90 subscribers
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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Community - Saturday 2023-05-27

#Tech/Dev Working Group #POLL : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/9139 : "When Tech/Dev Working Group first meeting? : Poll for those in the technical/developer side of things EdenOnEOS - programming/coding, smart contracts and more!"

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates Meeting #7 recording - 25 May : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/9158 : "Meeting is OPEN to all EdenOnEOS members. - Video -43m- : https://youtu.be/rY4TBxKlurI

#WG_Remuneration soon to commence : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/8882 : "The CDs are polishing details for implementation of WG Remuneration Process. Meanwhile looking at an early simpler version commencing Week #22."

#Strategy/Workshop - Session #2 recording - 23 May : Videos -2hr 03m- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/8977 + https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/8978
#Strategy/Workshop - Session #3 recording - 26 May : Video -1hr 38m- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/9375 :
--CD1-- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/8830 : "How does this list look in terms of identifying the current situation? - Thumbs up if good. - Add to it if you think of something."
--M1-- :
https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/8834 : "If we are able to succeed in more efficienting allocating capital thru this fractal process we will have effectively supplanted the role that VCs and banks have played in history."
--CD1-- :
https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/8841 : "I think the consensus is:
- We want EOS to continue funding EdenOnEOS from inflation.
- Our common interest that brought us all together here is EOS.
- We need to come up with a concept/provide a service we can pitch, and they'd be interested in funding."
--M2-- :
https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/9147 : "Our purpose (the why) and mission (the what and how) must align with funding stakeholder interests, in a way they would recognize and want to support."
--M3-- :
https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/9149 : "is there a short list of potential funders that are being pursued...?"
--CD2-- :
https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/9301 : "The key for a positive future of EdenOnEOS is to "lock in" on our own niche with clear focused path going forward to reach the set goal."

#Eden_Bylaws - meeting $4 - 21 May : Video -48m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/8896
#Eden_Bylaws - meeting #5 - 24 May : Video -34m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/9075 :
"Next meeting Sunday 28 May at 16:00 UTC - "Dispute Resolution"!

#Comms_Media - meeting #3 - 21 May : Video -1hr05m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/8893
#Comms_Media - meeting #4 - 24 May : Video -54m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/9073 : "First WG Lead - Michael O'Sullivan of Bywire News. Showed why Lead, from meeting #4!"

#Microchains - 17 May : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/8858 : "Edenia on Medium : Understanding the Microchain Design Pattern on Smart Contracts - There is an architecture solution using a microchain to improve the performance of costly queries ... "
--M-- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/8861 : "Great read and a reminder of what all Eden has up it's sleeve ... "

= END =
#Recaps - regularly posted
EOS - Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
Eden Fractal - Tuesdays: https://t.me/Eden_Fractal_recaps
Eden on EOS member group - Fridays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
#Recaps - Topical
Delegate Commitments - Eden elections https://t.me/EdenDelegateCommitments -
07 Jan 2023 election toward Term 5
(08 Apr 2023 election toward Term 6, posting "ETA" WK#23)
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap Eden Community - Friday 2023-06-02

EdenOnEOS_Delegates Meeting #8 recording - 01 Jun 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/10298 : "Meeting OPEN to all members. - Video -1hr24m- : https://youtu.be/IbYnnJ8NXtI".
--CD-- : "The  relevant information, how to minimize risk of removal from the Eden Community private telegram group, via this link - https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/9675.

#UpVote_Bot testing! : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/9675 : "We have the first list of people that will get removed... and its quite brutal. So here is ... "

#Tech/Dev Working Group meeting #1 : Video -43m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/9906 : "Recorded Tuesday 30 May 2023."

#Strategy/Workshop : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/10054 : Strategy work in Telegram - "We are only open to strategically aligned investors who share our vision of ... ? - Complete the sentence!"
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/9521 : "If anyone wants to quickly look over the Workshop Document - https: ...  -  ...the floor is open."
https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/9567 : "As I see it from the 2.5 workshops to date: Interest is in finding a broader strategy with credibility and longevity that would enable larger and reliable funding that can consistently add value to all stakeholders."

#Eden_Bylaws - meeting #6 - 28 May : Video -60m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/9657 : "Dispute resolution"
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/9697 : " ... noticed in the most recent meeting that you wanted to include different levels of punishment vs membership removal. Thats a really good point, and was considered ... ""

= END =
#Recaps - regularly posted
EOS - Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
Eden Community - Fridays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
*(EdenOnEOS private group)*
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap Eden Community - Friday 2023-06-02

EdenOnEOS_Delegates Meeting #8 recording - 01 Jun 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/10298 : "Meeting OPEN to all members. - Video -1hr24m- : https://youtu.be/IbYnnJ8NXtI".
--CD-- : "The relevant information, how to minimize risk of removal from the Eden Community private telegram group, via this link - https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/9675.

