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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Monday to Thursday 2021-08-19

#Miscellaneous :
This week not much new discussion (for now) in the Eden member channel. Few shares and info posted with some chat related to these. Topics included scheduling apps and crypto regulation.

= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-08-22

#OCF :
Information on the Open Collective Foundation was shared. OCF is in the role as a steward of legal, financial and technical commons. Acting as a bridge or fiscal host allowing non banked entities to be able raise and spend money under the umbrella of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, using a powerful open-source tech platform with financial and community engagement tools. As a fiscal sponsor, OCF handles the compliance side of raising and spending money (like dealing with the IRS and banks), so that groups can focus on their work.

Discussion followed mainly around organizational issues and value of surveying projects of this kind for any potential synergies with Eden. Building of cooperative organizations and sharing of resources for economy of scale also raised in this context.

#EdenBank :
These past days included an idea posted with rather extensive outlines giving a suggestion one path ahead for Eden, seemingly in part inspired by the #OFC discussion. This copied sentence give a feeling of the main gist of the idea - ""We may want to consider the ramifications of Eden as a multifaceted community with GOVERNANCE, and the ability to govern a network of crypto currencies by standardizing the digital asset banking rules for all cryptocurrencies.""

One of comments to the above included words ""Well, these are good ideas, but I would submit that you can take it one step further whereby we don't even need the "BANK of EDEN". With a fully tokenized economy, we are our own bank.""

= END =
Monday to Tuesday 2021-08-24

#EOS_Foundation :
Monday's article "Introducing the Pillars of the EOS Foundation" by Yves La Rose made for rich discussion on multitude of related topics. Yves, an Eden Member, also weighed in on some of these discussions.

Among the topics:
- how will EdenOnEOS (hereinafter mostly referred to as Eden) fit into this new evolving framework, - how about Pomelos role, - would Eden be considered for a seat in the core or the advisor board, - what level of funding can Eden expect, - how will Eden continue identifying projects worth funding, - how to build and shape Eden onward so it fulfil the needs of the EOS community, - how about history and future path in respect of Block One collaboration, - what with the role of Clarion development in all of this, - also what role of EOS token itself etc.

On the EOS Foundation being centralized Yves gave clear concise comment - "The Foundation is centralized. It is appointed and centralized and fulfills a crucial function." Eden member Zack Gall, also a Foundation core member, participated in discussions including words ""EOS Foundation is centralized by design, but its funding would be through leveraging dPOS. Token holders select the BPs. BPs (delegates) choose whether or not to fund it. They also have the power to take it away.""

Author's Note :
To round off this #recap I wish to add that the discussions were, and continue to be, quite intense at times and from a wide range of viewpoints. Main focus Eden's role and performance, both current and future. Good and energetic discussions, on the if and the how, for Eden to earn trust. How demonstrably show the value it will become for EOS community and the EOS eco-system as a whole.

= END =
Wednesday to Thursday 2021-08-26

#EOS_Foundation_website? :
A post suggested an EOS Foundation website with info and details of past and pending msigs in an easy to read format for the general public. This led to multitude of posts on ideas beside the given increased security achieved through more eyes on msigs.

Core member of EOS Foundation weighed in and also mentioned difficulty identify skill sets among Eden Members for above and similar work. Comments were given that it is part of thoughts ahead, such details properly organized as an Eden Member Directory.

#Official_Elections :
Daniel Larimer posted ""Good news, we have a timeline for the first official Eden election. The date and related info will be released next week. I just observed a fully functional demo today by my team.""

= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-08-29

#KYC_Eden? :
Past days included discussion on pros and cons of KYC and the options for EdenOnEOS in this respect going forward. In part an extension of discussions held earlier around suggestion of an #EdenBank.

#MEA_translations :
"More Equal Animals" has been, or is underway to be, translated to Arabic, Chinese , French, German, Hebrew, Korean, Spanish and Swedish. This is achieved through individual efforts from around the globe. Discussed was how and where to display list of languages available and related matters.

= END =
Next #recap posted Friday 2021-09-03 and will then cover Monday to Thursday this week.
Monday to Thursday 2021-09-02

#Dapps :
A number of dapps were mentioned and commented during this week, several of these related to eosio performance of BPs and eosio main net. One comment on the benefit to be had if more of these translated to more languages, with some discussion on how achieve this and more.

