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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-11-26

The news of a B1/Brocks/Helios deal discussed also among the Eden members, whether EdenOnEOS should make an official statement in these matters. In short for now no firm stance as membership is divided on how to handle these siutations. Here few snippets:
- ""I think we should have people presenting their governance directions when we voted for them, right now representatives were based on what they said they will use money for.""
- ""I was only choosing based on projects, because there was strong emphasis on needing to deliver something to show eden deserves the funding.""
- ""If eden want's to push and be governance layer, we can do that in the next round, emphasise that this time we are also choosing governance decisions commentary.""
- ""I feel as if the election results would have been much different if it was a policy-based election rather than a project-based election.""
* DAN LARIMER : "It was always a policy based election in my mind"
- ""I think if we look at Dan's statements, then he has been clear that the intention is electing representives skilled at building consesus. Just because many members didn't do that does not negate the intent from the mastermind of Eden On EOS.""

#Freelance_Eden :
Words from a Chief Delegate post "Open call for Eden members who would like to do some paid video editing for the Chief Delegates. Should we use the forums to start a kind of jobs board?". This was further discussed in all delegates Zoom meeting Saturday 20th November from a wider perspective including also other tasks and jobs which need be done and could be funded.

#TranslateMe :
Invitation made to Eden members interested to join the work for "TranslateMe on EOS" and here few snippets explaining the aim.
- "We are currently standing up group we’re calling ‘TranslateMe on EOS’ in an effort to build paths toward integrating translation solutions into EOS platform workflows."
- "Please, if interested, reach out to me and i’ll send u an invite to the discussion of how to begin increasing the bandwidth between our different language speaking communities by installing these translation APIs."
- "We’re trying to increase the bandwidth between EOS language groups, in our dialogs. So basically, how would we do that? Well, we have a group that has developed translation algorithms using machine learning. And they tokenized the training process. So folks can get paid for training the algorithms that do the translating."
- "Keep your ears out if there’s a project that may have a use for a translator API. It’s ready for plugging in."
- "there’s an estimated 10 to 20 X cost savings over using centralized platforms like Google, Microsoft etc."

#EOSsupport : One post copied below!
"" Need help on how to donate to #pomelo? Follow step by step tutorial here:
If you encounter any problems, you can click the blue chat icon in the right bottom of our website at any time to open a direct chat and get connected with our support agents.
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1462793676275466244 ""
#Recap Eden Members telegram group -
7 days Saturday to Friday 2021-12-31

#EOS_Community :
Good turnout also of Eden members at the "EOS 2021 Year In Review - Fireside Chat". Some suggestions to make this a 6 monthly event/review. If so it would complement well with the bi-weekly Eden Level 1 delegate meetings as well as the regular Chief Delegate meetings. Unfortunately this "Year in Review" had technical issues recording the event with only initial one hour or so recorded and available in the EOS Community Discord.

#EdenOnEOS_Benefits :
Chief Delegates have discussed creation of NFTs to Eden members participating in elections. One member posted his proposal for making these and included also illustrations of the proposed design. Few short snippets from proposer posts here below and the ideas met with enthusiasm.
"" For anyone who has been watching the CD meetings, there was talk of a need to build NFTs to show appreciation for Eden members' participation in elections. There's no formal request for proposals, but here is my proposal for member NFTs. ""
"" I will build custom ones for the CDs, and then move on to the delegates. Then, all election participants if the community thinks it is a good idea. ""

#EOSSupport : Two (2) of their posts this week:
1. Listing of EOS-based applications, #Dapps + 2. New Scam!

1 - "" Are you aware of the #EOS-based applications in the cryptocurrency space? If not, then click here:
If your EOS-based application is not listed, please write to us at Contact@eossupport.io.
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1476254754762338310 ""

2 - #EOS_scam Warning! :
"" New scam about Voice token airdrop and NFT's in your transaction history.
* Do NOT click on the link to claim! - This will switch your PRIVATE key(s)! *
Read more here: https://help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5715346-known-scam-receiving-a-transaction-with-a-comment-about-something-to-claim
Not sure who you can trust? Ask http://EOSsupport.io
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1476574561630097417 ""

#EOSIO_EOS_Future : Continuation of recent Bywire News interviews, relevant earlier parts in the previous recap and on their YouTube site.

