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Forwarded from Tracy Beanz (Sharon Black)
Media is too big

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Today's show is pretty straightforward. We dissect the raid on Mar-A-Lago and the ramifications and what it all means. We discuss the cultural impact. And we can't believe what is happening. Every once in a blue moon show notes aren't necessary to describe a show. This is one of those times. Check the links for some clips we referenced, but otherwise, buckle up. It's a doozy.


Forwarded from The Library (Harold Finch)
What a coincidence! The day after Chief Thug Wray throws his press conference temper tantrum, something happens at an FBI field office in Democrat stronghold Cleveland OH. How convenient for the FBI narrative.

False flag, anyone?
Forwarded from The Library (Harold Finch)
Oh the IRONY of THIS coming from a guy who got caught forging documents to smear a president.
Forwarded from The Library (Harold Finch)
This is profound stuff. Read it, think on it. Its got my mind going. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Forwarded from Miz Donna thoughts (Donna Willett)
I was thinking about something this morning.

We know that our enemies sought to divide us from within to destroy our country.

Part of that is to destroy trust in our institutions.

The Left are their witting or unwitting accomplices to complete this goal.

I was specifically thinking about the havoc the Left has wrought in our LE agencies across the country.

First, we had the left take over the FBI and DOJ and basically made them into the Federal Police to go after their political enemies.

It has gotten so bad that those of us on the Right want to see it disbanded.
Think about that. We are the Law and Order people and they succeeded in getting us to call for disbanding the FBI.

On the local level, BLM activists call for defunding the police, and voted in Soros backed DAs to not prosecute crimes.

As a result, morale is down across the board in police departments all over the country. They operate in fear more than courage, and as a result, we get something like Uvalde.

Both of these problems were caused by Leftists, and we are growing more divided.

Our enemies are ecstatic.

And we are the ones who bear the cost of their actions.

So what do we do?

We first need to recognize what is happening. We need to call it what it is. What we are seeing is an effort to divide us, it is an effort to destroy us. It is easy to say burn it all down and start over.

Is that what they want us to do? How do we even begin to come together to start all over again?

My hope is that more and more people will continue to wake up to the danger that the Left is to all of us. That they will see the destruction all around them and realize a change needs to be made.

Is 12 years enough to fix it? I don't know.

Will we even have 12 years? Whatever needs to be done will be very painful, can we withstand it as a country?

It took 50 years to get us to where we are today.

What I do know is there is a spiritual component. When I think of destruction, I think of the evil one. That is his goal.

So to start, we pray.

Second, we vote out as many Democrats as we can at every level of Government. We hold our elected leaders to account to do what they can to leverage their power over the agencies to clean them up and get rid of as many bad actors as possible.

In two years, we primary the GOP leaders who did not prove themselves ready to do what needs to be done, then we vote out more Democrats at every level.

If we then take the Executive Branch, they fire as many people as they can.

You know the DC beast will fight this with every fiber of their being. It will not be easy. They will make life Hell for us through their IRS army and the other agencies they Control.

It will be a hard few years.
We inherited a legacy of people who overcame worse things than we face. Will we live up to the legacy they handed down to us?

I hope we are up to it.

For the sake of future generations.
Forwarded from The Library (Harold Finch)
They want to end all free speech online.
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
NEW - Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum now proposes to automate censorship of "hate speech" and "disinformation" with AI fed by "subject matter experts."


Forwarded from Miz Donna thoughts (Donna Willett)
Like the ones who lied to FISA?
Like the ones who entrapped the Whitmer crew?
Like the ones who hid the Hunter investigation?

They did it to themselves.