#EOS_Foundation :
Just in case anyone missed the most recent update well worth repeating - https://medium.com/@YvesLaRoseNonaka/laying-the-foundations-bcbb7d7ff9fb

Main points in summary (Zack Gall):
International trademarks were filed and a legal counsel was retained.
A name and a domain for the Foundation has been secured.
Scope planning has begun for branding, website design, and external marketing.
Five interviews for full-time positions with Core have been conducted.
Still interviewing candidates for 7th advisory board position.
Initial grantees with proven track records are being researched in preparation for presentation to the advisory board.

= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-09-05

#Voice :
Some discussion on the impact Voice and also #Bullish might have on future user adoption of the EOS eco-system. B1's role in relation to these and the EOS community were discussed as well.

#BP_Proxy :
The effort led by Chris Barnes on an "Eden Member's Approved Proxy" continue. Information was shared with ensuing comments on various aspects of the proxy. Tentatively the proxy ready to be launched in coming few weeks.

#Eden_elections :
The 9th of October 2021 now set as the date of the first official election of the EdenOnEOS. The election to be organized via the Eden community website using EOS account of Eden members.

The weekly YouTube updates from the Clarion team already earlier demonstrated the group randomization, zoom links and voting as will be done through Eden Member web app access.

The election announcement led to number of comments and some discussion around matters related to the same including technical topics.

= END =
Monday to Tuesday 2021-09-07

#FUD :
The past days included discussion on how and if any effective counter possible against any one persistent EOS FUD site, in this case by one particular Facebook group with close links to EOS BP. The conclusion in end seemed to be that best way forward is to treat bad with good. To work with positive counter-measures, engage in a friendly manner pointing out and clarifiying facts.

#EOS_Foundation :
Most would by now be aware of the first grant to Eden from the EOS Foundation, here below a short snippet from latest update, link to article further down:

""This grant will allow Dan Larimer and the Eden community to proceed with their first political playoff election. The Foundation is steadfast in its commitment to growing communities and empowering the EOS ecosystem. The grant will bestow the community with an immediate source of funding for new projects and initiatives while the EOS Foundation focuses its early efforts on providing direct grants to existing projects with proven track records of value creation despite the previous lack of network-wide support.""

Link to full article (Korean and Chinese text available following English Version): https://medium.com/@YvesLaRoseNonaka/above-board-setting-the-tone-for-the-eos-foundation-d5966f398dad

#Official_Elections :
Some discussions raised on ways and means of individual pitching for the upcoming election. This done in a friendly environment, basically words and advise on how prepare and build for a good pitch.

= END =
Wednesday to Thursday 2021-09-09

#Funding_distribution_algorithm :
Word from Clarion team on how current algorithm for fund distribution to EdenOnEOS elected representatives works:
* Take 5%
* Split that amount equally among each level
* Within each level, split it equally among the representatives at that level
* If any remains (rounding errors), give that amount to the top level
Distribution happens at the end of an election, plus every month after until the next election.

#Official_Elections :
Discussion continued on member pitching for upcoming election and among ideas and suggestions even few initial pitches. Many comments served as a bit of brainstorming as in how make a good idea even better and so on.

One comment stressed the point that size of funding was limited why a suggestion to focus on ideas with maximum impact. Post included also ""TLDR: Let’s focus on quick wins with this first election and hold one another fiscally responsible by expecting candidates to show us the “numbers”.""

#Video_platforms :
This a query in Eden Members group:
""We have found many unexpected difficulties to overcome using Zoom to conduct the induction ceremony in China, as more and more people in the community intend to join Eden. Therefore, we wonder if we can record it with other software, like VooV?""

Another member followed up with query to Clarion team:
""Since the Elections will be held on zoom could it lead to problems in the future for the elections for the Communities who have issues with Zoom.""

The answer from Brandon Fancher:
"" Yes, it could. There are a number of factors that are simply and unfortunately beyond our control which may make it difficult for some people to participate--whether technical difficulties local to the user's machine, internet outages/slowdowns, scheduling conflicts, or CCP firewalls. Just as with inductions, election groups also do not have to use Zoom. But Zoom is a sane default our UI provides to election groups, and unless the election group is composed mostly of those in China, it may be hard to convince everyone under time pressure to use a different platform.

When we begin spinning up more regional communities, we plan to have a way for those regional communities to plug in their own _preferred_ videocon provider. So instead of providing Zoom links, the UI for the Chinese Eden community could show VooV links or whatever they decide on.