#UpVote_Bot testing! : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/9675 : "We have the first list of people that will get removed... and its quite brutal. So here is ... "

#Tech/Dev Working Group meeting #1 : Video -43m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/9906 : "Recorded Tuesday 30 May 2023."

#Strategy/Workshop : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/10054 : Strategy work in Telegram - "We are only open to strategically aligned investors who share our vision of ... ? - Complete the sentence!"
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/9521 : "If anyone wants to quickly look over the Workshop Document - https: ... - ...the floor is open."
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/9567 : "As I see it from the 2.5 workshops to date: Interest is in finding a broader strategy with credibility and longevity that would enable larger and reliable funding that can consistently add value to all stakeholders."

#Eden_Bylaws - meeting #6 - 28 May : Video -60m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/9657 : "Dispute resolution"
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/9697 : " ... noticed in the most recent meeting that you wanted to include different levels of punishment vs membership removal. Thats a really good point, and was considered ... ""

= END =
#Recaps - regularly posted
EOS - Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
Eden Community - Fridays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
*(EdenOnEOS private group)*
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap Eden Community - Friday 2023-06-09

#Hypha & #Election meetings today Fri 09 June : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/10664 : "Friday 09 June - Tech/Dev meetings: 16:00 UTC & 19:00 UTC - first session HYPHA "technical" presentation, 3 hours laterstart Tech/Dev meeting follow up discussion Hypha but main item how ensure smooth election on July 8th, 2023."

EdenOnEOS_Delegates Meeting #9 recording - 08 Jun 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/10655 : "Meeting OPEN to all members. - Video -35m- : https://youtu.be/NMMeENDX0gg".

#Tech/Dev Working Group meeting #2 : Video -1hr30m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/10327 : "Recorded Friday 02 June 2023."

#Strategy/Workshop : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/10130 : "The above are excerpts from a recent discussion in the EOS main channel. These questions are as relevant to EdenOnEOS as they are to EOS in regards to ..."

#Eden_Bylaws meetings with focus Dispute Resolution :
#8 - 04 June :
Video -1hr14m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/10403 :
#9 - 07 June : Video -1hr2m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/10610
Document link https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/10400 : " "Telos Dispute Resolution Proposal Modified - "1. Arbitration on EdenOnEOS" ... !"

#Eden_RFPs "Funding Distribution" : https://t.me/c/1580300708/5335/10297 : " ... I look forward to reading the Summary of Funding Distribution over the last 2 years we've commissioned, given that ... "

#Eden_AI chat gpt app testing : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/10637 : "Hello Eden world, here is a chat gpt app trained on a bunch of Eden data, please test and let me know if of any value, if so I will progress further, I think it’s pretty cool.""

#EdenOnEOS_value to members? : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/10413 : " ... I'm wondering specifically 'How Much is a Membership to EdenOnEOS Worth?' If you're participating and having direct access to a "WPS" directing the funds for the benefit of a network you may or may not be invested in, as well as its membership. How much is that worth? ... ""

= END =
#Recaps - regularly posted
EOS - Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
Eden Community - Fridays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
*(EdenOnEOS private group)*
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap EdenOnEOS Community - Friday 2023-06-16

#Bywire_article 12 June 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/10770 : "Eden on EOS and Hypha join forces to enhance DAO management and governance, paving the way for decentralized growth and a thriving EOS ecosystem. ... " - https://bywire.news/articles/eden-on-eos-partners-with-hypha-to-catalyse-dao-development-ushering-in-a-new-era-of-decentralised-growth

EdenOnEOS_Delegates Meeting #10 recording - 15 Jun 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/10903 : "Meeting OPEN to all members. - Video -53m- : https://youtu.be/QlcnQdx1k70".

#EdenOnEOS #ChatGPT : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/50139 : "Trained on Eden data, please test ... " - https://eden.asst.ai".
--CD-- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/10725 : "Members test this one and give feedback so it may be developed further toward even better responses!"

#Tech/Dev WG meet #3 - Fri 09 June - Video -1hr10m- https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/10707 : #Hypha_on_EOS tech presentation & discussion #EdenOnEOS elections on Hypha?

#Hypha_on_EOS : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/10695 :
"Project: Eden On EOS Election on Hypha - Objectives Phase 1 - MVP for import into Hypha from EdenOnEOS - Phase 2 - MVP for Hypha Software EdenOnEOS add ..."
--M1-- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/10712 : "MVP for import path; ... '' - ""MVP for software replacement path; ... + ""
--M2-- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/10701 : "... 2 way integration between Eden and Hypha. Reputation system code can help with some of the integration. ..."

