Forteresse Europe - canal d'actualité nationaliste européenne
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🇫🇷Canal d'information sur l'actualité nationaliste en Europe. Concernant la liste nationaliste pour les élections européennes 2024 voir

🇬🇧Information channel on nationalist news in Europe
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Pour paraphraser Ghandi, certains ont proclamé qu"une civilisation se juge à la façons dont elle traite les femmes."
Alors qu'aujourd'hui, en France et en presque partout en Europe, la loi elle-même impose la vision des vainqueurs sur la seconde guerre mondiale, alors que tout crime imputable à l'Allemagne ou à ses alliés est rappelé et rabâché à chacun jusqu'à l'écoeurement, nous apprenons que les soldats alliés ont massivement commis des viols sur les plus faibles des civils de ces pays qu'ils venaient "libérer", sur ces femmes à qui la guerre avait volé leurs pères, leurs frères, leurs époux...
Étrangement, il n'existe pas de "légende noire" à ce titre sur l'armée allemande d'occupation.
Alors, la civilisation, où était elle, Messieurs les censeurs de la mémoire ?


To paraphrase Ghandi, some have proclaimed that "a civilisation is judged by the way it treats women."
While today, in France and almost everywhere else in Europe, the law itself imposes the victors' view of the Second World War, while every crime attributable to Germany or its allies is recalled and repeated to everyone to the point of disgust, we learn that the Allied soldiers massively committed rape on the weakest civilians of these countries they had come to "liberate", on these women from whom the war had stolen their fathers, their brothers, their husbands....
Strangely, there is no such thing as a 'black legend' about the German army of occupation.
So where was civilisation, you censors of memory?

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👥️ Urgent : recherche de colistiers H/F !

La liste d'unité nationaliste recherche encore des colistiers H/F, il en faut 81 avec la parité ! La date limite de dépôt des listes est ce vendredi. Pour rappel il est possible de se présenter sous un second prénom et/ou sous un nom de jeune fille. Si vous voulez que vos idées soient représentées, franchissez le pas ! Ou trouvez des colistiers dans votre entourage !

Si vous avez des noms à proposer, contactez de toute urgence en précisant votre numéro de téléphone.

🛡Forteresse Europe🛡
👥️ Urgent: looking for M/F running mates!

The nationalist unity list is still looking for M/F running mates, we need 81 with parity! The deadline for submitting lists is this Friday. As a reminder, it is possible to introduce yourself under a middle name and/or a maiden name. If you want your ideas represented, take the plunge! Or find running mates in your circle!

If you have names to suggest, contact urgently, specifying your telephone number.

🛡 Fortress Europe 🛡
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Hommage à Jeanne d'Arc, participez à l'offrande florale.

    C'est dans le cadre de la campagne des européennes que les nationalistes ont honoré Sainte Jeanne d'Arc ce dimanche 11 mai.

A cette occasion, Pierre-Marie Bonneau, tête de liste Forteresse Europe, accompagné de Manolo Andrino, chef de la Falange espagnole, ont déposé une magnifique offrande florale au pied de la statue place des Pyramides à Paris.

      Participez vous aussi à cet acte symbolique de fidélité et d'affirmation nationale.

     Vous pouvez faire un don par chèque ou par virement bancaire. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur notre site :

🛡Forteresse Europe🛡
⚜️Tribute to Joan of Arc, take part in the floral offering.

It is within the framework of the European campaign that the nationalists honored Saint Joan of Arc this Sunday, May 11.

On this occasion, Pierre-Marie Bonneau, head of the Forteresse Europe list, accompanied by Manuel Andrino, leader of the Spanish Falange, placed a magnificent floral offering at the foot of the statue on Place des Pyramides in Paris.

You too can participate in this symbolic act of loyalty and national affirmation.

