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👁‍🗨 We’re getting closer. We can’t #EndTheFed or fully take down the #NewWorldOrder unless we crash the damned thing. White Hats are in control and the fake #JoeBiden (actor) is instrumental in orchestrating the final collapse of The Cabal…

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Ukrainian politicians openly admits to fighting with the #NewWorldOrder. This isn’t even hard to figure out anymore.
Yup! Go #Putin! Go #Trump! Go #Q! Every lie will be exposed. All the corruption will be rooted out. The #NewWorldOrder will be completely defeated this decade. This is #Revelation and 1776 worldwide 🔥
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🛑 As we draw closer to the end of the #NewWorldOrder, and as the arrests and executions get closer to the top, their planned cyber attack also gets closer. It will be their last #HailMary and final “fuck you” to the world that finally defeated them…

Get ready.
🇨🇦 Arson is the new Climate Change. Alberta, Canada is under attack by the #NewWorldOrder 🇨🇦
The #NewWorldOrder is a terrorist war run by factions of the intelligence agencies of the nation-states against their own people on behalf of the international banksters.
No shit! You don’t say… 🤔 We’re all trying to destroy the #NewWorldOrder, asshole! Except for the few jackass Democrat voters out there. They love global communism!
👁️ You don’t see what’s going on yet? It’s because #Google is run by a Zionist Jewish Cabal…the #NewWorldOrder. This isn’t hard to figure out. People make it hard.

“We are saving Israel for last.” –Q ⬇️
They’re going to usher in the 15-minute cities one way or another. They’re going to usher in their climate bullshit one way or another. It’s all about getting you off the road so you have nearly zero autonomy and freedom to travel. They know the intentional mass-casualty accidents they’re about to cause with this. It’s all a back door plot to usher in #Agenda2023 and the #NewWorldOrder
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The Israeli flag is just the #StarOfRemphan mentioned in both the Old Testament and New Testament. It is the Star of Satan. This has been know for thousands of years, but has been hidden in modern day education by the #Zionist #NewWorldOrder assholes…
It’s not about saving hostages or defeating Hamas…IsntReal created Hamas, just like the CIA created ISIS and Al Qaeda. This is about genocide and furthering the agenda of the #Zionist #NewWorldOrder
➡️ The State of Israel is the #NewWorldOrder. It is NOT the biblical Israel…never was, never will be. The name and identity of ISRAEL was hijacked from the Bible by the Rothschilds and other Zionist Jewish globalists working with them. Not a damn one of them is from the tribes of Israel. Israel is a spiritual bloodline, not a physical one. The Bible repeats this over, and over, and over, and over, ad nauseam. There’s no excuse for the ignorance at this point.

There’s a reason
#Q said “We are saving Israel for last,” in drop 916…
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➡️ Before the #Zionists usurped #Palestinian lands, #Jews lived peacefully as neighbors with #Muslims and #Christians.

And while religion itself is a major problem for humanity, the biggest problem is not religious Judaism itself, religious Islam itself or religious Christianity itself, the biggest problem is Zionism, because, not only is Zionism a form of religion, it is the most violent, racist, evil form of religion. It literally IS the

Zionism (the NWO) is the biggest obstacle to peace in the Middle East and worldwide.

Because of Zionism, every Jew becomes hated all over the world, and because of Zionists, all forms of Judaism become a target.
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➡️ Also, let me be clear…I’m not disagreeing with what has happened (election fraud, Trump signing EO’s, etc), but I also know law very well, and I don’t care if Jesus wrote the Law of War Manual…it doesn’t matter who wrote it or when…it’s a manual for…wait for it….the military, NOT the People. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. And the military are subject to the supreme law of the land, just like the rest of the government. And btw….the Constitution wasn’t written to restrain the People, it was written to restrain the government…which includes…wait for it…the MILITARY! See the pattern here? See how this works? We the People are the real government. They all work for us. And regardless of what happened, what Trump did, what the military is doing or not doing…THEY ALL WORK FOR US AND ARE SUBJECT TO US, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. And since they are OUR employees, when any employee isn’t doing their job good enough, quick enough, or not doing it correct or not doing it right….hell, if they’re just not doing it the way the employer wants, what happens to the employee? That’s right…you guessed it…they get FIRED. So again, I’m not stupid. I know how all of this works, and how it’s supposed to work, and if these employees can’t wrap this thing up before it’s too late, We the People will. It’s that simple. Our Founders went through this shit too, listening to bullshit from the military and local governors making promises to fix this that and the other thing, and eventually it just got to the point where, after immeasurable patience, and beating a dead horse, they refused to watch these government assholes and military continue to make excuses and make things worse, so they took matters into their own hands. No government or military is immune to this. In fact, our own military is responsible, for the past 100+ years for some of the most heinous atrocities and crimes against humanity, being the bully arm for the Zionist #NewWorldOrder and running wars for massive profits. I trust the military about as far as I can throw them. The last time they worked for We the People was about NEVER. And that’s factual history. Go look it up. This republic fell damn near as fast as it was formed. So, no…I won’t put blind faith in the military or in Trump. I support Trump, but only if he’s doing the job he was hired to do. Time will tell. But there does come a point when you have to intervene if your employees have let things go too long and too far. This isn’t up to Trump or the military. It’s up to We the People. So, are you going to keep sitting around watching and a hoping and a praying that these theories are correct, or are you going to join the 3% and do what Q asked in drop 4944? Are you ready to finish what Q started? Are you ready to self-govern again? Or are you going to just let whatever happens happen? I’m not okay with that and if you are, that’s rather disturbing to say the least. I’m taking the path of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and George Mason…I won’t sit idly by and give an infinite hall pass to any POTUS or any military. History should have taught you this. If it didn’t, you’re part of the problem and not the solution. God help you. God help us all!
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This is what they’re pushing in Ohio now, with taxpayer dollars….

➡️ If this is part of some military “plan,” it’s just as corrupt as the worst evil we’ve ever fought against in this nation.

You may not like what I’m pointing out, but you also better pray that I’m right, because if the likes of
@DerekJohnson are correct, America has already fallen, Trump and our military are pawns on the #NewWorldOrder chess board and they’ve bamboozled everyone, and we’re all fucked…

There’s still time to fix everything at the local level and self-govern once again like our Founders did. Don’t wait until it’s too late 🐇
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