Emily Millar
21 subscribers
499 photos
47 videos
47 links
Energy Artist.
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⭐️JUST IN - Telegram's Pavel Durov charged on 12 criminal counts.

Hello Beautiful Souls!

I wanted to give a huge shout out to Telegram and its creator; Pavel Durov!!!

I joined telegram on November 21st 2022 as it was the ONLY Free Speech platform out there.
(Both Instagram and Facebook censored me and the Information I was trying to share.)

I am so grateful and appreciative to have this space to share not only my Truth.
But the TRUTH period.

For those that don’t want to lose their own Telegram App of their IPhones follow the steps below.

It’s shocking that someone could be arrested and charged for giving US the space to share truth. But these are the times we are in.

Thank you EveryOne.

One Love


I wanted to reshare this interview here. I feel it is important to support those that created this platform . It takes a great deal of courage to not wavier in your beliefs and be willing to stand up to those that try to keep us in the dark, threaten and imprison us for sharing Truth.

This beautiful Man is doing that. So I wanted to recognize him. We would not be receiving half the information we uncovered if it wasn’t for his bravery.

Thank you beautiful Soul Brother, Pavel Durov.

We are so grateful and appreciative to you for all that you do and continue to do!! 🌈💖

Forwarded from Tucker Carlson Network
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JUST IN: Telegram founder Pavel Durov sat down with Tucker for his first on-camera interview since 2016. In this clip, Durov talks about the pressure tactics the US government has used against him, including sending FBI agents to his home. Watch the full interview at TuckerCarlson.com.
Hello Beautiful Souls and Gorgeous Soul Family!

I wanted to share a little heart opening inspiration from the Garden!!

Everything is looking and feeling so lush and vibrant.

I set the tent up and it has been so wonderful to be in there integrating, acclimating, reading Jeromies PHENOMENAL RememberShop as he completes sections of it.

Watching the dragon flys, butterfly’s, bees, crickets, grass hoppers, hummingbirds, our halk friend, Owl friend….OH!! and let’s not forget Chompers, the Beaver, who pops by every once in a while to cut down trees from the Hill!!

Gaia is truly Paradise.
The RememberShop is SO incredibly powerful I find I am stunned at the profundity of it.
Especially the huge new up levelling Jeromie is giving it.
It will be the way through for so many.
A Codex for Humanity. 🥰🙏

It has been wonderful to feel the soft, pristine, beautiful energies flooding our reality.
Anchoring more light information and remembering how to BE and FEEL even deeper than before.

Wow! What amazing times we are in!!

Have a wonderful day today everyOne.

Can’t wait to see you in person soon!! 🥰💖🍃

Thank you for everything you do, be and are!!!
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Oh Hi Chompers!!
What are you up to there?
lol 😂

“Don’t mind me just getting a tree!”

This guy has no fear walks right by us when we are sitting just a few feet away in the Tent.
Hello Beautiful Souls!!

I wrote this when I was experiencing an expansion, a deep profound remembering of Onesness.
It was in 2020,
We had just moved out of the City (Toronto) and were living in Kitchener-Ontario at the time.

I would go for walks though the Forest there.
One day I had the most profound feelings of exquisite Oneness flow through me.
I wrote down the feelings of the expansion as I felt it. One of the first times for me.

“Walking through the Woods”
Art Print.
8 1/2” x 11”

“Walking through the woods,
she heard,
she felt,
the soft warm calling of the tree,

It lifted her soul.

A deep breath
and exhale…
the feeling
of warmth washed over her from the inside out.

I could stay here
forever in this moment.
the sound,
The feeling
of everything.

Am I home?

I cry,
my heart pounds,
in joy of,
heart spreading,

Let me shine too.
In here I feel it.
In here
I’m home.

I walk.
Just a bit more.
A hawk fly’s and lands in the tree.
Beside me.

I stay, I wait, I give love, gratitude.
Humbled by the magnificence.

I am home.”
What I love about the pieces I created over the past few years is that you can stare at them and always see something new that speaks to your own Consciousness.

The Tree Being Painting in this heArt piece is Dancing, Free, Abundant & One.

A great collectable!
And Highly infused with Love! 💕

If you would like a copy…

✔️email me with your shipping address
✔️payment can be made via e-transfer
✔️we will mail it out to you!
✔️Open & Enjoy!!!


(Great gift ideas too! To share the LOVE!! 🥰💖🍃)
Hello Beautiful Souls!!!

I decided to create a whole new website!!

I am going to let the one I have now expire.
It’s last day is September 3rd!

I started exhibiting publicly in 2009. I have exhibited across Canada
& have been an Artist since I was a child.
It’s the one place I could escape to, to share my inner feelings, visions and conscious understandings.

Working with Jeromie these past 6 years I have uncovered such a powerful, new way to be and Paint!!! It’s time to honour that and share that on a new website!

I will archive the pieces I created before 2012.

Please enjoy taking a look though to see & feel the different styles and influences the pieces have that I created on over the years!!!

If you know anyone interested in an original piece of Conscious, Visionary, Energy Art please feel free to share!!!

I infused each piece with intention, energy & meaning.

I also feel it’s a great way to invest at this time. Especially with the unstable market we currently have.
All pieces come with a letter of authenticity, stating value.

Thank you so much everyOne!!

One Love.


(For available pieces visit my Gallery Page.)

Home - Emily Millar
Hello Beautiful Souls and Wonderful Soul Family!! 😍

I felt I would share a link to the tent that Sharon gifted us!
(Jeromies Mum 💖)

I have used it so much over the years!
I would take it to the Beach for picnics with my Mum, Sister & Niece. It’s awesome because we could eat inside it and no wasps could get in. Mosquitos too!!
And it’s really great shade for hot days.

I felt to share for anyone looking for an extra space to go to, for reflection time or just sitting and connecting in your garden (or taking it somewhere with you!)
I worked out how to put it up by myself too. So I feel this is a great one for anyone that wants to create their own outdoor space!

(I take it up and down depending on the weather, but it holds up to rain too!)