But yeah, we have to start somewhere, even if imperfect." ""

= END =

P.S. Some added words today 2021-09-10 from Clarion on #Video_platforms :
""We tested many different videoconferencing platforms. We were hoping an open source option, like Jitsi, would work well. In fact, Jitsi was our plan A. Most platforms we tested suffered from video/audio quality issues on slower connections, lack of easy call recording options, etc. Zoom performed much better than all the others, and provides most of the features members will need. We will, however, reassess video platforms from time to time.
Friday to Sunday 2021-09-12

#Onboarding :
As been noticed also elsewhere there is an upswing in interest to join EdenOnEOS membership following the announcement of first official election to take place in just a couple of weeks. New member applications and facilitation of this process discussed also in this group.

A comprehensive guide on how to apply become an Eden member can be found via this link: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/new-eden-members-how-to-prepare-to-get-inducted/4431 and here a few snipped shortened instructions/words as relate to links and info found via link above:
- To get inducted to Eden the first thing you need to do, is to introduce your self in the EOS Forum.
- Go to Telegram: @EdenOSinfo and post the link to your introduction.
- If you don’t have an EOS Account, please create an EOS Account.
- To understand the induction process, you can see this flowchart how done.
- A summary all links what to read and important to do before you get inducted.

The above just a wee hint of the good info via recommended link.

With word that the Eden Member's Approved Proxies soon ready go public, Eden members were invited review the same and give feedback. Some good discussions followed on various details. It seems likely the proxy website will open to all already within a day or two.

= END =
Monday to Tuesday 2021-09-14

#Funding_Proposals :
How best utilize funding allocated to the upcoming election became one of the major topics discussed over past few days. What area should we focus on for tangible results in the short time span until next election, keeping in mind still limited funding to distribute and at a rate of 5% per month.

Here just some snippets to show range of views:
- "I hope we’re all considering things which will produce shorter term returns. Projects which can have a measurable impact in the next 3-6 months as opposed to 1-3 years."
- "So how best can that money be used to accomplish the main strategic objectives?"
- "What are our strategic objectives? I believe we’re going to perform poorly if we don’t have a cohesive strategy as an organization that guides our decision making. It’s very easy to squander $50k a month by being spread too thin and across too many different areas."
- "Genesis Eden may joint venture with some Eden Members to push for a "for-profit subsidiary" entity to co-Brand products with Eden members."
- "We’ll have so much more integrity if we generate our own funding eventually"
- "I'll also add that while people are proposing what they believe needs to be done to address the problem, that they haven't yet completed any meaningful sort of discovery phase to determine its viability."
- "I find myself constantly returning to 3 primary areas of focus, all of which need attention to truly create what I think we all desire EOS to be.
1. Onboarding: People need an easy way to enter the ecosystem.
2. Tooling: Developers need fundamental building blocks to build their apps upon.
3. Discovery: People need an easy way to find things they can do.
None of them alone really make a meaningful impact and all of them are severly lacking when you look at the options today."
- "We could still apply with pomelo with all that onboarding and prioritize something different if it's of more value for the Eden funds we get to get the best result for Eden and EOS."
- "With Eden paying out "only" 5% of the treasury per month, there will not be a lot of funding. So we have to prioritize (again) to the projects which could bring (for that amount) the most win for Eden and EOS."
- "Is the Eden treasury % monthly distribution adjustable? We were talking today about possibly increasing to 10% instead of the current 5% due to the size of the treasury at this time."
- "Not currently, but there is a way to make this configurable in the future."
- "Can we set it to 10% for the first election and then configure it later when the treasury increases in size?"

#BP_Proxy :
The Eden Member's Approved Proxies are up and ready and the purpose of this initiative is to:
- Unite the EOS community
- Vote with our tokens in unison
- Have the greatest influence on BP selection…choosing BPs that the community wants to see receiving rewards and protecting our ecosystem.
The details around the proxies are all found at https://edenproxy.org/

= END =
Wednesday to Thursday 2021-09-16

#Pomelo :
How Eden might/will work with Pomelo was a topic discussed and here share just snippets from few of the comments:
- "The EOS Network Foundation has not processed any applications, the application process will leverage the Pomelo.io platform."
- "You'll be able to submit your proposal to Pomelo to represent a team or yourself as an individual. Campaigning for funding in the upcoming Eden election is another option for new projects/initiatives."
- "They're both great ways to leverage the wisdom of the crowd to help determine what the community believes should be funded. "
- "Pomelo is a platform. Eden is a community"
- "Eden Members can organize and coordinate together to help launch successful campaigns on Pomelo."
- "Their votes will have a stronger weight because their identity has been verified through the Eden on-boarding process"

#Eden_agelimit? :
An interesting discussion was initiated about adopting a minimum age limit for Eden Membership, even a poll put up on this topic. Currently neither EdenOnEOS "Peace Treaty" nor the Bylaws seems to specify any age limit. The discussions so far very varied and continues.

= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-09-19

#Miscellaneous topics discussed past 3 days with quite a number of these related to #Onboarding, #Inductions and EOS related technical advise. Also new project ideas and #Funding_Proposals were presented and discussed.

#Google_Cloud_BP became a major topic from the viewpoint that once they achieve top 21 and become an active BP this will present itself as a marketing opportunity. Discussion continue whether it is a good idea to already now support and push for Google in order to try make this happen sooner rather than later.

= END =
Next #recap posted Friday 2021-09-24 and will then cover Monday to Thursday this week.
Monday to Thursday 2021-09-23

#Marketing :
How best promote and market the EOS platform is an ongoing discussion and this week more ideas and proposals introduced. To better organize and run various EOS related social media was also discussed as well as better promoting the many quality apps already operating in the EOS eco-system but not known by the masses.

#EOS_Foundation :
No one would have missed that the 200,000 EOS grant from the EOS Network Foundation has now been transferred. On October 4 there will be a 2nd transfer - 200 EOS multiplied with total membership count of Eden at the time of its MSIG proposal.

Eden treasury today at 204,029 EOS. Current membership plus pending invites totals 245 which equals 49,000 EOS with another week or so to go until 2nd transfer amount set. Until then all current members encouraged to invite their potential new members and have them inducted in coming days.

#Eden_elections :
Criticism was raised on the low number of participants registered so far for the first official Eden election on October 9. Comments followed mainly agreeing on the need for more members to sign up. Eden need strive for high participation level.

One sentence from the initial post ""As a community we are each responsible for the reputation and legitimacy of Eden on EOS and therefore signalling your commitment to participate in community governance makes a big difference.""

Very important all Eden members understand there is no need run as a candidate nor to have a pitch. Members can just participate and listen in and then give their vote (or not) for someone deserving. Participants not putting themselves up as candidates spend only about one hour in the initial group doing their part toward even better Eden governance through strong level of participation in the elections.

As one member expressed it ""I believe voter participation is incredibly important, being the minimum requirement of an Eden Member and what will essentially lend legitimacy to this process, .. , there is little to no good reason for anyone who has joined Eden on EOS to not participate in the first election."".

#EOS_BPs :
Various discussions this week on ranking of BP's among various sites and how might or might not influence the Eden Member's Approved Proxy.

#Dispute_Resolution :
This week Daniel Larimer posted his thoughts on "Decentralized Dispute Resolution". It has been discussed widely in several groups over past few days. If you not yet read the initial piece it is strongly recommended do so to be aware: https://medium.com/edenoneos/decentralized-dispute-resolution-25cf812861a9

The above topic also saw Dan inviting Eden members to an ad hoc Voice Chat. There was a recording initiated but unfortunately when chat ended discovered the recording had not functioned as should.

= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-09-26

#Wyoming_DAO_LLC :
A few members attended the WyoHackathon Blockchain Stampede 2021 and a post referenced this - "I'm here in Wyoming to learn all I can about the Wyoming DAO LLC and related topics. If anyone has any questions I can try to get answers from the folks behind AmericanCryptoFed.". A number of suggestions in response and in case opportunity to raise such eventuated "over there".

#donates2eden :
The Block Producer "donates2eden" in position 47 when this recap is written, a paid standby BP. These words from the BP on Friday 24th:
- BP ""I’d like to propose to the community that we consider funneling the BP rewards to something directly as opposed to just sending them to the Eden treasury. The criteria for getting the B1 vote was based on the idea of 80% of the EOS earned going to fund this community. It doesn’t necessarily have to go into the treasury and be subjected to the 5% per month distribution limit. I’d personally like to see it go to something that can create a direct impact with the full force of the approximately 5400 EOS per month that will be coming to this community.

