🔥🇮🇹 La responsabilité de cette guerre incombe UNIQUEMENT aux #USA qui ont ouvert des bases de l'#OTAN comme McDonald's jusqu'au domicile de #Poutine puis, comme les vautours HABITUELS dans la région de Cesarini, "libèrent et reconstruisent" l'#Ukraine en échange de sa souveraineté en faisant d'un esclave un autre morceau d'#Europe.
👉 https://twitter.com/lucacastellini/status/1497198956698296323?s=21
🔥🇮🇹 The responsibility for this war rests ONLY with the #USA who opened #NATO bases like McDonald's to #Putin's home and then, like the USUAL vultures in the Cesarini area, "liberate and rebuild" #Ukraine in exchange for his sovereignty by making a slave another piece of #Europe.
👉 https://t.me/forzanuovafn
👉 https://twitter.com/lucacastellini/status/1497198956698296323?s=21
🔥🇮🇹 The responsibility for this war rests ONLY with the #USA who opened #NATO bases like McDonald's to #Putin's home and then, like the USUAL vultures in the Cesarini area, "liberate and rebuild" #Ukraine in exchange for his sovereignty by making a slave another piece of #Europe.
👉 https://t.me/forzanuovafn
Luca Castellini
La responsabilità di questa guerra ricade SOLO sugli #USA che hanno aperto basi #NATO come McDonald fin sotto casa di #Putin per poi, come SOLITI avvoltoi in zonaCesarini, “liberare e ricostruire” l’#Ucraina in cambio della sua sovranità rendendo schiavo…
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 Un missile russe touche le mémorial de l'Holocauste de #BabyYar à Kiev...
Selon les dernières informations, #Poutine n'aurait pas l'intention d'anéantir le #Birobidjan.
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 A Russian missile hits the #BabyYar Holocaust memorial in Kiev...
According to the latest information, #Putin does not intend to destroy #Birobidjan.
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 Российская ракета попала в мемориал жертвам Холокоста #БабийЯр в Киеве...
По последней информации, #Путин не намерен разрушать #Биробиджан.
Selon les dernières informations, #Poutine n'aurait pas l'intention d'anéantir le #Birobidjan.
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 A Russian missile hits the #BabyYar Holocaust memorial in Kiev...
According to the latest information, #Putin does not intend to destroy #Birobidjan.
🇷🇺☀️🇮🇱☀️🇺🇦 Российская ракета попала в мемориал жертвам Холокоста #БабийЯр в Киеве...
По последней информации, #Путин не намерен разрушать #Биробиджан.