Forteresse Europe - canal d'actualité nationaliste européenne
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🇫🇷 Canal d'information sur l'actualité nationaliste en Europe.

🇬🇧 Information channel about nationalist news in Europe.
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🇧🇬🔥 Le week-end dernier nous sommes allés, à l'invitation de nos amis bulgares, dans la capitale Sofia, où nous avons participé à la célébration du 20e anniversaire de l'#UnionNationaleBulgare
L'événement a eu lieu dans le nouveau siège de l'organisation dans le centre-ville.

Pour cet événement spécial, notre propre bière d'une brasserie artisanale a été brassée, ainsi que le livre "20 ans de l'Union nationale bulgare", que nous avons reçu en cadeau, et le nouvel hymne #BNS ont été présentés.

L'événement a réuni plus de 100 membres et sympathisants de l'organisation et il y avait également des délégations étrangères d'Allemagne, de Roumanie, de France et de Suède.

Merci pour l'atmosphère agréable et merveilleuse et nous espérons vous revoir bientôt.


🇧🇬🔥 Last weekend we arrived at the invitation of our Bulgarian friends in the capital Sofia, where we participated in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the #Bulgarian National Union.

The event took place in the organization's new headquarters in the city center.
For this special event, our own beer from a craft brewery was brewed, as well as the book "20 Years of the Bulgarian National Union", which we received as a gift, and the new #BNS anthem were presented.

The event brought together more than 100 members and supporters of the organization and there were also foreign delegations from Germany, Romania, France and Sweden.

Thank you for the pleasant and wonderful atmosphere and we hope to see you again soon.
Sous le balcon, où Ivan Vazov a accueilli la première manifestation contre le traité de paix de Neuilly il y a exactement 102 ans, des militants de l'#UnionNationaleBulgare ont organisé un modeste événement, qui a une fois de plus déclaré qu'ils n'accepteraient jamais l'injustice causée au peuple bulgare.

Lire la suite👇

Under the balcony, where Ivan Vazov hosted the first demonstration against the Neuilly peace treaty exactly 102 years ago, activists from the #BulgarianNationalUnion staged a modest event, which once again declared that they would never accept the injustice caused to the Bulgarian people.

Read more👇

Под балкона, на който Иван Вазов е приветствал първия протест срещу Ньойския мирен договор точно преди 102 години, активисти от #БългарскиНационаленСъюз организираха скромно събитие, с което още веднъж заявиха, че никога няма да се примирят с несправедливостта, причинена на българския народ.

Прочети още
🔥🇧🇬 След известно прекъсване, Свободен Сигнал отново е тук. В епизода, с който ще изпратим настоящата година, ще говорим за едно от събитията през нея, което бе особено важно за нас - а именно двадесетия юбилей на #БългарскиНационаленСъюз. Повече за историята на организацията и интересни факти свързани с нея, може да научите от новото издание на Свободен Сигнал -

🔥🇧🇬 Après quelques interruptions, Signal Libre est de retour. Dans l'épisode que nous enverrons cette année, nous parlerons de l'un des événements qui s'y sont déroulés, qui était particulièrement important pour nous - à savoir le vingtième anniversaire de l'#UnionNationaleBulgare. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur l'histoire de l'organisation et les faits intéressants qui s'y rapportent dans la nouvelle édition de Signal Libre -

🔥🇧🇬 After a few interruptions, Free Signal is back. In the episode we will send this year, we will talk about one of the events that took place there, which was particularly important for us - namely the twentieth anniversary of the #BulgarianNationalUnion. You can read more about the history of the organization and the interesting facts surrounding it in the new edition of Free Signal -

🇧🇬📺 Преди няколко дни водачът на #БНС Звездомир Андронов беше гост в предаването "Студио 18" по телевизия СКАТ. Темата беше кап. Димитър Списаревски и начина, по който днес почитаме неговата памет.

🇧🇬📺 Il y a quelques jours, le chef de l'#UnionNationaleBulgare, Zvezdomir Andronov, était l'invité de l'émission "Studio 18" sur SKAT TV. Le sujet était le Cap. Dimitar Spisarevski et la façon dont nous honorons sa mémoire aujourd'hui.

🇧🇬📺 A few days ago the leader of the #BulgarianNationalUnion, Zvezdomir Andronov, was the guest of the program "Studio 18" on SKAT TV. The subject was Cap. Dimitar Spisarevski and how we honor his memory today.

