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🇷🇺🇱🇦 On August 4, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Saleumxay Kommasith on the sidelines of the #ASEAN ministerial events in Phnom Penh.

The officials discussed the status and prospects of the Russia-Laos strategic partnership in the Asia-Pacific Region, stressing the importance of enhancing cooperation in trade, the economy and investment, as well as scientific, technical and humanitarian ties.

The exchange of opinions on international issues confirmed the proximity of the two countries' approaches to key issues on the regional and global agenda.

💬 FM Sergey Lavrov: As you said, we have been and will be together in both good and bad times. The world situation requires regular consultations and a better understanding of each other. I think our relations are a model in this respect.

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🇷🇺🇰🇭 FM Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at a meeting with Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Sen

💬 We appreciate our bilateral relations with the Kingdom of Cambodia, which have a long and positive history. Our peoples have warm, sincere and friendly feelings towards each other. We are expanding cooperation in the economy, in the cultural, military, military-technical, security and many other spheres.

We are interested in strengthening these relations.

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📸 #FamilyPhoto

#RussiaASEAN Ministerial in Phnom Penh.

🤝 Foreign Ministers of 11 nations, including Sergey Lavrov are participating.
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🎙 FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the #RussiaASEAN Post Ministerial Conference

💬 I am pleased to state that despite the current international turbulence, we are expanding the range of our dialogue, enhancing the level of our industry-specific platforms, and deepening trade, economic and humanitarian ties.

I would like to mention separately the implementation of the joint initiatives in science and technology during the current Russia-ASEAN Year of Scientific and Technical Cooperation.

We believe that our entire system of cooperation, including our multilateral and bilateral ties, objectively facilitates the consolidation of the regional architecture for security and sustainable development.

🇷🇺 Russia consistently supports many integration platforms and projects and the pooling of their efforts to promote a unifying, future-oriented agenda.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ The Russian Ministry of Defence continues to analyse the military and biological activities of the US and its allies in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world in the light of new information obtained in the liberated territories.


Key points

☣️ Work continues on the study of biological samples from Ukrainian soldiers who have voluntarily laid down their arms.

Particular attention should be paid to the discovery of narcotic drugs, including opioids such as methadone, codepsin, codeterp, as well as ephedrine-type substances: t-phedrine and tri-phedrine, at positions abandoned by Ukrainian military personnel.

A side effect of such addictive drugs is primarily excessive aggression, which explains the extreme cruelty towards civilians displayed by some Ukrainian servicemen, as well as the shelling of towns in Donbass.

☣️ A few weeks ago, during the special military operation, Rubezhnoye in Lugansk People's Republic was liberated. Documents have been found in the laboratory of the Pharmbiotest medical centre, confirming that research had been carried out in Ukraine for several years on behalf of the so-called Big Pharma.

☣️ We are considering the possibility that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) was involved in the emergence of the new coronavirus. Since 2009, the agency has funded the Predict programme, which has investigated new species of coronaviruses by capturing bats that carry the viruses. One of the contractors for the project was Metabiota, a company known for its military-biological activities in Ukraine.

❗️ We see a clear trend: infectious disease agents that reach the Pentagon's zone of interest are subsequently pandemic, with US pharmaceutical companies and their patrons, the leaders of the US Democratic Party, as the beneficiaries.

☣️ US impunity has contributed to the continued use of bioweapons technology by Washington in Latin America, including the assassination of undesirable politicians.

On July 18, 2022, the President of the Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, publicly declared the involvement of the United States in the assassination of former head of state Hugo Chávez.

According to information available to Venezuela, U.S. security services have been working since 2002 on possible ways to eliminate the Venezuelan leader, who has pursued an active anti-American policy. Numerous assassination attempts involving members of the US embassy in Caracas were uncovered and thwarted.

A causal link between the Venezuelan leader's death and the development of biological weapons is confirmed by forensic evidence and the testimony of Cuban doctors who treated Chavez about the atypical course of the disease and its resistance to the use of medicines.

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🇷🇺🇺🇸Комментарий Посольства России в США по теме преступлений киевского режима:

