#100ans de la Marche sur Rome
En hommage à celui qui conçut et incarna la révolution nationale qui secoue encore le monde.
#100years of the March on Rome
Tribute to the one who conceived and embodied the national revolution which still shakes the world.
#100anni della marcia su Roma
In omaggio a colui che ha concepito e incarnato la rivoluzione nazionale che ancora scuote il mondo.
Abonnez-vous / Suscribe / Sottoscrivi:
🆔 Yvan Benedetti
#100ans de la Marche sur Rome
En hommage à celui qui conçut et incarna la révolution nationale qui secoue encore le monde.
#100years of the March on Rome
Tribute to the one who conceived and embodied the national revolution which still shakes the world.
#100anni della marcia su Roma
In omaggio a colui che ha concepito e incarnato la rivoluzione nazionale che ancora scuote il mondo.
Abonnez-vous / Suscribe / Sottoscrivi:
🆔 Yvan Benedetti
🔥 Yvan Benedetti, célèbre nationaliste français, leader des Nationalistes et rédacteur en chef de Jeune Nation, grâce à qui notre position sur la guerre en Ukraine a été traduite en français, envoie ses salutations ensoleillées de Predappio.
🔥 Yvan Benedetti, famous French nationalist, leader of the Nationalists and editor-in-chief of Jeune Nation, thanks to whom our position on the war in Ukraine has been translated into French, sends his sunny greetings from Predappio.
🔥 Yvan Benedetti, famous French nationalist, leader of the Nationalists and editor-in-chief of Jeune Nation, thanks to whom our position on the war in Ukraine has been translated into French, sends his sunny greetings from Predappio.
#100ans de la Marche sur Rome
Une marée humaine a déferlé à Predappio pour célébrer les 100ans de la Marche sur Rome
Nous étions présents !
#100years of the March on Rome
A human tide swept through Predappio to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the March on Rome
We were present!
#100anni della marcia su Roma
Una marea umana ha travolto Predappio per celebrare il centenario della Marcia su Roma
Eravamo presenti!
Abonnez-vous / Suscribe / Sottoscrivi:
🆔 Yvan Benedetti
#100ans de la Marche sur Rome
Une marée humaine a déferlé à Predappio pour célébrer les 100ans de la Marche sur Rome
Nous étions présents !
#100years of the March on Rome
A human tide swept through Predappio to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the March on Rome
We were present!
#100anni della marcia su Roma
Una marea umana ha travolto Predappio per celebrare il centenario della Marcia su Roma
Eravamo presenti!
Abonnez-vous / Suscribe / Sottoscrivi:
🆔 Yvan Benedetti