Fatemyeh Vali Asr
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Official page of the office of Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
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❇️ #Ali_ibn_Musa (peace be upon them both) is a person visiting him (ziyarah) is like #visiting_God . His resting place is similar to #the_Throne_of_God . His visitor (one who goes on his ziyarah) is at #the_highest_level of those who visit (go on ziyarah to) the infallible Imams (peace be upon them)

🔆 The rank, the position, and the status of such a person is indescribable and beyond words.

📚 Extracted from the book "In Memory of the Bidh'ah of the Seal of the Prophets", Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
◻️ #Faqih_Speech #Imam_Ridha
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🔸 Ibn Talhah has said:
🔅 his -#Ali_ibn_Musa 's - virtues were at the peak
🔅 and his noble qualities were #exalted
🔅 and his excellences were #proven
🔅 his nature was like #his_fathers
🔅 and his character was #Arab
🔅 his honourable soul was #Hashimi
🔅 his gracious origin and descent were #like_the_Prophet .

🔆 Whatever more you count his perfections, still he is greater. No matter how many you describe his virtues, his rank is higher than them.

📚 Extracted from the book "In Memory of the Bidh'ah of the Seal of the Prophets", Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
◻️ #Faqih_Speech #Imam_Ridha (peace be upon him)
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🕋 Hajj delegation office of Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani (may God protect him)

🔸Holy Mecca: Al-Kabir Hotel, the last building on the right, at the end of Al-Imam St, after Concorde Makkah Hotel, Aziziyah
🔸Medina: Number 110_ First floor_ Al-Andalus Palace Hotel 2_ Opposite Herfy_ Qurban Al Nazil Road
🔸In-person meetings: 8 to midday adhaan, 16 to the adhaan of maghrib (local time)
🔸Phone numbers for answering the pilgrims (round the clock)

🇮🇷 📞 +98-9121520327


◽️ #حج #Hajj
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
💠 Every #heir is a shimmering echo of a prophet's essence.

🔆 Now, pay attention; all that which #Prophets have coalesces entirely in the #Seal_of_the_Prophets (peace be upon him and his pure progeny). He who is the #heir to the Seal of the Prophets is the #shimmering_echo_of_his_being. Ergo, he is the #mirror_of_one_hundred_and_twenty_four_thousand_Prophets.

⁉️ Now, look Who the #Ninth_Imam is then?

🔸 The person who is the #bearer_of_knowledge_of_the_first_and_the_last at the tender age of seven.

🔸 He is a person who, at the age of seven, became the recipient of the salutation that:
﴿سلام علی نوحٍ فی العالمین﴾.

🔸 At the tender age of seven, he became an Imam, a position that #Abraham (peace be upon him) reached only after a lifetime traversing the path of prophethood and God's friendship.

🔸 He is the one who, in his childhood, attained the station of #Jesus (peace be upon him) and the power to breathe life back into the departed.

❇️ This is the station of #Muhammad_ibn_Ali_alJawad (peace be upon them both), this is the one who ascends to the rank of the #heir_to_the_Seal_of_the_Prophets.

🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📆 20/ December/ 2006
◻️ #Faqih_Speech #Imam_Jawad
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🤲🏻 #Imam_Hussain (peace be upon him) said in #supplication_Arafah: "My God, what has found he who lost You, and what has lost he who found You.1"

☝🏻 Friends of God find God Himself and so discover everything by finding Him.

It is the same in the case of expressing an urgent need to the Imam. If a person is urgently helpless and desperate to be saved safely from a desert and to reach a habitable land, the path will be shown to them. they will be told: "Go away from here, do this, and that will happen. The person has felt helpless and has called Him, care will be taken and they will be healed.

🤞🏻 But, all of those are just candies for children.

❇️ One is helpless and desperate, urgently in need of the #awaited_Imam himself, they, in that state, will reach him if they want. When they reach him himself,
«مَا الَّذِي فَقَدَ مَنْ وَجَدَك»
He who found you what has he lost?