#Tech/Dev WG meet #4 - Fri 09 June - Video -51m- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/10713 : "How ensure smooth election on July 8, 2023?" a) Bot as election tool, with video? b) EdenOS UI "clean up" c) EdenOS election process & video into UI? ... "
--M-- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/10712 : "Cleanup of the portal; • hide the zoom button, • invite people to register and follow the bot ... "

#WGFUNDS.EDEN - Working Group remuneration : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/10731 : "First contributions received of L1s & CDs contributions 300 EOS each = 4,500EOS 🙏🏻 with the 2 CDs adding a further 1,500 EOS each making a total 7,500 EOS."

#Strategy/Workshop "energetic" and opposite views at times:
--M1-- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/10678 : "If any member is wondering why the oxygen has been sucked out the room in these EDENonEOS workshops with barely a mention of ... "
--CD-- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/10682 : "Thank you for expressing your views, however uninformed. Hopefully we can present a proposal and vision for the EdenOnEOS community that lives up to our potential, and the wider EOS community's expectations."

#Meeting_Schedule for each week you find here: https://t.me/c/1580300708/4086 : Today Friday the 16th of June 2023 a handful WG meetings starting from 14:00 UTC!

= END =
Monday: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
EdenOnEOS Community Friday: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) : 24 Nov - 01 Dec, 2023.

#Polls : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17009 : *1 - "Testing: Should CDs divide the Treasury amongst themselves?"
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16980 : *2 - "UpScale commercialization"

#Tech/Dev meeting 28 Nov, 2023 (video) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16797 : "Main topics: - UpScale Software Package, - Latest update on Hypha side with UpScale DAO configuration, - Other matter related to tech/dev if time allows"

#Reputation_System meeting 28 Nov, 2023 (video) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1945/17006 : "I can't say enough about how critical a well developed and thought out reputation system is to . . . ""

#Comms_Media meeting 01 Dec, 2023 (video) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17017 : "Regular Ambassador WG Meeting time has been moved up for today . . . - . . . If you'd like to show up earlier you can also attend a shortened Comms WG meeting."

#Upscale_Process guidelines : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16838 : "Not having clear guidelines for the process puts us all in a precarious position of ambiguity. Intent of Code can only be law if . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16863 : " . . . with the right information, where we're all singing from the same hymn sheet, we can then make good judgement. Without that, . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16880 : "We need a document that lists the various requirements that is necessary to become a great ROI and all cd needs to discuss and agree . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16908 : " . . . we need to compare revenue opportunity against our community expenses and we have to be honest that there is . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16955 : "Taking into consideration how much is in the account and how much will be disbursed 6 Dec. As of current exchange rate we . . . "

#EdenOnEOS_Future - #UpScale_future : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16766 : "Anything the community invests in with treasury must be done piecemeal, with milestones, backed by commercial plans, and a full budget plan including . . . "

#UpScale_WebSite & more : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/16685 : "Comms/Media Strategy - Latest status/priorities & Audit of the Website . . . "

#UpScale_Ambassadors - All Chief Delegates, take note : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/16753 : "All Chief Delegates, as Senior Ambassadors, please provide a google doc with your Ambassador profile description so I can add it to the site along with mine https:// . . . "

#Membership opportunities to offer? : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/16713 : ". . . I'd really love to hear from everyone about the kinds of opportunities that you would like to see available for UpScale members. For example, . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/16808 : " . . . It's time to create and develop real, tangible opportunities that will attract people and continue to fund our community into the long-term future."

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/UpscaleNowIO
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UpscaleNowIO
Telegram: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
EOS - Mondays
: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 02-08 Dec, 2023.

#Chief_Delegate - "Product Meeting" Mon. 11 Dec, 2023. All CDs expected to participate/vote!

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates (aka UpScale) weekly meeting : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/17129 : "🎯UpScale All Delegate Meeting December 7th, 2023. - Video 11m (+7m) - : https://youtu.be/SkDOT9zOW38?si=Mywe2alwVWfRDeWX"

#Governance WG meeting 04 Dec, 2023 (Video 16m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17141 : Topics: web platform, preparation for election on 06 January, Bylaws to be updated plus Hypha + more.

#Tech/Dev meeting 05 Dec, 2023 (Video 57m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/17088 : Topics: changes in project funding application form, discussion selection process itself, process to commence in Term 9 or? + more.

#Ambassador WG meeting 08 Dec, 2023 (Video 50m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17142 : Topics: Ambassador program creation, Chief Delegate roles within the program, Course structure, , Monday 11th December "Product meeting" all CDs expected to participate and vote, + more.

