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Sometimes we comfort people with the words we want to hear...

Bazan biz o'zimiz eshitishni xohlagan so'zlar bilan insonlarga tasalli beramiz...
Shadowing 🔥

Text: Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. When I was young, there was an amazing publication called the Whole Earth Catalog.

It may be that you dream for a star and Allah wrote for you the Moon

Sen yulduzlarni orzu qilasan, Alloh bo'lsa sen uchun Oyni yozib qo'ygan bo'ladi
Shopping related vocabulary

🛍️ Go shopping - bozorlik qilmoq

🛍️ A sales assistant - yordamchi sotuvchi

🛍️ Spend money extravagantly - pulni behuda sarflang

🛍️ A good deal - Yaxshi kelishuv

🛍️ Window shopping - sotib olmasdan shunchaki tomosha qilishlik

🛍️ On sale - skidkada, chegirmada

🛍️ For sale - sotuvda

🛍️ By cash - naqd pulda

🛍️ Shop around - aylanib narxlarni taqqoslamoq

🛍️ Get a refund - to'lovni qaytarib olmoq

🛍️ Demand a replacement - O'zgartirishni/ almashtirib berishini talab qilmoq

Trusting Allah will not make the mountain smaller,but will make climbing easier

Allohga bo'lgan ishonch tog'ni kichraytirib qo'ymaydi lekin unga chiqishni osonlashtiradi

⚡️ Advanced vocabulary related to personality traits

⚡️ Shaxsiy xususiyatlar bilan bog'liq lug'at

⭐️Greedy B2 (ɡriː.di) - ochko’z

⭐️Arrogant B1 (‘erəɡnt) - kibrli, kekkaygan

⭐️Envious B2 (ˈenviəs) - hasadgo’y

⭐️Jealous (ˈjels) - rashkchi

⭐️Touchy C1 (tachi) - tez xafa bo’ladigan

⭐️Stubborn (ˈstʌbrn) - qaysar, o’jar

⭐️Obedient C1 (oʊˈbiː.di.ənt) - gapga kiradigan

⭐️Caring B2 (keyring) - g’amxo’r, mehribon

⭐️Humble C2 (hambl) - kamtar

⭐️High value man - qadri baland kishi

Distance doesn't matter, people always love and miss the one in their heart...

Masofalarning ahamiyati yo'q, odamlar doim qalbidagini sevadi, sog'inadi...

©️Najib Fazil‎

The next chapter of your life is going to be amazing

Hayotingizning keyingi qismi ajoyib bo'ladi
@English_Status 🔰⬇️

(Reaksiya qoldiring 🥰)
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Happiness is not in the number of roses given, but in the person who gives them.

Baxt berilgan atirgullar sonida emas, uni bergan odamdadir‌.

⚡️Savdoga oid bo’lgan muhim so’zlar

🛒To boost/ increase sales - Sotuvni oshirmoq

🛒Put up for sale - Sotuvga qo’ymoq

🛒Set a price - Narx belgilamoq

🛒It’s over my budget - Menga qimmatlik qiladi

🛒It’s top-quality - Sifati juda yuqori

🛒It’s good value for money - Narxiga arziydigan

🛒Work in retail - savdoda ishlamoq

🛒Work as a salesman - Sotuvchi bo’lib ishlamoq

🛒A sales assistant - Sotuvchining yordamchisi, yordamchi sotuvchi.

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No one keeps his promise except Allah

Ohirida tushunib yetasiz.
Va'dasida turgan faqat Alloh ekanligini

There is no escaping from the written.

Yozilganlardan qochib bo‘lmaydi.

Only a person's thoughts make him unhappy or happy,not external circumstances.By controlling his thoughts,he controls his happiness.

Insonni baxtli yoki baxtsiz qiladigan narsa bu – uning o'y xayollari, tashqi muhit emas. U xayollarini nazorat qilish orqali o'z baxtini boshqaradi.

©️Fridrix Nitsshe

The right person will always give you Peace and Assurance

O'zingizga mos inson har doim sizga halovat va ishonch beraoladi
Taksida ishlatiladigan muhim iborali gaplar

🚕 Excuse me, is this taxi available? - kechirasiz, bu taksi bo’shmi?

🚕 Can you take me to Yunusobod district - Yunusobod tumaniga olib borib qo’ya olasizmi?

🚕 How long will it take to go there ? - u yerga borish qancha vaqt oladi?

🚕 Is it okay turn down the air conditioning? - kanditsanerni o’chirib qo’ysam bo’ladimi?

🚕 Can you drop me off at the bus station? - meni aftobus bekatiga qoldira olasizmi?

🚕 How much is the fare ? - yo’l haqqi qancha bo’ldi

🚕 Do you accept credit cards ? - kredit karta qabul qilasizlarmi?

🚕 Keep the change - qaytimi kerak emas

Sometimes all you need is a cup of tea and a good book

Ba'zan senga faqatgina bir finjon choy va ajoyib bir kitob yetarli bo'ladi
Shadowing 🔥

Text: One of the bibles of my generation it was created by a fellow named stuart brand not far from here in menlo park and he brought it to life with his poetic touch this was in the late 60s before personal computers and desktop publishing so it was all made with typewriters scissors and polaroid cameras it was sort of like google in paperback form 35 years before google came along It was idealistic, overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stuart and his team put out several issues of the Whole Earth Catalog, and then, when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue..


Pay by card
💳 - kartadan pul to’lamoq

Pay by cash 💵- naqt pulda to’lamoq

Pay in installments - bo’lib to’lamoq

Get a loan 🏦- kredit/ qarz olmoq (asosan bankdan)

Get into debts 😞 - qarzga kirmoq

Pay off my debts ☺️ - qarzlardan qutilmoq

Rip someone off - kimnidur laqqillatib pulini olmoq, laqqillatib ko’p pul to’latdirish

Pay interest-free - foizsiz pul to’lamoq

If someone in your life makes you to forget your past,Then that someone is probably your future.

O'tmishingizni unutishga yordam bergan kishi balki sizning kelajagingiz bo'lar.