FlorestaNFT Announcements
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Join our #AMA this evening at 9:30PM CET on @DeFi_italia_Farming TG channel.

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FlorestaNFTs represent real portions of the Amazon rainforest. What does it mean? That FlorestaNFT allows you to safeguard and protect a large area of the real world rainforest.

Leveraging blockchain technology, a vast area of real-world rainforest can be purchased and converted into NFT, which can be "staked" and yield a certain amount of carbon credits per unit each year.

The Amazon Rainforest could become one of the largest stakeout pools in the world and create the conditions for the development of a real #greenDeFi

Find out more on our last medium article: https://florestanft.medium.com/were-not-a-metaverse-74b96d9240a9
What Carbon Credit NFTs are?
Carbon Credit NFT (ccNFT) are non-fungible tokens and their value depends on the number of Carbon Credits they represent. The real portion of the Amazon rainforest represented by the FlorestaNFTs produces an amount of Carbon Credit that is certified in its production through the REDD+ certification.
This means that the Carbon Credits will be distributed pro rata to the owners of the fNFTs. The NFT carbon credit (ccNFT) can be negotiable (market or OTC) or can be used to generate an energy compensation certificate.

We'll add some use case for Carbon Credit NFT with DeFi partner in the future.

Find out more on our last medium article: https://florestanft.medium.com/something-new-and-good-for-the-planet-ddc398164c7d
Carbon credits are an assets from FlorestNFT: what are they?

Carbon credits are a tool for combating pollution and supporting sustainable development: a strategy focused on sharing, collaboration and participation!

In particular, certified carbon credits represent a title with which companies can reduce the environmental impact of their activities, supporting national and international sustainable development projects.

To learn more about the functioning and certification of Carbon Credits, read the article on our Medium channel!

We believe in rewarding those who trust the project first! So we created the Golden Ticket NFT, a limited edition of NFT that will grant access to a series of exclusive benefits for its holders.

Only 4,000 Golden Ticket NFTs (gNFTs) will be issued, which will allow owners to:
- access every Floresta NFT mint in the whitelist forever
- a discount on the Floresta NFT mint price
- an increase in the premiums in Carbon Credit (from the platform treasury)
- access to a private channel on Discord
- participate in the future DAO of the platform

Keep following us on our social channels for more details!
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According to Brazil's latest COP27 report, the country's CO2 emissions are directly linked to deforestation in the Amazon rainforest and the loss of the tropical savannah ecoregion, also known as Cerrado. In fact, the Amazon rainforest alone currently emits 1 billion tons of CO2 per year, instead of absorbing.

And despite the reassurances of the current administration, with proposals such as reducing illegal deforestation, there has also been a relaxation of the relevant law enforcement measures. With the change of government, we hope for a positive turn of change.

But while we wait for governments to take measures to safeguard the planet, we too can be part of this change, with projects like Floresta NFT.

Find out more on our website at the link: https://www.florestanft.com/
These days, the world comes together to discuss where we are and where we would like to be in our future.
For nearly three decades, the ONU unites more than 45,000 participants, from representing Parties, UN, businesses, the scientific community, indigenous tribes and civil society to discuss ways to accelerate climate action and follow up on commitments and pledges.

In the Paris Agreement it was established and agreed that by 2050, zero emissions will have to be achieved.
Yet today we have come to close to 40 billion tons of CO2 per year.

Projects like Floresta NFT are meant to bring about change. Reasoning on the planet and acting for it, individually, without waiting for someone who represents us to act for us.

Discover Floresta NFT and bring your change to the world.