#Comms_Media WG meeting 08 Dec, 2023 (Video 49m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17140 : Topics: Web site, Hypha + more.

#Chief_Delegate payment structure? : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17079 : "I propose we radically change payment structure to delegates. Pause the % allocations as they have been to date. Use all treasury only on explicitly revenue producing bets. Such as . . . "

#UpScale_future - treasury : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17033 : " . . . put the treasury into Crypto?"
https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17036 : " . . . "web 3 products and services" could be developed better with a larger Treasury. We could focus now on buying any of these, offering . . . "
https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17111 : " . . . basic offering could consist of crypto management, as well as revenue generating solutions we're developing/invested in, and . . . "
https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17122 : "We probably have to look at legal compliance again if we define ourselves as fund managers."

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 09-15 Dec, 2023.

#UpScale_Software_Package apply before 31 Dec, 2023 @ 13:00 (1pm) UTC : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/51254 : "💡Are you building a solution useful for DAOs on Antelope networks?  💰Apply to become part of UpScale Software Package . . ." 📚Learn more: https://info-10043.medium.com/introducing-upscale-software-package-ec4396cbc932"

#Legal_Side of things UpScale : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17282 : "If we do decide to engage in any cryptocurrency or project investments as a community, it's essential to form a corporate entity for legal protection and avoid personal liability. Our EOS tokens, . . . "
—- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17284 : "A DAO is nothing but an operating agreement. This is where people seem to be confused. It's not a corporate shell of any kind whatsoever. A DAO is a way in which a community orients itself to make decisions and operate. That's all it is."

#UpScale_future : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17207 : "Navigating the Future Together – A Look Inside UpScale’s Latest Product Meeting" - ""We recently held a product meeting filled with insightful discussions and forward-thinking ideas about the future of UpScale. In this update, we want to share . . .""
—- #Strategy& #Product Meeting 11 Dec, 2023 (Video 1hr 52m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17203 : Among topics: Website, UpScale Software Package & Ambassador Educational Material/Program"

#Tech/Dev meeting 12 Dec, 2023 (Video 39m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/17190 : Among topics: "First phase promote project applications, talk on how to apply and more.

#Ambassador/Comms WG meeting 15 Dec, 2023 (Video 31m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17277 : "Ambassador Program Curriculum and Content" - Discussion & Proposal.
—- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17226 : "Revised version of the Ambassador proposal based on the Product call on Monday 11 Dec, 2023."

#UpScale_WebSite and more : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17166 : "Comms/Media - Latest Update + Website improvements Proposal"

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

*** NEXT #RECAP UpScale will be Saturday 30 Dec, 2023! ***

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 16-31 Dec, 2023.

#Election on 06 Jan, 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17533 : "The next election take place on January 6th 1 pm UTC. Registration is open until 5th January 1pm UTC. So 24 hours prior.
- Additionally to linked web form registration, please sign this action with your eos account - UpScale (ex. EdenOnEOS) - to confirm your participation as proof of registration on-chain https://bloks. . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17515 : "Registration Via the form linked and (https:// ...) +📍the electopt (https:// ...) action below. Check this document (https:// ...) to see the incoming registrations. This document will be updated until January 5th 1PM UTC which is the ultimate date/time for registration to be accepted."
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17533 : "📍The zoom link will be posted by @M.... on the 6th."

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates (now #UpScale) weekly meeting : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17437 : "🎯UpScale All Delegate Meeting December 21st, 2023 - Episode 11 : 00:51 - UpScale Software Package, 01:41 - Hypha issues, 04:22 - Comms/Media, 07:38 - Governance & Bylaws, 10:46 - Finance, 14:10 - Ambassador Program, 17:08 - Reputation System, 17:41 - Workload for reputation system, 21:57 - Open Block Explorer will apply to USP, 23:36 - Submit your solution to the USP, 24:55 - Time to conclude" -

#Ambassador/Comms WG combined meeting 18 Dec, 2023 : (Video 41m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17346 : *Updates on information/marketing work related to election, website, "USP", how vote in election and more.*

#Tech/Dev meeting 19 Dec, 2023 (Video 48m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/17368 : *Various updates and discussion minimum number of applcations to commence project funding + more.*

#Governance WG meeting 20 Dec, 2023 *(Video 35m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17392 : *Run through of the draft proposal amended Bylaws for coming Term CDs to consider.*

#Membership : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17396 : "There is no page at this time on the website upscalenow.io to list membership. For the inductions we have historic in the eos atomic hub: https://..."

#UpScale_Software_Package "USP" status : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17306 : " . . a few key reasons why these things are important and necessary to be in place first to enable the revenue we’re aiming for: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 ... "

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
EOS - Mondays:
https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*