🔹Обратили внимание, что исследование НПО Amnesty International от 4 августа по ситуации на Украине нашло широкое отражение в материалах информагентств США. В документе, в частности, отмечается: украинские военные подвергают мирных жителей смертельной опасности, оборудуя места дислокации и размещая вооружения на территории школ и больниц. Эксперты прямо указывают, что подобные действия являются нарушением международного гуманитарного права.
❗️Резонанс вокруг публикации доказывает: замалчивать правду становится все сложнее. Преступный киевский режим не испытывает никакого сочувствия к собственному населению. Задолго до начала спецоперации мы предупреждали мировую общественность о бесчеловечной сущности украинских властей.
‼️Надеемся, что исследование правозащитников поможет аудитории в Соединенных Штатах сделать правильные выводы. Боевики нацформирований убивают мирных жителей. В последние дни усилились обстрелы Донецка, в результате которых гибнут старики, женщины и дети.
🔹Звучащие же здесь обвинения о якобы совершении российскими Вооруженными Силами «военных преступлений» преследуют лишь одну цель - исказить истинное положение дел, очернить наши усилия по освобождению Украины от нацистов. Тем самым США стремятся оправдать собственные провокационные действия по накачке киевского режима смертоносными вооружениями, которые несут гибель и разрушения.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Комментарий Посольства России в США в связи с американскими заявлениями о незаконности приговора Б.Грайнер:
🔹Обратили внимание на заявления ряда официальных лиц США, а также общественных организаций с критикой решения российского суда приговорить американскую гражданку Б.Грайнер к 9 годам колонии за контрабанду и хранение наркотиков. Отмечаем передергивание фактов и искажение информации. Строго говоря, такие действия не удивляют и стали здесь обычной практикой.
🔹Тот факт, что американские власти легализовали употребление наркотиков остается внутренним делом США и не распространяется на законодательство других государств. В нашей же стране попытки нелегального ввоза наркотических средств уголовно наказуемы.
🔹Напомним, что на сегодняшний день в американских тюрьмах и следственных изоляторах находятся около ста росграждан. Большинство из них отбывают наказание за совершение ненасильственных преступлений. Более того, Вашингтоном развернута настоящая «охота» на россиян при их выезде за границу. С 2008 г. зафиксировано свыше 50 таких случаев.
🔹Граждане России, оказавшись в руках американской фемиды, как правило, подвергаются предвзятому отношению со стороны следственных органов и судов. Во многих случаях наших соотечественников склоняют к признанию вины и сделке со следствием, несмотря на надуманность обвинений, а в случае отказа приговаривают к значительным тюремным срокам.
🔹Призываем Соединенные Штаты перестать перекладывать проблемы с больной головы на здоровую. Решение в отношении Б.Грайнер, как и в случае с другими американскими правонарушителями, полностью соответствует букве и духу российского законодательства.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States regarding the crimes of the Kiev regime:

🔹We have noted that the August 4 study by Amnesty International on the situation in Ukraine was given a widespread coverage in the materials of U.S. news agencies. The document, in particular, notes: the Ukrainian military put civilians in harm’s way by establishing bases and operating weapons systems in schools and hospitals. Experts directly point out that such actions violate International Humanitarian Law.
❗️A large response to the publication proves that it is becoming increasingly difficult to hush up the truth. The criminal Kiev regime has no sympathy at all for its own population. Long before the start of the special military operation, we had warned the world community about the inhuman nature of the Ukrainian authorities.
‼️We hope that the study of human rights activists will help the audience in the United States to come to the right conclusions. Militants of nationalist formations kill civilians. The shelling of Donetsk has intensified in recent days which results in deaths of old people, women and children.
🔹The accusations against the Russian Armed Forces of allegedly committing "war crimes" pursue only one goal - to distort the true state of affairs, to slander our efforts to liberate Ukraine from the Nazis. Thus, the United States strives to justify its own provocative actions to pump deadly weapons into the Kiev regime that leads to death and destruction.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Comment by the Russian Embassy in the United States in connection with US statements about the illegality of Brittney Griner's sentence:
🔹We paid attention to the statements of a number of US officials, as well as public organizations criticizing the decision of the Russian court to sentence an American citizen Brittney Griner to 9 years in a penal colony for drug smuggling and possession. We note the distortion of facts and information. Strictly speaking, such actions are not surprising and have become a common practice here.
🔹The fact that the American authorities have legalized drug use remains an internal matter of the United States and does not apply to the legislation of other states. In our country, attempts to illegally import narcotic drugs are criminally punishable.
🔹We would like to remind that currently there are about a hundred Russian citizens in American prisons and pre-trial detention centers. Most of them are serving sentences for nonviolent crimes. Moreover, Washington has launched a real "hunt" for Russians when they go abroad. Since 2008, more than 50 such cases have been recorded.
🔹Citizens of Russia, once in the hands of the American Themis, as a rule, are subjected to a biased attitude on the part of investigative authorities and courts. In many cases, our compatriots are persuaded to admit guilt and make a deal with the investigation, despite the far-fetched accusations, and in case of refusal, they are sentenced to significant prison terms.
🔹We call on the United States to stop shifting problems from a sick head to a healthy one. The decision regarding Brittney Griner, as in the case of other American offenders, fully complies with the letter and spirit of Russian legislation.
Российская делегация участвует в министерском заседании формата Восточноазиатские саммиты.
Блинкен сидит в двух метрах от Лаврова. Думаете, дотянется до пуговицы Сергея Викторовича?
Белому дому фотографию не показывайте. Во-первых, расстроятся, увидев Лаврова в гуще «изоляции». Во-вторых, им надо будет историю с пуговицами как-то комментировать - отвечать, почему Госсекретарь не схватил российского министра за аксессуары.
MFA Spokeswoman M.Zakharova:
The Russian delegation is taking part in the East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Mr.Blinken is sitting within 2 meters from Mr.Lavrov. Do you think he will reach out to buttonhole Sergey Viktorovitch?
Don’t show this picture to the White House. Firstly, they will get sad when they see Mr.Lavrov in the midst of “isolation”. Secondly, they will have to comment somehow on the story of the buttonholes – reply as to why Secretary of State didn’t grab the Russian Foreign Minister by his accessories.
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🔴 #LIVE: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's remarks and answers to media questions following visit to Cambodia 🇷🇺🇰🇭