1. «ماذا وَجَدَ مَن فَقَدَكَ؟ ومَا الَّذي فَقَدَ مَن وَجَدَكَ ؟...» (Bihar al-Anwar, v 98, p 220)
📚 Extracted from the book "Rabbani Ayat Allah", Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
◻️ #Faqih_Speech #Arafah #Imam_Hussain (peace be upon him)
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🏳️ Ghadiriyyah|Number1
Perfection of the Religion

🌠 #Ghadir is the day when the #religion was #perfected .

🔍 The religion has to be known now. The holy #Quran is the reference for knowing the religion:
﴿إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الْإِسْلَام¹ُ﴾
)Surely the Religion before Allah is Islam(

﴿أَفَغَيْرَ دِينِ اللَّهِ يَبْغُونَ وَلَهُ أَسْلَمَ مَنْه فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْض²﴾
)Is it then other than God's religion that they seek? While unto Him submitteth whosoever is in the heavens and the earth)

💡 That #Islam which is the religion before God and whose greatness is such that #Abraham (peace be upon him), after the position of friendship and after building the Ka'bah, and #Ishmael (peace be upon him), after that momentous sacrifice, their prayer at the time of building the Ka'bah is only this religion:
🔰﴿رَبَّنَا وَاجْعَلْنَا مُسْلِمَيْنِ لَكَ وَمِنْ ذُرِّيَّتِنَا أُمَّةً مُسْلِمَةً لَكَ³﴾
(Our Lord! Make us submissive unto Thee and of our descendants create a nation submissive unto Thee)

🕯 That Islam which is the ultimate wish of Abraham, the friend. The religion that is the goal of all the prophets and messengers.

⁉️ That religion is then #imperfect from the beginning to the end. It was #perfected only by one word. And what was that word? With what did He perfect the religion?

🔆 أمرني الله - تعالى ذكره - بنصب أخي #علي_بن_أبي_طالب علیه‌السلام علما لامتي؛
Here is the secret and reason behind #perfection_of_the_religion .

🏳️ The process of #sending prophets was entirely imperfect and it was perfected with #the_Seal_of_the_Prophets . All the process of #Book_revelation from Adam's tablets to the Gospel of Jesus (peace be upon him) was wholly imperfect and was perfected with the #Quran . The greatest messenger and the most perfect Scripture were still imperfect. They were perfected with #Ali (peace be upon him)!

🌺 Had not it been, all the sending of prophets, from Adam to the Seal, would have been totally imperfect, all the revelation of Scriptures, from the tablets to the Qur'an, would have been completely imperfect;
﴿الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُم.﴾

💬 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📆 November 2013
📌 1. Qur'an, 3: 19. 2. Qur'an, 3: 83. 3. Qur'an, 2: 128.
◻️ #Faqih_Speech #Eid_of_Ghadir #Amir_alMumineen
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🏳️ Ghadiriyyah|Number2
🚨 The greatest Eid

🎊 Eid of Fitr and Eid of Adhha, their relation to #Eid_of_Ghadir is that of great to #greatest.

✍🏻 The honorable Shaikh Sadouq mentions a narration in Amali from which to a part we point out:
«عن الصادق علیه‌السلام، عن آبائه (عليهم‌السلام)، قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): يوم غدير خم أفضل أعياد أمتي.¹»
#Ghadir's distinguishing characteristic is that it is #the_greatest Eid for the Nation.

❇️ It is an Eid on which those who were invited to God's feast, spent the month of God fasting and staying awake, the Eid of that month in relation this Eid is that of #great to #greatest.

♨️ The Hajj that
«واختار من خلقه سماعا أجابوا له دعوته و صدقوا كلمته و وقفوا مواقف أنبيائه»
The Eid for which there is a rank that
«جعله سبحانه للإسلام علما و للعائذين حرما»
The relation of that Eid which is Eid of Adhha to #Ghadir day is that of #great to #greatest.

🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📌 1. Sadouq, Amali, P 125
◻️ #Faqih_Speech #Ghadiriyyah
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🏳️ Ghadiriyyah|Number3
🚫 The culmination of divine orders

🔰 God ordained #obligatory_acts one after another until it came to #the_final obligatory act. The last obligatory act that God ordained and no other obligatory act was ordained after that. When the book of revelation came to this point, it was sealed #ended. Divine orders culminated with this order;
❇️ The obligatory act that was the ending of all obligatory acts is #wilayah (guardianship) of #Amir_alMumineen Ali son of Abu Talib (peace be upon him).