Yves La Rose, EOS Network Foundation (#ENF). Talks about future of EOS, future of EOS Network Foundation, new branding and more! https://youtu.be/ddgMoMgGVfY
TEASER: Yves La Rose on building the future of EOS for everyone. Premiers 1 Jan 2022 at 17:00 UTC - https://youtu.be/fZ_bZpHyOTg

Dan Larimer, co-founder of Block.one (B1) and now ClarionOS and EdenOnEOS, talks in-depth on future of EOS, Eden & Governance. Premiered on 29 Dec 2021 - https://youtu.be/Igf2oPLP7pI

#Chief_Delegates-meet : Now on Discord, the first 15 minutes mainly "setting up". Posted by EOSSupport.io with following words:
"It only takes small drops of water coming off the rocks to form the ocean we see, and that ocean becomes so powerful."
"If we all come together and bring in the mind we have, we can accomplish anything."
Share: https://twitter.com/eosmainnetnews/status/1476956344989143044

= END =

EOS-Based Applications | EOS User Support Center
Featured EOS-based applications
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-03-25

#Author_Comments : The use of - M -, - M1 - and so on is to indicate posts by different members when deemed necessary. Each hashtag starts a new sequence from - M -, - M1 - and so on. Does not mean same member as any previous - M - in recap.

#EOSsupport :
" Account Recovery/Replacement Update: We concluded testing today on the updates to the contract that facilitate account recovery/replacement. Tests passed. 🎉""
""Many thanks to the fractally team for getting this done. 🙏🏼""

#EdenOnEos :
- M -: "" If the focus of Eden On EOS is to "create value for the EOS ecosystem" then it may be useful to achieve consesus on what the main value proposition of the EOS Network DAO is as it relations to the various DAO stakeholder profiles. ""
- M1 - : "I'd say it's to provide value for EOS token holders. To put it bluntly. Not investment advice."
- M2 - "Consensus where is not needed should not be sought. My point is that different visions of what it means to create value for the eos are needed. Also that might change over space and time."
- M1 - "In a really rich economy, all of these different factors add up to a healthy currency. :) It's all coming together."

#DAOs :
- M - : "What DAO software exists RIGHT NOW? Is the good stuff all written on Solidity? Should we be looking to Ethereum-based DAO platforms? Are any going to be proactively coming over to EOS?"
- M1 - : "If EOS is a true DAO, then EOSIO is the DAO software?"
- M - : "Maybe at the most fundamental sense. Like saying 'I've created the transistor, therefore computers exist (in my mind)'. We don't have any full DAO software on EOS that I am aware of. How difficult will it be to just bring this open source tech over to our new EVM? Do we need to reinvent the wheel?"

#Eden_Membership :
"Several support agents and squads can serve as witnesses for Eden's induction. It's very convenient. If someone needs a witness, they can always go to the EOSsupport.io website, open the direct chat and ask an agent. There is ALWAYS an agent on standby who would be able to facilitate the induction process."
""Thanks for this. Everything Support does just seems like magic.""

#Pomelo : Important Pomelo Dates
• Open for applications: March 22nd to April 11th
• Open for donations: March 30th to April 23rd

#Eden_elections :
- M - : "Is anyone planning to write an article on the Eden blog to promote the upcoming election? Not sure who all has writing/editing access"
- M1 - : "Great question!"
- M2 - : "This would be great. I am looking for information on it now and am struggling!"

#EdenCN : "Eden China"
"EdenCN held its first meeting of delegates after the first test election, reviewing the issues that arose during the election, clarifying again the allocation of funds, and also discussing how EdenCN can help the Chinese community projects in the second season of Pomelo."

#EdenOnEos_Fractally : Eden CDs seek a technical liason:
"We're looking for a technical liason between Eden and the Fractally team for the upcoming election and beyond. Someone in the Eden community who is willing to take up a technical leadership role and work alongside the Fractally devs in administering this next election, from testing process to the live run on April 9th. We want to make sure this person has a full understanding of the election state changes, and related actions so that they can provide coverage for the next delegates, and ideally, document and train others in what they learn, so the community can take the reigns going forward."

#Chief_Delegates-Meet : #23 - Posted 25 Mar 2022 - EdenOnEOS
"The Chief Delegates share individual updates and finalize their proposed set of Bylaws to be potentially ratified by the next set of Chief Delegates. Sign up for the next election on April 9th! https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/


= END =