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@prep4gre #podcast #verbal

Intrepid, Implacable, Inert, Sully

@prep4gre #verbal #q0161

Directions: For each blank select one entry from the corresponding group of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

Although eventually fatal, feline leukemia is (i)________ in the short term through medication; however, because the causative virus is shed in saliva and nasal (ii)________ easily and copiously, infected cats transmit the infection (iii)________, so whether an infected cat appears to be well or ill, it must always be isolated from other felines.

A. fathomable

B. enviable

C. manageable

D. discretions

E. secretions

F. resignations

G. arduously

H. readily

I. gingerly

@prep4gre #verbal #q0162

Directions: For each blank select one entry from the corresponding group of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

Sarah was (i)________ the proposal to run for office; normally she was disinclined to take an interest in local politics, but the notion of serving on the city council herself offered a certain (ii)________ that would keep her attention engaged.

A. impassive about

B. enticed by

C. perplexed by

D. mendacity

E. piquancy

F. vapidity

@prep4gre #podcast #verbal

Mar, Multifarious, Lumber, Flout

@prep4gre #podcast #verbal

Demur, Debutante, Propitiate, Toady

@prep4gre #Verbal #q0166

Directions: Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.

First-year college students may feel apprehensive about their prospects for success in a rigorous academic program; however, most new students achieve a sense of ____________ by the end of their first semester.

A. complacency

B. conflation

C. constancy

D. confidence

E. poise

F. calumny

@prep4gre #podcast #verbal

Bombastic, Impermeable, Jargon, Sardonic

@prep4gre #Verbal #q0168

Directions: For each blank select one entry from the corresponding group of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

In the play Amadeus, the Italian composer Salieri is portrayed as the bitter (i)________ of his more famous Austrian contemporary Mozart. Scholarship suggests, however, that the envious dynamic depicted in the play is (ii)________ and that the two men actually respected one another.

A. luminary

B. confidant

C. archrival

D. fabricated

E. sincere

F. punitive

@prep4gre #Verbal #q0168

Directions: For each blank select one entry from the corresponding group of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

In one of the most famous of his Odes, the Roman poet Horace (i)________ the reader to neither despair during difficult times nor indulge during good times, but rather to act (ii)________ in the good times and remain serene in the bad; in his poem he calls this the aurea mediocritas, or “golden mean.”

A. deplores

B. suffers

C. admonishes

D. abstemiously

E. parsimoniously

F. sagely


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این پست‌ها کوتاه و جذاب هستند برای شما که وقت و حوصله زیادی ندارید. یک سوال و پاسخ مربوطه آن. این ها به شما کمک می کند که دانش عمومی (General Knowledge #gk) خود را افزون کنید.
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این پست‌ها فیلم های مطرح و دیدنی تاریخ سینما را به شما معرفی می کند.

این پست‌ها فیلم ها و عکس‌های سرگرم کننده است که خنده را به لبان شما می‌نشاند. به یاد داشته باشید که فهم کمدی یکی از آخرین و بالاترین مراحل فهم و یادگیری یک زبان است.

این پست‌ها برای کسانی است که به دنبال مطالبی جدی و عمیق در حوزه موضوعات سیاسی، اجتماعی، تکنولوژی، تاریخی و ... هستند. این مطالب از روزنامه ها و خبرگزاری های مطرح دنیا انتخاب شده و لینک آن در کانال قرار می‌گیرد.

این پست‌ها نمونه سوالات بخش منطقی (Verbal) آزمون #GRE است.


این پست‌ها نمونه سوالات بخش عددی (Quantitative) آزمون #GRE است.

در این پست ها شما با خم و چم نوشتن در زبان انگلیسی و آمادگی برای آزمون های مختلف آشنا می‌شوید.

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