summoner levelling: Reduced the number of claws that show
- Enlarged a number of font sizes, especially on rares, during levelling phase
- Significantly increased font size rare archetype weapons levelling section in pre-map levels
- Summoner levelling: Fixed magic/rare weapon highlighting at low levels being too small font size
- Enlarged a number of magic items during racing levels, especially during a5-a10

Divination/Unique/Prophecy Tiering Changes:

- Top to Max: Succor of the Sinless
- High to Mid: Wolven King's Bite
- LS to Bottom: Turquoise Amulet
- Sulphur flask to league specific from VV
- Ambitious Bandit 2 & Feral Lord 2 down a tier

As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream [twitch.tv/sfhobbit](https://twitch.tv/sfhobbit) as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a [donation link](https://streamelements.com/sfhobbit/tip) for those who want to support the filter.

A better trading experience [Chrome extension]

Hello Exiles !

I developed a Chrome extension that adds a few QoL features to the trade website.

What it does:

* Organizes your trade search parameters by folders
* Converts non-chaos prices with poe.ninja’s rates (ie: 1.5ex = 1ex + 50c = 150c)
* Highlights searched mods
* Adds a few visual improvements to the interface




Give it a try [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/better-pathofexile-tradin/fhlinfpmdlijegjlpgedcmglkakaghnk](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/better-pathofexile-tradin/fhlinfpmdlijegjlpgedcmglkakaghnk?fbclid=IwAR2IU-KQv1DmzoDl2zSB3zGB_3QM3tt4u8UNuYNWvpg0PH2BoXbfTSkrYDY)

Stay sane Exiles ✌️

Get ready for the hot new build this league
Can we appreciate how the new gems showcase are finally sorted by type and order?
Damn... it's this time again. Updating over 30 builds!
[Suggestion] It’s great that we'll have slots for conq orbs and all harb shards in 3.10 but I think some orbs could have a better location, principally for crafting purpose.
A moment of calm before the battle can end the war
Tomorrow, Path of Exile: Delirium will introduce a Favourite Map system that allows you to increase the drop chance of your preferred maps!
Questions Thread - March 13, 2020

Questions Thread - March 13, 2020

This is a general question thread on March 13, 2020. You can find the previous question threads [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/search?q=Questions+Thread+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).

Remember to check [the Wiki](http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki) first.

You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in [our official Discord.](https://discord.gg/pathofexile)

The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

* New player questions
* Mechanics
* Build Advice
* League related questions
* Trading
* Endgame
* Price checks
* Etc.

**No question is too big or too small!**

We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.
We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

In a patch following the launch of Path of Exile: Delirium, your master missions will be accessible from the map device!
Embrace the madness!
[Lootfilter Stuffs] Demo of the new filter icons and beam/icon colors.

Here's an image of the upcoming new filter icons/colors: https://imgur.com/GHSydhi

You can see the icons in the corner. From left to right:

- Grey Kite

- Pink Cross

- Cyan Pentagon

- Purple Moon

- Orange Raindrop

and... *sigh*

- Red UpsideDownHouse

edit: fixed raindrop.
