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Le nationalisme français d'avant guerre et du temps du Maréchal.
French nationalism before the war and in the time of Marshal Philippe Pétain.
🇨🇵 Fondé le 29 septembre 1933, le #Francisme fut le premier mouvement nationaliste, révolutionnaire et socialiste en France.
C'est à ce mouvement que les Nationalistes doivent la chemise bleue qu'ils portent encore de nos jours.
Dissous à plusieurs reprises après 1936, il fut interdit en 1944 et son chef, Marcel Bucard héros des deux guerres mondiales, fut fusillé le 19 mars 1946 par le pouvoir gaulliste.

🇨🇵 Founded on September 29, 1933, the #Francism was the first nationalist, revolutionary and socialist movement in France.
It is to this movement that the Nationalists owe the blue shirt they still wear today.
Forbidden several times after 1936, Francism was banned in 1944 and its leader, Marcel Bucard hero of the two world wars, was killed by firing squad on March 19, 1946 by the Gaullist authorities.


🇨🇵 #JeuneNation est fondé en 1949 par les frères Sidos, fils d'un haut fonctionnaire Franciste fusillé par les communistes à la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale pour son engagement sous les ordres du Maréchal Petain. Le 22 octobre 1949, le mouvement est présenté pour la première fois au siège du Souvenir napoléonien, rue du Cirque. Il connaît de grands succès dans la lutte contre l'abandon de l'Empire colonial français et contre la soumission de la France, non seulement au communisme mais aussi aux intérêts américains.
#JeuneNation est dissous le 15 mai 1958 par un décret du gouvernement Pflimlin, à la suite de la journée insurrectionnelle du 13 mai. Cependant #JeuneNation refusa de disparaitre et se reforma sous le nom de Parti nationaliste en 1958. Le nouveau parti fut dissous au bout d'un an mais, malgré l'emprisonnement et la lourde condamnation de son Chef, Pierre Sidos, le journal #JeuneNation continua à paraître et est encore aujourd'hui, sur internet, la voix des Nationalistes.

🇨🇵 #JeuneNation was founded in 1949 by the Sidos brothers, son of a senior Francist civil servant shot by the Communists at the end of the Second World War for his commitment under the orders of Marshal Petain. On October 22, 1949, the movement was presented for the first time at the headquarters of Souvenir napoleonien, rue du Cirque. He had great success in the fight against the abandonment of the French colonial Empire and against the submission of France, not only to communism but also to American interests.
#JeuneNation was dissolved on May 15, 1958 by a decree of the Pflimlin government, following the insurrectionary day of May 13. However, #JeuneNation refused to dissolve and reformed as the Nationalist Party in 1958. The new party was dissolved after a year but, despite the imprisonment and heavy conviction of its leader, Pierre Sidos, the newspaper #JeuneNation continued to exist and is still today, on the internet, the voice of the Nationalists.

🇨🇵 29 septembre 1933 : Fondation du #Francisme« Croire en la France ! »

🇨🇵 September 29, 1933: Foundation of #Francism - “Believe in France! "


🇨🇵 29 September, Saint Michael the Archangel, anniversary of the founding of Francisme by Marcel Bucard.

What remains of this movement?

🔵🔴 A blue shirt: that of the worker, that of the soldier, that of the man who, at every moment, wants to serve his country and live as a man.

🔵🔴 A Roman salute, arm outstretched and hand open, like an oath, to return France to its glorious destiny, to free it from all that seeks to destroy it.

🔵🔴 But above all, we are left with this: this "act of faith in France", the very essence of Francism. This belief that we renew every day, that guides us, that allows us to adapt our political action and our structures to the present situation.

France is irrevocable and so are we with her.
#Mouvementfranciste, #Jeunenation, #Oeuvrefrançaise, #LesNationalistes :


👉 To go further:

📌 Marcel Bucard and Francism:

📌 19 March 1946: Marcel Bucard facing the firing squad: "Qui vive? France!" :

29 September 1933: Foundation of
Francism - "Believe in France!" :

#Francism #FrenchFascism #Nationalism #BlueShirt #Bucard #Sidos #Benedetti