🎞 Запис от участието на Андронов може да гледате тук:
🎞 Vous pouvez regarder un enregistrement de la participation d'Andronov à cette émission ici :
🎞 You can watch a recording of Andronov's participation in this show here:

🇧🇬 Знаете ли, че освен в Телеграм, #БългарскиНационаленСъюз има свои официални профили във всички големи социални мрежи. Ако още не сте ни последвали в някоя от тях, може да го направите сега 👇🏻

🇧🇬 Saviez-vous qu'en dehors de Telegram, l'#UnionNationaleBulgare a ses profils officiels dans tous les principaux réseaux sociaux. Si vous ne nous avez pas encore suivi dans aucun d'entre eux, vous pouvez le faire maintenant 👇🏻

🇧🇬 Did you know that apart from Telegram, the #BulgarianNationalUnion has its official profiles in all major social networks. If you haven't followed us in any of them yet, you can do it now 👇🏻

🔵 Фейсбук / Facebook:

🟠 Инстаграм / Instagram:

🔴 Ютюб / YouTube:

🟣 Туитър / Twitter:

🟢 Телеграм / Telegram:
⚜️🇨🇵🇧🇬 Message de nos camarades Bulgares de l'#UnionNationaleBulgare

⚜️🇨🇵🇧🇬 Message from pour comrades of #BulgarianNationalUnion

⚜️🇨🇵🇧🇬 Съобщение от наши приятели от #БългарскиНационаленСъюз
🇨🇵⚜️🇧🇬 Forum de l’Europe 2022 : intervention de Plamen Dimitrov (#UnionNationaleBulgare)

🇨🇵⚜️🇧🇬 Форум Европа 2022: реч на Пламен Димитров (

🇨🇵⚜️🇧🇬 Europe 2022 Forum: speech by Plamen Dimitrov (

"Dear French comrades

Dear comrades from all over Europe.
On behalf of Bulgarian National Union I send you our best regards and our nationalist salute!
I hope you will have very productive and very successful European forum.
Unfortunately we were not able to send a delegation this year but we have recorded this video message for you.
Today we are witnessing how Europe is entering an even deeper crisis. We have two raveling anti-national systems clashing on European soil. Because make no mistake - the regime in the Kremlin is as anti-national and anti-European as its western globalist counterparts. It is just a different neomarxist strain trying to create a new version of the Soviet Union, spilling the blood of European people in Ukraine. So don’t let yourselves be deceived that this is any alternative to the Globalist system. It is not as the United States never were an alternative to the Soviet Union.
Europe has had its own and real alternative in the past. And today we as European nationalists must build this alternative - Europe as an alliance of free nations, Europe as a Fortress of our culture, protecting European blood and spirit. Europe as a new kind of empire built on our traditions.
That must be our goal!

Thank you all,
And best regards!"

🔥🇧🇬⚔️ Le 26 mai, dans la cour de l'Académie militaire de Sofia, les membres et partisans de l'#UnionNationaleBulgare ont rendu hommage et se sont humblement inclinés devant le sacrifice de l'une des figures les plus brillantes de l'histoire bulgare - le colonel Boris Drangov.

🔥🇧🇬⚔️ On May 26, in the courtyard of the Military Academy in Sofia, members and supporters of the #BulgarianNationalUnion paid homage and humbly bowed before the sacrifice of one of the most brilliant figures in Bulgarian history - Colonel Boris Drangov.

🔥🇧🇬⚔️ На 26 май по традиция в двора на Военната академия в София членове и симпатизанти на #БългарскиНационаленСъюз отдадоха своята почит и преклониха смирено глава пред саможертвата на един от най-ярките Светилници в българската история – полковник Борис Дрангов.

🇧🇬🤝🇨🇵 Merci à nos camarades de l'#UnionNationaleBulgare d'être venus manifester en mémoire de #Lola devant l'ambassade de France à Sofia.
#Lola est une victime de plus de la politique suicidaire et criminelle du gouvernement français, notamment en matière d'immigration et d'antiracisme.
Ce régime politique doit-être abattu parce qu'il est le premier ennemi du peuple français et parce qu'il sert des intérêts qui ne sont pas ceux de la France.

🇧🇬🤝🇨🇵 Благодарим на нашите другари от #БНС, че дойдоха на демонстрация в памет на #Лола пред френското посолство в София.
#Лола е още една жертва на самоубийствената и престъпна политика на френското правителство, особено по отношение на имиграцията и антирасизма.
Този политически режим трябва да бъде свален, защото е първият враг на френския народ и защото обслужва интереси, които не са тези на Франция.