You can donate by check or bank transfer. All information is available on our website:

🛡 Fortress Europe 🛡
🏴🇨🇵 May 15, 1958: dissolution of Jeune Nation

Jeune Nation was founded in 1949 by Albert Heuclin, agent at Les Halles, Jean Marot, Jacques Wagner and the Sidos brothers. On October 22, 1949, the movement was presented for the first time at the headquarters of the Souvenir napoleonien, rue du Cirque and on March 23, 1950, it was officially declared to the Paris police headquarters.

Jeune Nation was dissolved on May 15, 1958 by a decree of the Pflimlin government, following the insurrectionary day of May 13.

However, Jeune Nation refuses to dissolve and on July 5, 1958, the first issue of the newspaper Jeune Nation appears, presented as a fortnightly information magazine, but which wants to be the organ of the dissolved movement.

Jeune Nation reformed under the name of Nationalist Party in 1959. The new party was also dissolved after a few days and the organization reformed again into the Federation of Nationalist Students...

The struggle continues !

Forwarded from La Barriera Torino
Lo scorso weekend una nostra delegazione ha raggiunto Parigi per partecipare, insieme a centinaia di altri nazionalisti, al corteo del @comitedu9mai , in memoria di Sebastien Deyzieu, ucciso nel 1994 dalla polizia a seguito di una manifestazione.

Un nostro responsabile ha avuto anche modo di intervenire durante la conferenza di lancio della lista nazionalista Forteresse Europe, candidata alle elezioni europee in Francia.

I nostri ragazzi hanno anche deposto un mazzo di fiori sulla tomba di Robert Brasillach, uno scrittore che da sempre rappresenta un riferimento per noi, e di cui ricordiamo l’esempio e il sacrificio per l’Europa.

Questa esperienza, oltre ad aver ricordato a tutti che la nostra idea non morirà mai, perché sempre più giovani europei decidono di abbracciarla, ha rinsaldato ancora di più i fraterni legami che legano il nostro movimento ai camerati francesi, con cui portiamo avanti una lotta comune, quella per le nostre nazioni e la nostra comune Patria Europa.

🇨🇵🤝🇮🇹 Le week-end dernier, une de nos délégations est arrivée à Paris pour participer, avec des centaines d'autres nationalistes, au cortège du @comitedu9mai, à la mémoire de Sébastien Deyzieu, tué en 1994 par la police à la suite d'une manifestation.
Un de nos responsables a également eu l'occasion de s'exprimer lors de la conférence de lancement de la liste nationaliste Forteresse Europe, candidate aux élections européennes en France.
Nos militants ont également déposé un bouquet de fleurs sur la tombe de Robert Brasillach, un écrivain qui a toujours été pour nous une référence et dont nous nous souvenons de l'exemple et du sacrifice pour l'Europe.
Cette expérience, en plus d'avoir rappelé à tous que notre idée ne mourra jamais, car de plus en plus de jeunes européens décident de l'adopter, a encore renforcé les liens fraternels qui unissent notre mouvement aux camarades français, avec lesquels nous menons une lutte commune, cela pour nos nations et notre civilisation commune, l’Europe.

🇨🇵🤝🇮🇹 Last weekend, one of our delegations arrived in Paris to participate, with hundreds of other nationalists, in the @comitedu9mai procession, in memory of Sébastien Deyzieu, killed in 1994 by the police in following a demonstration.
One of our managers also had the opportunity to speak at the launch conference of the nationalist Forteresse Europe list, candidate for the European elections in France.
Our activists also placed a bouquet of flowers on the grave of Robert Brasillach, a writer who has always been a reference for us and whose example and sacrifice for Europe we remember.
This experience, in addition to having reminded everyone that our idea will never die, because more and more young Europeans decide to adopt it, has further strengthened the fraternal bonds that unite our movement with the French comrades, with whom we lead a common struggle, this for our nations and our common civilization, Europe.

Forwarded from БНС
Как работи комунистическата пропаганда и как с упорство и търпение подменя общественото мнение...

Коментар на Борис-Михаил попТодоров от БНС в "Извън шаблона" с Пело Кръстев по телевизия СКАТ.
How communist propaganda works and how it persistently and patiently changes public opinion...

