Eva Vlaardingerbroek
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🇳🇱 Political commentator | Lawyer | “Shieldmaiden of the far right” | As seen on Mark Steyn, Tucker Carlson & others | To support my work please click 👇🏻
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▪️The German press protects the identity of foreign rapists and terrorists.
▪️The German justice system only gives them community service.

❗️German youths are pilloried and socially executed for a few minutes of innocent fun and singing "Deutschland den Deutschen"

This system is insane.
But its days are numbered.
#sylt #remigration
BREAKING | The new Dutch cabinet just nominated top justice ministry official and former intelligence chief Dick Schoof as the “preferred candidate” for Prime Ministership. And the situation is bad. Real bad. 👇🏻

Dick Schoof - or “Mr. Deepstate” as I’d like to call him - is the former head of the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) as well as the former national coordinator of the counter-terrorism unit (NCTV) which is known to focus on combatting “anti-government extremism”.

As if that isn’t bad enough, he was also:
- behind the Dutch covid regime
- involved in the Trump-Russia hoax
- behind the cover-up of flight MH17 reports
- spying on Dutch citizens here on X with fake accounts operated by the government

He’s currently the secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security, which makes him the highest ranking civil servant. He’s quite literally the personification of a technocratic bureaucrat and, - being a former member of the Dutch Labour party - the exact opposite of what the Dutch population has voted for during the elections last November. Geert Wilders should have never given up his rightful claim to Prime Ministership.

With a man like this leading the country I’m sure the digital surveillance state we’ve been warning for all these years will be here sooner than expected.

Media is too big
The European elections will be held tomorrow.

Here are my two cents on why you should go to vote and why you should vote for people who - just like I do - argue for national exits or the abolishment of the EU.

Let’s take the Tower of Babel down and reclaim our sovereignty.
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I don’t have TikTok, but I just got sent this video and it has over 229k likes. How? 🥲
🇩🇪 Liebe deutsche Wähler und Wählerinnen, 

Ich bin eine niederländische Rechtsgelehrte mit einem regen Interesse für Deutschland. 

In meiner Jugend habe ich zuhause die deutsche Kultur kennengelernt. 

Vor allem deutsche Literatur und deutsche Musik haben mich immer tief beeindruckt. 

Ich kann mich ein Leben ohne Goethe, Beethoven und Wagner gar nicht vorstellen. 

Deutschland hat der Welt unfassbar viel Wertvolles gegeben. 

Aber gerade das hat die Welt von heute vergessen. Deutschland und die Deutschen wurden und werden in- und außerhalb Deutschlands fast immer nur im Schatten des Zweiten Weltkriegs betrachtet. 

Die historische Schuld der Deutschen wird immer wieder betont, damit die Deutschen sich gezwungen füllen den Interessen von anderen Nationen nachzugeben. Immer wieder, Jahrzehnte nach Jahrzehnten. 

Damit sollte endlich Schluss sein. 

Deutschland kann und darf die Interessen seiner eigenen Bevölkerung nicht länger vernachlässigen. 

Wenn das so weitergeht - wenn zum Beispiel die Migrationspolitik nicht ernsthaft reformiert wird - dann gibt es gar kein Deutschland mehr in zehn oder zwanzig Jahren. 

Darum geht es jetzt bei den Europawahlen. 

Macht nicht den Fehler zu denken, dass die Europäische Union keine Rolle spielt. Im Gegenteil: das Schicksals Deutschland wird vielleicht stärker in Brüssel bestimmt als in Berlin. 

Daher sage ich euch: die Zeit ist da - Nehmt Deutschland wieder in die eigenen Hände! Seid wieder stolz auf Deutschland. 

Liebe Deutsche, Lasst das Gefühl der Ohnmacht hinter euch! 

Lasst Eure Stimme hören bei den Europawahlen. 

Gebt Deutschland wieder eine Zukunft. 


Seeing Macron be so utterly crushed that he’s forced to dissolve the parliament and has to call for snap elections is by far the best news of the day.

Amazing to see that tyrant finally be put in his place. Beautiful. Just beautiful.
I think part of why football is so popular is because it’s the one time men can be blatantly nationalist without being shamed for it. #EURo2024
Remember how a few months ago everyone said the EU “had surrendered to the farmers” because they postponed some of the green deal in response to the protests?

Yeah, like Jordan Peterson said: “Reptiles can live under ground, they’ll be back”.

Well, here they are. They’re back.
Anyone with even the smallest sense of realpolitik knows Nigel Farage is right though.

The problem is that the globalist left doesn’t understand the concept of ‘action, reaction’. Indignation and entitlement is all they know.

They’re grownup toddlers playing with your life.

The sheer audacity of despot Ursula Von Der Leyen never ceases to amaze me.

This woman is currently still refusing to make her text messages with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla public, after she made a deal with him of about € 40 billion (!) behind closed doors.

And now she of all people is fining a company for deleting text messages about the closing of a deal? 🤡

It would almost be funny if it wasn’t such a disgrace.

Play close attention the next few days to which government leaders are going to support her for a second term as President of the European Commission, because they’re bad news.
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Europe has been a predominantly white continent for the entirety of its history.

Just because some bureaucrats have decided against the will of the people that we should suddenly be a minority on our own continent, doesn’t mean we should let it happen.

Say no to being replaced.
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Spain: A Spanish man was beaten to death with a baseball bat by 3 Moroccan immigrants because he tried to save a girl (15) they were trying to rape.

Spaniards surrounded the mosque the immigrants attended and demand the closure of mosques.

David leaves behind 5 children and a widow.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Spain: A Spanish man was beaten to death with a baseball bat by 3 Moroccan immigrants because he tried to save a girl (15) they were trying to rape. Spaniards surrounded the mosque the immigrants attended and demand the closure of mosques. David leaves behind…
Every, single, day.

This is full blown civil war type of stuff and the worst part is that we know justice won’t get served. Those migrants will probably get community service.

At this rate, it won’t be long till Europeans will start taking matters into their own hands.
Media is too big
"Why would I settle for that answer if this is what Our Lord said?" @EvaVlaar explains why she rejected the Protestant Church's teaching that the Eucharist is just symbolic, and converted to the Catholic faith.
On the 13th of July, I got to marry the love of my life.

We received the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony in the Frisian Church in Rome.

I will be eternally grateful to our Lord for bringing us together. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my sweetest Francesco Gargallo.
Having my sweet father walk me down the aisle was so incredibly special to me.
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Absolute fire. 🔥

Watch Polish MEP Ewa Zajaczkowska masterfully hold Ursula Von Der Leyen accountable for her many efforts to destroy Europe.

“You are responsible for every rape, every assault, every tragedy caused by the influx of illegal migrants.”

“You should go to prison!”