🔍 Those with understanding, they should pay attention how important and significant the matter is so much so that all God's orders #culminated with this order and God ordained no more of obligatory acts after this.

👉 This is the meaning of:
﴿الْيَوْم أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَ أَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَ رَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا.﴾

🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📆 04/April/2006
◻️ #Faqih_Speech #Eid_of_Ghadir #Ghadiriyyah
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🕯 #Hussain_ibn_Alli (peace be upon them both) is such a #light that is never extinguishable!

🔅 The radius of the shining of the light of #Abu_Abd_Allah_Al_Hussain (peace be upon him) is from "the darkness of the earth" to "the high heavens".

🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📆 02/January/2008
◼️ #Faqih_Speech #Muharram #Imam_Hussain
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🏴 The foundations of Islam and the Qur'an remained by the uprising of #Hussain_ibn_Ali (peace be upon them both).

🌿 The #Martyrdom of Hussain son of Ali (peace be upon them both) means the life of #Islam and the life of #towheed (God's oneness)

🌱 The martyrdom of #Imam_Hussain (peace be upon him) is the coming of the souls of all the prophets back to life and the revival of the legacy of all the messengers.

🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📚 Extracted from the book "Misbah Al-Huda"
◼️#Faqih_Speech #Muharram
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
⚫️God's oneness (towheed), the origin, the hereafter, the prophets' mission, the heirs' successorship, and all the divine books, they all are grateful to #the_blood of the master of the martyrs (peace be upon him)!

🔴 Such is the impact of that blood!

🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📆 23/February/2008
◼️#Faqih_Speech #Imam_Hussain
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
⚫️ يا أخاه... أدرك‏ أخاك! (O brother… come to the aid of your brother!)

◼️ Both hands are severed. There remains the #waterskin . All his hope is to carry the water to the tents. Suddenly, he saw that the water spilled onto the ground…

◼️ Now, imagine how hope dashed into despair that way!

🏹 An arrow came and hit his #eye
What do we do when a thorn enters our eye? The arrow and the eye and…, yet he held himself.

🔴 All of a sudden, an iron bar struck his head… Anyone who falls puts their hands out first as a shield. How did he fall?!

◼️ He uttered a sentence he never had said in his life. Throughout his entire life, he said: «یا سیدی یا مولای» (O my master) but at that moment he stated: «يا أخاه أدرك‏ أخاك» (O brother… come to the aid of your brother!)

🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📆 28/October/2013
📚 References: Manaqib Al Abi Talib, v3, p256. Ma'ali As-Sibtain, v1, p438. Bihar Al-Anwar, v45, p40. Al-Qunduzi, Yanabi' Al-Mawaddah, v3, p67
◼️ #Faqih_Speech #Abulfadhl #Tasua
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
◼️ Gate of #Salvation for the Nation…

▪️«فَوَقَفَ يَسْتَرِيحُ‏ سَاعَةً» (He stopped for a moment to rest)...
Pay attention carefully, in such a battle where he was by the fallen body of #Abbas (peace be upon him), he was by the body of #Ali_son_of_Hussain (peace be upon them both), when the fatigue was beyond words.
There came a rock.
It hit the #forehead

He lifted the corner of his garment to wipe the #blood away.

What else happened?
Not utterable…

▪️ Pay attention to this:
He held his hands under the #blood of his heart;
Why did he do that?
What was the ground for holding the hands?
If this #blood was spilled onto the ground, no earth would have remained nor the inhabitants of the earth!

That is the meaning of «رحمة اللّه الواسعة» (God's infinite mercy) and «بَابُ‏ نَجَاةِ الْأُمَّةِ» (gate of salvation for the Nation). He held his hands that way and did not let the blood be spilled...

🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📅 24/May/1995
◼️ #Faqih_Speech #Imam_Hussain
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
📖 His #Sahifah_Sajjadiyyah is #the_Psalm_of_Mohammads_progeny , #the_Gospel_of_Ahlulbait .