Discussions followed and here some of these and to make things clearer the words from BP so noted:
- "To prevent subjectiveness and allow for the eden consensus to help fund projects, I think donating to the Eden treasury is the best way to go."
- BP "I wasn’t suggesting anything be subjective. More like an exception for these funds as being exempt from the 5% per month restrictions and just let them be used in full every month toward something the community wants."
- BP "Reality is that my promise is to ensure that 80% is used to fund Eden community initiatives. It doesn't have to be included in the standard election process per se. B1 is voting for me because they want the funds to support Eden.
- "ideally the Eden process is somehow involved in directing those funds but I fully support the idea of not including these "earned" funds in the treasury for now."
- BP "Of course. I feel that's the most important element, "the Eden process is involved in directing those funds." i.e. we reach consensus in this community as to how we want them to be deployed."
- "Why not use this funds to pay the people who are running Eden?
Everything what is needed to run the BP, the proxies, the building of the holacracy framework, tools where the work from elected people can be saved for an easy take over for the next elected people, accountants/support for the elected people ... etc?"
- BP "This was supposed to be the plan from the beginning as soon as there was funding."
- "This community isn't going anywhere if we don't have a sound administrative structure, engaged leadership and proper incentives to employ people who are not subject to the whims of an election. I don't think anyone can argue with this. All communities need proper operations to scale and thrive."
- "Agreed... And I Think now there is the budget to appoint such members. We should put out official requests for these roles"
- "Yes, lets trust the process. I think at the current crossroads there is a broad agreement of the tasks needed to be done and the priorities. Once the elections is completed, im pretty sure things will move quickly."
- "The contract has the concept of "pools". Each pool can have a different % that it distributes monthly. The master pool, currently the only pool, is set to 5%. If so approved we could add a 100% pool." ""Contract behavior is bylaws""
- BP "Thank you for the information. This is good to know and would be perfect. I’d prefer to put everything through our system for obvious reasons."
- "We want steady funding and who knows how long #donates2eden will have the votes."
- "Thats the issue, we don't know if this income (based on B1 votes) will be predicable and stable for 20 months. This also adds another delay in putting the funds to work."
- "Too many rules, parallel rules could sometimes make the process too difficult to follow. Let’s keep it simple. Let’s be patient and keep the money in the treasury and let’s use it. According to the current process."
- "Let’s see how well the money is used then decide on the smart contract for continued fund replacement. Ie percentage. We can debate it then based on its success"
- "We dont need to modify the Eden structure to allow for rapid deployment of new funds and I think it would look bad if we did."

Discussions continue on how best handle all and any incoming funds:

#Eden_elections :
The discussions above led to talks on what funding level to base candidate pitches on in relation to upcoming elections 9th October. Here again the use of snippets from the discussions to indicate the range of thoughts.

- "The focus should be on doing as much with the current budget as possible to prove that even more could be done with a bigger budget. Most projects are never "finished", so it doesn't matter if another election was in 3 months or 3 years. Any work funded through the first election that can show progressive results leading up to the NEXT election should stand a great chance of continuing through Eden."
- "I'm not sure I agree. Projects accepted by Eden for funding will need to result in something meaningful, since there's absolutely no guarantee they will continue to the next round. It's just as likely that a "better" project will surface in the next round and the previous round winners will not continue to receive funding."
- "Each proposal or campaign could break down what could be accomplished in 3 months based on a few different budget options:
A) If I have a budget of XXXX, we anticipate we can accomplish XYZ over the next 3 months.
B) With a budget of YYYY, we can do everything in proposal A, but can also add these additional features"
- "Yeah agreed - it should be broken up into chunks that can be completed, which result in something of value. I'm just saying that while projects may never be "finished", we shouldn't just pay for 3 months of work on something that doesn't result in value."
- "As soon as the dust settles from the first election and the delegates meet to decide how they want to slice up the pie to set everyone's budgets, I'd hope to see blogs written by the larger recipients that outline what they believe can be accomplished within their budgets over the next 3 months."
- "Be accountable as with your business with your customers and loyal with the people that giving you trust. Trust? Yes but based on check. Only possible with smart (specific, measurable, ambitious, in time) method."
- "Which is why the blog(s) after the election would be something I'd personally hold more accountable than what was even said during the election before a budget was known and fully understood for any particular initiative. I envision the results stemming from the first election to be a proving ground for who can and can't manage a project/initiative/expectations."
- "maybe someone doesn't get nearly the budget they thought they would to deliver on what they campaigned on during the election... I'd personally think a lot more of them if they're realistic enough after the election to pivot and pool resources with another initiative(s) to deliver on something more impactful, rather than pushing full steam ahead with their idea as it was originally presented"

= END =
Monday to Tuesday 2021-09-28

#donates2eden :
Discussion continues on how to handle funding received such as those from the donates2eden BP and other contributions beside EOS Network Foundation. These might come with donor requesting how funds are used and even include some stipulated time frame. No doubt the discussions will continue.