🔗 https://alert.ruptly.tv/event/62ebfc115c3d7b666d4e3806/22259/English

🔗 https://mid.ru/en/press_service/video
☝️Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answer to a media question on the sidelines of ASEAN ministerial meetings, Phnom Penh, August 5, 2022

: John Kirby said yesterday that Secretary of State Antony Blinken would try to “buttonhole” you on the sidelines of ASEAN in order to discuss with you Brittney Greiner’s case, as well as the prisoner exchange. Did Mr. Blinken somehow manage to interact with you here? Are you ready in principle to discuss the subject of the prisoner exchange with U.S. Secretary of State in the future?

💬Sergey Lavrov: John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, must have forgotten to give Antony Blinken an instruction. Today I sat “the next but one” with Secretary of State at the discussion table. I did not see that he was interested in grabbing me by something. The buttons are all safe and sound.

🔹I have already had the opportunity to speak on the specific topic of people convicted in Russia and the United States. There is a special channel agreed by the Presidents. Whoever says anything in public, that channel remains relevant. It’s up to Americans if they again decide to resort to public diplomacy with loud statements about what steps they are going to take now. I would even say that it is their problem, since Americans frequently do not keep to the agreements on calm professional work not only on this particular topic, but also on many other issues. This is my answer.

❗️We are ready to discuss this problem, but within the framework of the channel that was agreed upon by Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, and Joe Biden, the President of the United States.
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📜 Joint Statement by the Foreign Ministers of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Russian Federation

🇷🇺🇰🇭 The Foreign Ministers of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Russian Federation held fruitful negotiations in Phnom Penh on 5 August 2022.

☝️ Cambodia and Russia will maintain and intensify political dialogue, regular contacts between the governments, parliaments, local authorities and political parties. They will enhance mutually beneficial cooperation in trade and investment, science and technology, education and culture, defence and security, creating favourable conditions for activities of organisations and companies in all the areas.

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🇷🇺🇰🇭 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov takes part in the signing ceremony of the Plan of Russian-Cambodian inter-ministerial consultations for 2022-2024

🎙 Вступительное слово Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лаврова в ходе встречи с Министром иностранных дел Китайской Народной Республики Ван И

📍 Пномпень, 5 августа 2022 года

💬 С.В.#Лавров: Вы упомянули об очередном примере вседозволенности, которую демонстрируют американские коллеги, делая это уже не первый год.

☝️ При любом удобном случае США стараются утвердить своё доминирование в новых районах земного шара.

Кто следит за этой ситуацией, понимает бесперспективность подхода, при котором можно «закрыть глаза» на одну ситуацию или кризис, созданный США, и ожидать, что всё будет более-менее неплохо.

Американцы взяли курс на подавление любой самостоятельности. Точно так же они решили сделать из Украины угрозу для Российской Федерации. Долгие годы Соединенные Штаты игнорировали расистскую политику киевского режима, который уничтожал всё русское. Такая же линия проявилась и в случае с визитом Н.Пелоси на Тайвань.

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🇷🇺🇨🇳 5 августа в Пномпене «на полях» мероприятий #АСЕАН, #АРФ и #ВАС состоялась встреча Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова с Министром иностранных дел КНР Ван И.

☝️ Отмечено, что стороны продолжают поступательно наращивать практическое сотрудничество и внешнеполитическую координацию в русле договоренностей, достигнутых главами двух государств.

❗️ Подчеркнута необходимость поддержания асеаноцентричной архитектуры безопасности в свете усиливающейся активности США и их сателлитов по созданию узкоблоковых структур в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.

Главы внешнеполитических ведомств России и Китая обсудили ряд актуальных проблем региональной и международной повестки дня. Министры высоко оценили двустороннее взаимодействие на площадке ООН, рассмотрели вопросы реформирования Всемирной организации. Подтверждено стремление к дальнейшему расширению сотрудничества в форматах БРИКС и РИК.

🤝 Беседа прошла в дружеской и доверительной атмосфере, традиционной для российско-китайских отношений.