🔥🇮🇹 La responsabilité de cette guerre incombe UNIQUEMENT aux #USA qui ont ouvert des bases de l'#OTAN comme McDonald's jusqu'au domicile de #Poutine puis, comme les vautours HABITUELS dans la région de Cesarini, "libèrent et reconstruisent" l'#Ukraine en échange de sa souveraineté en faisant d'un esclave un autre morceau d'#Europe.
👉 https://twitter.com/lucacastellini/status/1497198956698296323?s=21
🔥🇮🇹 The responsibility for this war rests ONLY with the #USA who opened #NATO bases like McDonald's to #Putin's home and then, like the USUAL vultures in the Cesarini area, "liberate and rebuild" #Ukraine in exchange for his sovereignty by making a slave another piece of #Europe.
👉 https://t.me/forzanuovafn
👉 https://twitter.com/lucacastellini/status/1497198956698296323?s=21
🔥🇮🇹 The responsibility for this war rests ONLY with the #USA who opened #NATO bases like McDonald's to #Putin's home and then, like the USUAL vultures in the Cesarini area, "liberate and rebuild" #Ukraine in exchange for his sovereignty by making a slave another piece of #Europe.
👉 https://t.me/forzanuovafn
Luca Castellini
La responsabilità di questa guerra ricade SOLO sugli #USA che hanno aperto basi #NATO come McDonald fin sotto casa di #Putin per poi, come SOLITI avvoltoi in zonaCesarini, “liberare e ricostruire” l’#Ucraina in cambio della sua sovranità rendendo schiavo…
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 Un missile russe touche le mémorial de l'Holocauste de #BabyYar à Kiev...
Selon les dernières informations, #Poutine n'aurait pas l'intention d'anéantir le #Birobidjan.
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 A Russian missile hits the #BabyYar Holocaust memorial in Kiev...
According to the latest information, #Putin does not intend to destroy #Birobidjan.
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 Российская ракета попала в мемориал жертвам Холокоста #БабийЯр в Киеве...
По последней информации, #Путин не намерен разрушать #Биробиджан.
Selon les dernières informations, #Poutine n'aurait pas l'intention d'anéantir le #Birobidjan.
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 A Russian missile hits the #BabyYar Holocaust memorial in Kiev...
According to the latest information, #Putin does not intend to destroy #Birobidjan.
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 Российская ракета попала в мемориал жертвам Холокоста #БабийЯр в Киеве...
По последней информации, #Путин не намерен разрушать #Биробиджан.
Forwarded from La Falange
De nuevo se habla de una posible "Tercera Guerra Mundial". Putin ha afirmado que si, que podría ser posible. Lo que no dicen los medios de desinformación es que la OTAN (EEUU), es la primera interesada en que ocurriese. Para los falangistas, lo primero es la verdad, venga de donde venga.
#Putin #OTAN
#Putin #OTAN
🔥 On parle à nouveau d’une éventuelle « Troisième Guerre mondiale ». Poutine a déclaré que oui, cela pourrait être possible. Ce que les médias de désinformation ne disent pas, c’est que l’OTAN (les États-Unis) est la première partie intéressée par cette situation. Pour les #Falangistes, la première chose est la vérité, d’où qu’elle vienne.
🔥 Once again there is talk of a possible "Third World War." Putin has stated that yes, it could be possible. What the disinformation media does not say is that NATO (USA) is the first party interested in this happening. For the #Falangists, the first thing is the truth, wherever it comes from.
#Putin #OTAN
🔥 Once again there is talk of a possible "Third World War." Putin has stated that yes, it could be possible. What the disinformation media does not say is that NATO (USA) is the first party interested in this happening. For the #Falangists, the first thing is the truth, wherever it comes from.
#Putin #OTAN