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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-03-18

#Eden_future : Most posts on future of Eden (aka EdenOnEOS).
- M - : "What was the reason to go for 3 month? Why don't we do elections more often for the start so we could faster see who gets a good track record? Or is 3 month because we don't have a good accounting in place yet?"
- M1 - : "I think a big reason is to ease into more rapid elections - as well as ensure we have people to run the elections. It’s a manual process at the moment and if we go “from 0 to 100” too fast without proper planning, we might not be capable of actually staffing/running elections properly."
""Looking forward to hearing “what’s wrong” with these ideas and getting some feedback, so we can improve this system and keep it running until a point in time we either have something to replace this process or better systems in place.""

- M2 - : "Why is there a question at all about the treasury? It was given to Eden, by the ENF, to use the Eden consensus protocol and elect individuals who will then have budgets from the treasury. If Eden were to take those funds and fund an entirely different organization, that is essentially designed to do the same thing Eden is, but in a slightly different way, that would be pretty disingenuous."

- M3 - : "All proposed changes good on my end: - 3 months election, - 3 EOS entry and - Adjusted multiplier for CD/HD. Looking forward to seeing a path towards monthly elections being carved out over the next cycles."
- M4 - : "At this point I think 3 months is good. We need to be able to iterate and ratify new laws, but we also need those taking the reigns to be able to get up to speed and understand what's happening apart from taking steps forward."
- M5 - : "I actually like it now considering the costs and what I really like is that we will be in the same cycle as Pomelo."

#Chestahedron : Free to use! By Chuck MacDonald - " Old Steel Chestahedron Spinning Transparent":
""I know a lot of people are looking for a good chestahedron for their multimedia needs: Here is a quicktime loop that will work in Premier Pro. It's a transparent background. This is free to use, without credit. I built the model, and the material is Distressed Steel from ChippWalters. Put it to good use please!""

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
" The Chief Delegate Meeting #22 (unedited) feat. Daniel Larimer (unedited) - 18 Mar 2022

Individual updates, The most recent Fireside Chat, Proposed Bylaw and Peace Treaty changes
Then Dan @bytemaster7 stops by:
- Clarify Bylaw and Peace Treaty intentions
- Discuss ƒractally on EOS
https://youtu.be/NF6_ulvMb3o " "

#Bylaws :
"Dan has approved a change to the current bylaws where modifications to the bylaws proposed by the current CDs need to be proposed at least 14 days before an election (where then can then be ratified by the next set of CDs). This means the current CDs will present a final bylaw set no later than 9am EST, Sat, March 26. Our goal is to therefore finish our bylaw work this coming week.

Naturally we want these bylaws to be ratified so will be presenting them in this chat over the next week to get feedback and buy-in from the Eden community."

"" . if there is enough interest the CDs could perhaps host a live video call next week to work through any concerns. ""

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-08

#Bylaws :
-- M --: "Why do the Chief Delegate proposed Bylaws include elements of the Peace Treaty? Is a version of the Peace Treaty not in effect?"
-- CD Responses -- :
"Dan's proposed version was never ratified, we're working from the original. Bylaws and peace treaty are non-different at this point."
"We haven't changed anything. We've only issued a proposed set of changes. And Dan claimed a year to do as he pleases with this initial set of rules, . . "
"We're following 99% of the rules and have only asked for exceptions to a few that would have prohibited Eden from adopting a new election cycle."
-- M --: "I do mean to argue, I just want to be clear about what the situation is." - "Haha, subconscious typo?" "Of all of the things this organization is about... Our simple governing docs should be easy to understand and follow."
-- M1 --: "This conversation might seem redundant to some, but I applaud the efforts of those willing to make sure the i's are dotted and t's crossed."
-- M2 --: "We're coming to the end of a really long tenure that had the CDs go over many of the philosophical incompletes they were left with, painstakingly, but successfully. It's a time to celebrate their grit and tenacity in getting the rest of Eden this far in preparation for the upcoming election this Saturday."

#Author_Comments to above few snippets. They are from a very long and detailed discussion on the CD proposal of bylaw changes. All Eden members ought to read the full discussion and become aware from where and how #EdenOnEos was "birthed". Similar words would apply to the item "Eden_future" here below.

#Eden_future : Only few snippets from words by member posting his "Next Steps of Eden on EOS" which was discussed and worked on:
"For your consideration as we go into the next election this weekend."
"One thing that may not be clear in that checklist is the intention of establishing a value proposition and business model that includes selling our software as a service."
"Updated the image and added on to the existing bullet:
Make improvements to the site & portal (develop features for dispute resolution)."
"Updated it again to add these points as well. I propose that EOS Support is the custodian of most important things. Becuase of how reliable and trustworthy the organization is/has been."

#Accountability :
"I know I will be reluctant to vote for someone to move forward this Saturday who was a previous Delegate but didn't attempt to summarize their use of funds. It doesn't even need to be overly detailed, but a little effort here would go a long way in my eyes. Best of luck to all participating in the next election!!"

#Queries :
"Does anyone here happen to have the domain endao.io ?
Or know who does? It was registered in October 2021."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"Eden 1 - Chief Delegate Meeting #25 – The Last Hurrah!
Streamed live on 7 Apr 2022.
The first official Eden Chief Delegates will conclude their 6 month tenure by going LIVE on their final meeting before the election on Saturday April 9th.