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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

: How do you assess Zelensky’s visit to the United States and the statements made by the U.S. officials?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: The Hollywood-style trip to Washington by the head of the Kiev regime has confirmed that the administration's conciliatory statements about the lack of intention to start a confrontation with Russia are just empty words.

What was essentially announced
to applauses and sarcastic smirks, was the need to continue the "proxy war" against our country. Till a full victory over us.

Enormous resources, weapons, intelligence capabilities are thrown in. The manic idea of "victory over the Russians on the battlefield" is put at the forefront. Some legislators even argue that the Russian Federation can be conquered in three days.

our warnings, Patriot air defense system will be sent to Kyiv. However, the country does not have specialists to work with them. So, will those be American specialists? Or citizens of another NATO country? They cannot but realize here that Western weapons are being systematically destroyed by our military. I think everyone understands perfectly well what fate the personnel, manning these complexes on the territory of Ukraine, can face.

I want to emphasize that we have repeatedly tried and are still trying to appeal to common sense at all levels. It was stressed that the provocative actions by the U.S. are steadily leading to an escalation, the consequences of which cannot even be imagined. Thusly, discussions about the hypothetical supply of ATACMS missiles and long-range strike UAVs to Ukrainians are deeply disturbing.

The United States are fully responsible for unleashing the Ukrainian conflict in 2014.
All these years, Washington has stubbornly ignored or pretended not to notice the inhuman crimes of the Kiev regime against the Russian population in Ukraine.

Zelensky's visit to the American capital, the talks in Washington showed that neither the administration nor Zelensky is ready for peace. Focus is on war, on the death of ordinary soldiers, on further tying the Ukrainian regime to the needs of Washington. The notions mulled by the U.S. media that Russia is not interested in achieving peace are a blatant lie. The Russian position was repeatedly voiced by the President of Russia.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question on the Washington's intention to transfer Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles to Kiev

: Dear Mr. Ambassador, how could you comment on the Administration’s decision on January the 5th to transfer Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles to the Kiev regime?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: This step comes as a confirmation that our interlocutors in the United States have not even tried to listen to our numerous calls to take into account possible consequences of such a dangerous course by Washington.

☝️It is finally becoming clear to the whole international community that in 2014 the US unleashed a real proxy-war against Russia by supporting nazi criminals in Kiev. Any talk about a “defensive nature” of weapons supplied to Ukraine has long become absurd.

❗️The actions of the Administration spur Ukrainian radicals to proceed with their terrible deeds. With every consecutive transfer of arms their feeling of impunity grows stronger. They continue to kill civilians in Donbas, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions of the Russian Federation in an extremely cynical way.

Even more remarkably, the Administration revealed the abovementioned decision after a phone conversation between President Biden and German Chancellor Scholz. The international community must not ignore the fact that Angela Merkel and François Hollande confessed: the Minsk agreements served to give time to Kiev to enhance its military capabilities. In view of close ties between Washington and Berlin it becomes clear that the West under US leadership simply deceived our country and started to purposefully weaken Russia much earlier than February 24, 2022. How shall one trust the politicians of major west European states if and when there comes a moment to talk about the future world order, the system and substance of agreements possibly needed to this end?

Nobody should still have doubts who bears responsibility for prolonging this conflict. All the actions by the Administration indicate a lack of any desire for a political settlement. Even the unilaterally declared ceasefire by the Russian Federation along the entire line of contact in Ukraine during Orthodox Christmas was labeled as an attempt to “find some oxygen”. All this means that Washington is committed to fighting with us “to the last Ukrainian”, while the destiny of people of Ukraine means nothing to the US.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

: Dear Mr. Ambassador, how could you comment on the Pentagon’s statement regarding the training of the Ukrainian military for the operation of the Patriot air defense system in the U.S.?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: The decision by the U.S. Department of Defense to organize training at Fort Sill in Oklahoma is another confirmation of Washington's de facto involvement in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of Nazi criminals from Kiev.

☝️It is noteworthy that our efforts to bring to the attention of the American audience the true danger of such a line by the White House are step by step recognized by the local expert community. For example, Washington Post observers openly admitted that the training of Ukrainian troops in the United States means that U.S. involvement into the confrontation is growing. They noted that the administration is no longer limiting itself to strengthening the defense potential of Kiev, but is transferring new weapons to the republic in order to increase its offensive capabilities.

❗️The last argument, voiced by the local journalists, vividly shows that Washington deliberately misled our country and the world, speaking about the desire to strengthen Ukraine's self-defense ability. The real goal of the administration is to inflict on Russia as much damage on the battlefield as possible, using Ukrainians as proxies.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question

: Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, how could you comment on the statements of the State Department Press Secretary about the actual possibility of Ukrainians to strike at Crimea using the weapons supplied from the United States?

Anatoly #Antonov: We can state that the rhetoric of American officials is becoming more belligerent. The State Department, through out-of-touch assertions that “Crimea is Ukraine” and that the Armed Forces of Ukraine can use American weapons to protect their territory, is essentially pushing the Kiev regime to carry out terrorist attacks in Russia. Hearing such remarks from Washington, the criminals in Kiev will once again feel complete permissiveness. The risks of conflict escalation will only increase.

Against this background, local journalists support such an attitude of the administration and justify strikes of the Kiev regime against Crimea. It is said that American MLRS HIMARS as well as Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles could be used in the future to launch the offensive in the Crimean direction. Commentators naively believe that Russia will not respond to attacks on its territory.

❗️It should be clear for everyone – we will destroy any weapons supplied to the Zelensky's regime by either the United States or NATO. That is true now as it was true during the Great Patriotic War. The emergence of tanks, bearing Nazi insignia, on the former Soviet soil unequivocally makes us aim at toppling the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine and creating normal conditions so that the neighboring peoples in the region could live peacefully like in the old days.

☝️Doesn’t it really remain unclear for anyone that pumping up Ukraine with materiel from the U.S. or other NATO countries will only lead to an increase in civilian casualties and create additional difficulties in the former Soviet republic. Ponder over the theses of Vladimir Putin. Listen carefully to today's news conference by Sergey Lavrov. It is just impossible to defeat the Russian Federation. Victory will be ours.
🇷🇺🇺🇸 Ambassador Anatoly Antonov’s answer to a media question

: Dear Anatoly Ivanovich, what do you think of the Administration’s January 19 statements that Russia is using dangerous and reckless rhetoric in the nuclear sphere?

💬Anatoly #Antonov: Frankly speaking, we long stopped being surprised by the empty and irresponsible allegations that our country is threatening to use nuclear weapons. No one in the Russian political or military leadership has ever spoken in such a way.

🤝In this matter we proceed from the 2021 Joint Statement of the Presidents of Russia and the United States that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. This principle was reaffirmed by the P5 leaders in January 2022.

☝️The only thing we do is to constantly warn Washington that its policy of ensuring strategic defeat for our country on the battlefield is rapidly leading the world to a catastrophic scenario.

The Americans and their allies have unleashed an all-out hybrid war against Russia on our own territory. At the same time they are profiting from their NATO partners by forcing them to finance the renaissance of the United States’ military industrial complex. The US defense industry did not see this kind of money even during the Cold War.

Washington is completely deaf to our signals. I would like to ask the American public a long overdue question: what else should Russia say or do to make the hotheads in the Administration come to their senses and avert the nuclear Armageddon that the White House publicly is so keen to prevent?