❇️ This Sahifah is the conversation and prayer of someone who is called #the_ornament_of_worshippers , #the_master_of_those_who_perform_sujud , the head of #the_night_vigilants , and the pioneer of #those_ardent_to_meet_the_Lord .

After the word of God, the Almighty, it, just like Nahj Al-Balaghah, surpasses the word of any created being.

💡 In every supplication in this Sahifah, #Ali_son_of_Hussain (peace be upon them both) is doing miracles, opening the gate of #knowing_God to mankind…

🎙 A quote from the precious words of the faqih of Ahlulbait, Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
◼️ #Faqih_Speech #Imam_Sajjad peace be upon him
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
💠 قَالَ الْحَسَنُ بْنُ عَلِيٍّ علیه‌السلام لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلی‌الله‌علیه‌وآله: «يَا أَبَتِ مَا جَزَاءُ مَنْ زَارَكَ؟ فَقَالَ مَنْ زَارَنِي أَوْ زَارَ أَبَاكَ أَوْ زَارَكَ أَوْ زَارَ أَخَاكَ كَانَ‏ حَقّاً عَلَيَ‏ أَنْ أَزُورَهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ حَتَّى أُخَلِّصَهُ مِنْ ذُنُوبِه.¹»

⁉️ #Hassan_ibn_Ali (peace be upon him) told #the_Messenger_of_God (peace be upon him and his pure progeny): "O father, what is the reward for he who #visits you?"

❇️ "Whoever visits me, your father, you, or your brother, has a right upon me that I #visit him on the Day of Judgement to acquit him from his #sins ," he said.

🎤 Word of a faqih

💯 The word of #the_Messenger_of_God (peace be upon him and his pure progeny) to his son #Imam_Hassan (peace be upon him) is "کان حقاً عَلَیّ" (Whoever visits you has a #right upon me that …)

The one to whom all the world of possibility, all the prophets, all and all are indebted, he stated this: Whoever visits you, I am bound to fulfill his right.

⁉️ The way the Seal of the Prophets put it is too inexplicable. Is it possible to ever comprehend the rank and position of Hassan, son of Ali, (peace be upon them both)?

♨️ He said: "کان حقاً عَلَیّ" (it is a right upon me). What is that right? It is the right that I myself visit him.

🔆 The visitors of that grave are visited by the #Seal_of_the_Prophets . Whoever goes there to visit (ziyarah), the universal reason will go to his visit on the Day of Judgement.

📌 1. Shaikh Saduq, Al-Amali, p 59
🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📆 11/ Dec/ 2007
◼️ #Faqih_Speech #Imam_Hassan_Mujtaba peace be upon him
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🏴 #Mowkib of Madrasah Ameer al-Mu’mineen alayh as-salam | Post 998
Under the authority of the office of Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani

🔰 Services provided in form of accommodations, food, health care, answering religious questions, children’s room, and free phone call with Iran

🏅خدمة الزائر شرفٌ لنا!

#News #Arbaeen
⁉️ Zayd Shahham said: "I asked #Imam_Sadiq (peace be upon him) 'What reward awaits those who go on ziyarah of #Hussain (peace be upon him)?

❇️ "They are just like those who visit #God on His #Throne ," he said. ¹

🎤 Word of a faqih:

🔴 If it is how it works in relation to his grave, such that it becomes the Throne of God, how would then it work with his holy sacred #blood ?!

🔆 And on the account that there is a mutual relationship between the soul and the body where each affects and is affected by the other, hence, his noble blood emanates from a soul that is immersed in the names of divine #Majesty , #Beauty , and #Perfection .

🔰 Everything is known by its principles and branches. Its principle is his #argument and its branch is his #reason .

💖 And this blood is not known but by knowing his #soul that is in a true place with a mighty king, by knowing his #heart which is #the_Throne_of_the_Merciful , and by knowing his mind that is the #chest of the #secrets of the Lord of the worlds.