#Eden_Membership :
- Question posted: ""Is it obligatory for a new Eden member to give 1st and last name, on profile and on zoom calls?""
- Answer posted: ""Must reveal face but can choose to be known under whatever name wanted"".

#Official_Elections :
""Hello everyone. We'll be using Eden Member group during the Oct 9th Eden Election. To ensure this is a reliable way for all of us to communicate, please pin this channel (or in some other way ensure it's always visible and not missable). We will rely on you seeing what happens in this channel the day of election.

Looking forward to seeing you all again Oct 9th at 9AM Eastern, 13:00 UTC!

The common room will be open 30 minutes early, and we'll have opening remarks sometime before 9AM. So please do be there early (as early as 8:30 Eastern)""

= END =
Wednesday to Thursday 2021-09-30

#Dan_AMA :
Past Wednesday featured a live AMA initiated by Dan Larimer, a follow up to similar session last week, also that one in the Eden Member group. Many of the posts after the AMA notice were questions to Dan which he responded to first during the AMA before opening up also for direct questions. Recording made for benefit of Eden members not able to attend the live session.

#EOS_Facebook :
Over several weeks there has been rich discussion regarding EOS "presence" and comments made on Facebook in particular. Seemingly changes underway since some days back with an aim to re-organize to allow for comments and over all attitude to be more in line with EOS marketing efforts.

#MEA :
During past days also other topics discussed or elaborated on, one of these at some length started with questions how implement the "More Equal Animal" concept in the real World, in particular then the political playoffs.

#EOS_Foundation :
""The Current State of EOS and Where We Go Next" is the title of latest blog posted over night by Yves La Rose of EOS Network Foundation (ENF). Among other items he in the article detail recipients for first phase of recognition grants.

= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-10-03

#Violet_Garden :
Few days back the new social media resource "Violet Garden" was launched for use within the Eden membership. Created by an Eden member and further development and improvements ongoing in a collaborative manner through feedback from members joining up. It features "Voice" like appearance and the working features so far in the area of posting, earnings (claim 50 VIO/day), bidding (and earn) plus more. https://violet.garden/

#EdenOnEOS_Benefits :
Not too late to become an Eden Member and even be able join first official election coming up on Saturday 9th of October 2021. Beside the civic duty for Eden members to participate in the elections there is a growing range range of benefits, here the current list compiled by an Eden member. The list seen/updated in the EdenOnEOS reddit site https://www.reddit.com/r/edeneos/

""Benefit as an Eden member:
- benefit from the networking effect, make new contacts within the EOS ecosystem
- get to join the "private" Eden members group. Great minds in there without the public noise
- get to join the chats and talks with Daniel Larimer (the founder of DPOS, Bitshares, Steem and EOS) directly in the AMA's in the Eden private group
- free FIO address https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/all-edenos-members-now-have-eden-fio-addresses
- free token claim (so far: GOVRN, KROWN, EOSETF, CETF) https://consortium.vote/claim
- access to https://violet.garden/ (what voice should have been) including daily 50 VIO token claim
- get NFT’s of you and of people you invite or witness
- get to rate BP’s. The result will be for which BP’s the Eden proxy will vote for
- get more trust within the Eden community to apply for jobs/funding within the EOS community
- receive preferential treatment to perform duties and services for other projects being funded from within the Eden community. This due to the tariff that will be levied to EOS funds leaving Eden to outside EOS accounts
- The EOS Foundation puts up the funds on Pomelo (as a democratic platform), the community gets to decide how to direct it. Since EOS accounts of Eden members have been vetted as real unique humans, Eden member votes will get matched higher than non-Eden members""

#BP_Proxy :
Eden Members were reminded and asked get more engaged with main words being: ""Can we get some more engagement on the Eden proxy rate? Please go rate the BP's: https://eosrate.io/block-producers""

#Official_Elections :
Have you registered for the upcoming election Saturday Oct 9th?
If not here the link - https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/ - when logged in with your EOS account click the blue box "Sign in to participate" to opt in. If need more details and info these easy to get, or just ask if need be, within the Eden Member group here in Telegram.

= END =