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Let's do some English... Shall we ?!
We sure shall

جمع واژه fungus

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در این قسمت ساینفلد کازمو میاد و دوستانش رو راهنمایی می‌کنه که جمع fungus نمیشه funguses

( لازم به ذکر است که این واژه رو امروز در کلاس زبان عمومی سه واحدی دانشگاه آموختم )

Seinfeld S05E11
توخوا ل کوی دنیا وا زبانتان فیر اکن
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خب احتمالا تمامی دوستان با اصطلاح
This too shall pass
آشنایی دارند
اما بزارید باشه تو چنل


تیر ، پیکان ، فلش

❝ The hunter shot an arrow at the deer.❞

❝Follow the arrows on the map to reach the destination.❞

❝ Move the arrow with your mouse to click on the icon.❞

شرم آور ، واضح

❝ His behavior at the party was gross .❞

❝ The food at the cafeteria is gross .❞

A group of 144 items

❝ We ordered two gross of pencils for the school.❞
Gross out

To cause disgust or revulsion in someone.

❝ The sight of the bloody scenes in the horror movie totally grossed me out.❞

❝ I felt a gross -out when I saw him picking his nose.❞

مچ ، مچ دست

❝ He broke his wrist playing basketball.❞

❝ She wears a colourful wrist band.❞

The narrow part of the base of a wine glass

❝ Hold the wine glass by the wrist , not the bowl.❞
حالا شاید با خودتون بگید دلیل قرار گرفتن wrist در واژه های امروز چیه
برای این اصطلاح مهم و کاربردی
پست های بعد رو از دست ندید
A slap on the wrist

A mild punishment or warning

❝ The teenager stole a can of soda but only received a slap on the wrist .

❝ My brother broke a window and my parents gave him a slap on the wrist .❞
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You'll get a nice slap on the wrist

(The most difficult punishment for your crime 👀)

اقامت گزیدن ، ساکن شدن

❝ People used to dwell in caves in ancient times.❞

❝ Happiness dwells in the heart.❞

To focus one's thoughts on something for a long time in a serious and quiet way

❝ It is not good to dwell on your problems.❞

Dwell on

❝ Don't dwell on the past, let's focus on the future.❞

Dwell upon

To think, speak or write about something for a long time, in detail.

❝ She continued to dwell upon the anxieties of her situation.❞
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خب دوستان چند کلمه و اصطلاح مهم در قسمت ۱۹ فصل ۷ام ساینفلد

I'm gonna turn in :
Turn in :
to take a criminal to the police, or to go to them yourself to admit a crime

Here it means I'm gonna go to sleep

You should adapt to me :
Adapt :
to change your ideas or behaviour to make them suitable for a new situation

تو باید خودتو با من وفق بدی

he's got a girl up there:
When you invite a young woman to your house for the night


In a way that gives pleasure through beauty

از نظر زیبایی

I bet you never heard that one before

Narcissism is a self–centered personality style characterized as having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one's own needs, often at the expense of others.

The term narcissism is derived from Narcciss, a character in Greek mythology best known from the telling in Roman poet Ovid's Metamorphoses, written in 8 CE. The third book of the poem tells the mythical story of a handsome young man, Narcciss, who spurns the advances of many potential lovers. When Narcissus rejects the nymph Echo, who was cursed to only echo the sounds that others made, the gods punish Narcissus by making him fall in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. When Narcissus discovers that the object of his love cannot love him back, he slowly pines away and dies.



The flowers beside the lake


خود شیفته

"Not to seem narcissistic but oh hell yeah i am" Louu said


کا یاسین

A gadfly is a person who is always criticizing and interferes with the status quo of a society or community by posing novel, potentially upsetting questions, usually directed at authorities.

In modern politics, a gadfly is someone who persistently challenges people in positions of power, the status quo or a popular position.


"I'm a gadfly which god has attached to the state, and all day long and all places am always fastening upon you, arousing and persuading and reproaching you"

Philosophy with MAZ, LOl