📌 Kamil Az-Ziyarat, p278, Chapter59, Hadith1.
📚 Extracted from the book "The Beacon of Guidance", Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
◼️ #Faqih_Speech #Imam_Hussain peace be upon him
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
💠 قَالَ لِي أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ: يَا حُسَيْنُ! مَنْ خَرَجَ مِنْ مَنْزِلِهِ يُرِيدُ زِيَارَةَ [قَبْرِ] الْحُسَيْنِ بْنِ عَلِيِّ إِنْ كَانَ مَاشِياً كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَهُ بِكُلِّ خُطْوَةٍ حَسَنَةً وَ حَطَّ بِهَا عَنْهُ سَيِّئَةً (وَ إِنْ كَانَ رَاكِباً كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَهُ‏ بِكُلِ‏ خُطْوَة حَسَنَةً وَ حَطَّ عَنْهُ بِهَا سَيِّئَةً حَتَّى إِذَا صَارَ بِالْحَائِرِ كَتَبَهُ اللَّهُ مِنَ الْمُفْلِحِينَ...)¹

👣 Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) told Hussain ibn Thuwayr: "O Hussain! He who goes out of his house intending to visit the grave of #Hussain_ibn_Ali (peace be upon them both), if he is on foot, God will record #a_good_deed for every step he takes and acquits #a_sin from him as well, until he reaches the Ha'ir. After reaching that sacred place, God, the Almighty, will set him among #the_successful {mufliheen}…

🎤 Word of a faqih:

⁉️ When you arrive at the door of his shrine, you will be one of #mufliheen . What does it mean "one of mufliheen"?

🔍 Refer to the Qur'an and see what it requires to attain success. Then you will understand what system this is.

📖Read surah Al-Mu'minoon:
﴿قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ﴾
Who are they?
﴿الَّذِينَ هُمْ فِي صَلَاتِهِمْ خَاشِعُونَ﴾
With all those characteristics. Up until it comes to this:
﴿وَ الَّذِينَ هُمْ عَنِ اللَّغْوِ مُعْرِضُونَ﴾
When he reaches this, he will be one of the successful (mufliheen).

❇️ Now, with one pilgrimage to Hussain son of Ali (peace be upon them both) he will be among the successful once he arrives at the door of the Ha'ir.

What elixir is this transforming things this way and turning the iron that walked the way to his grave into pure Gold?

📌 1. Kamil Az-Ziyarat, p 253.
🎙 Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani
📆 01/ December/ 2009
◼️ #Faqih_Speech #Imam_Hussain (peace be upon him) #Arbaeen
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
🗣 Raja ibn Dhahhak says: "When I came to Ma'mun and enquired about #Ridha (peace be upon him), I told him whatever I saw of him in days and nights, when settled and on the road".

👉 "O Ibn Dhahhak! He is unmatched in #knowledge and #devotions among all on the planet. Do not let any single person know what you saw of him", Ma'mun said.1

🎤 Word of a faqih:

✋🏼 You focus attention on how it is that his murderer, who claims caliphate and imamate, testifies that he is the #most_knowledgeable and the #most_devout among the people of the world.

🔆 Heedless of the fact that the most knowledgeable and devout person of all in the entire world he is #the_most_excellent among all on the planet, and according to human reason and nature and based on the Book and the Tradition, the most excellent among all is the #absolute_Imam .

📌 1. 'Uyoon Akhbar Ar-Ridha, v2, p149.
◻️ #Faqih_Speech #Imam Ridha (peace be upon him)
☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Surely we are Allah's and unto Him we are returning

🔰 The delivery of the message of the great Marja' of Shi'a world, Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani (may God protect him) on the occasion of the martyrdom of Hujjatulislam Haj Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah (may God rest his soul)

🔶 The elder son of his expressed his sorrow and grief for this tragic incident through a telephone call saying: "After saying hello and sending peace to the bereaved, Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani asked God the highest positions and the companionship with Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) for him."

🔸 He also asked God, the Almighty, to grant the bereaved patience, endurance, and reward, to heal the wounded very soon, and to punish and debase the felonious murderers.

◽️ #News
Fatemiyyeh Hazrat Wali Asr Saheb Az-Zaman (may God hasten his reappearance)
The Office of Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani

☑️ @Fatemyeh_ValiAsr_en