Commentary of Boris-Mikhail PopTodorov from BNS in "Outside the template" with Pelo Krastev on SKAT TV.


Comment fonctionne la propagande communiste et comment elle change l'opinion publique avec persistance et patience...

Commentaire de Boris-Mikhail PopTodorov de BNS dans "Hors des sentiers battus" avec Pelo Krastev sur SKAT TV.
🇷🇺🇷🇴 Par le traité de paix de Bucarest du 16 mai 1812, la moitié de la principauté de Moldavie est annexée à l'Empire russe sous le faux nom de Bessarabie. Le désir de la Russie de s'implanter jusqu'au Danube - et au-delà - n'est pas nouveau. Même après sa défaite à Friedland en 1807, le Tsar Alexandre Ier a tenté d'annexer les principautés roumaines lors des négociations avec l'Empereur Napoléon. La correspondance diplomatique entre les deux empereurs révèle les intentions réelles du tsar russe et sa persévérance pour atteindre ses objectifs. Les documents cités ci-dessous font partie de la collection la plus complète de sources sur le rapt de la Bessarabie en 1812, qui appartient à Dimitrie A. Sturdza, "Acte și documente relative la storia renascereri României", (vol. I, imprimé à Bucarest en 1900.l)

🇷🇺🇷🇴 By the peace treaty of Bucharest of May 16, 1812, half of the principality of Moldavia is annexed to the Russian Empire under the false name of Bessarabia. Russia's desire to establish itself as far as the Danube - and beyond - is not new. Even after his defeat at Friedland in 1807, Tsar Alexander I attempted to annex the Romanian principalities during negotiations with Emperor Napoleon. The diplomatic correspondence between the two emperors reveals the real intentions of the Russian tsar and his perseverance in achieving his goals. The documents cited below are part of the most complete collection of sources on the abduction of Bessarabia in 1812, which belongs to Dimitrie A. Sturdza, "Acte și documente relative la storia renascereri României", (vol. I, printed in Bucharest in 1900.l)

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🇷🇴⚔️ Dan BOGHIU

Legionary Commander, member of the Political Council of the Legionary Movement.
May he rest in peace in the paradise of heroes!

Dan Boghiu was born in Iași into a nationalist family of which Captain Corneliu Zelda Codreanu was a friend. On August 23, 1944, when the King of Romania betrayed and sold his Homeland to the Allies and the USSR, the youngster, who was 18 years old, left with a German train for Vienna.

He fought on Oder against Soviet troops until the end of the war.

After the war, he spent 4 years in Germany where he specialized in electronics and left in 1949 for Brazil where he organized a strong legionary garrison for 40 years with Nicu Iancu and other Romanian refugees.

In 1989, he returned to Europe and settled in Switzerland. He runs an activity to help Romania newly liberated from communism. He was appointed Legionary Commander by Horia Sima and included in the Political Council of the Legionary Movement in 1982. He was also appointed to the Construction Committee of the Majadahonda monument.

He was active in legionary exile in the Political Council after the death of Commander Horia Sima in 1993.

After 2013, he remains the head of the Political Council and the highest rank of legionary, he has a firm stance in defending the integrity of the Majadahonda monument and does not accept its alienation.


Forwarded from БНС
Нека помним, че комунистическия терор в България не започна на 9 септември 1944 г., а много преди това. И едни от невинните негови жертви са тези двама млади легионери, които са убити по жесток начин на 16 май 1934 г.

Към статията:
🔴 Rappelons que la terreur communiste en Bulgarie n’a pas commencé le 9 septembre 1944, mais bien avant. Et parmi ses victimes innocentes, furent ces deux jeunes légionnaires, sauvagement assassinés le 16 mai 1934.

🔴 Let us remember that communist terror in Bulgaria did not begin on September 9, 1944, but much earlier. And among his innocent victims were these two young legionnaires, brutally murdered on May 16, 1934.

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