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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Channel name was changed to «Eden Members recap channel.»
Channel name was changed to «Eden Members - recaps.»
Channel name was changed to «Eden Members - recaps»
Channel name was changed to «Eden Members - recaps channel»
Starting Post in 2021-08-02 - This public channel to share short recaps of items posted and discussed in Eden Members group and not seen elsewhere.

The aim is to post recaps Mondays (Fri/Sat/Sun), Wednesdays (M on/Tue) and Fridays (Wed/Thu).

Dates, if and when used here, in international ISO8601 YYYY-MM-DD and times expressed in UTC (=GMT) time zone.

Each new recap header will indicate days covered and date of last day covered.
#Recaps_UpScale pinned «Starting Post in 2021-08-02 - This public channel to share short recaps of items posted and discussed in Eden Members group and not seen elsewhere. The aim is to post recaps Mondays (Fri/Sat/Sun), Wednesdays (M on/Tue) and Fridays (Wed/Thu). Dates, if and…»
Friday to Sunday 2021-08-01

#assist_scam_victims :
Main item discussed was a suggestion to setup a process to assist scammed EOS holders. This then within the purview of an official EOS helpdesk run by trusted Eden members, were such to be set up.

Scammed people be able request support by registering (KYC) their claim with the helpdesk together with a police report of claim filed officially. The helpdesk then create an MSIG for top 21 BPs to freeze relevant account(s) and advise account holder(s) time frame to respond (KYC) to helpdesk in order to resolve the case.

If no response frozen funds returned to claimant, if a response received with KYC the case forwarded to the police for their handling onward.

Discussions centered around whether above process would indeed discourage scammers or, as strongly suggested by some, cause increased scam activity.

The discussion continuing. Some additional follow up discussion by DMs reportedly led to a common viewpoint. In short confirming that decisions like these, to involve police and try solving the scammer problem in suggested ambitious manner, not for Eden to decide upon at this stage.

#official_EOS_helpdesk :
The discussions above did however also evolve into new leads on how setup an official EOS helpdesk. Furthermore, DM discussions mentioned above, gave hints at an interest to shift focus and also be more in line with support people might expect from a helpdesk. Some examples - be able assist with onboarding and offer opt-in solutions to manage keys for new non-tech users.

This then in some parts quite in line with proposal Ami presented at the July 17 trial elections, how to ease onboarding. This project is under development and might in end be a good fit with setup of Official EOS helpdesk.

#recap_channel :
It was discussed how best share summary of Eden Member group discussions. This here recap channel the result.

= END =
Next #recap posted Friday and will then cover Mon-Thu of this week.
Monday to Thursday 2021-08-05
No new topics introduced nor any discussions on items from earlier. However a share here to mention update done to Eden On EOS Organizational Structure document.

#C_Suite :
Document updated and worth glancing through again (or for first time). Few words from document here below:
""- Rather than one person being an Officer ...many people can play roles within these five Offices.
- You can play multiple roles and contribute to any projects that match your interest and expertise.
- You are more than welcome to select from the existing role(s) and project(s) and add new ones.
- These are unelected positions that are aimed to help support the members and elected officials.""


= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-08-08

#EOS_Foundation :
The EOS Foundation proposal made by Yves La Rose and support it received from Dan Larimer should be well known to anyone reading these words.

It has been the main topic over past few days also in Eden Member group with much the same points raised and discussed as we seen elsewhere. Main interest for now more detail on this proposal.

#EdenOnEos :
Few calls seen for rules to be put in place, together with stronger moderation, in the EdenOnEOS group - no further discussion ensued for now.

#Bullish :
Some discussion held on what Bullish might mean for Eden in the future, with few examples given of what might be and what seems to be planned already.

= END =
Monday to Tuesday 2021-08-10

#EOS_Foundation :
Discussion continued on proposed EOS Foundation. Mainly regarding size of inflation, how distributed inflation might impact token price and the broader question how achieve good and proper evaluation what to fund and the success of funded projects during development and beyond. One thing to keep in mind is that the inflation distribution would be spread out over time and although some recipients might sell soon after EOS received some will hold for the future. The discussions continue with growing anticipation while awaiting further details to be disseminated.

#Monetization :
Rich discussion was initiated and expanded following a long post from where following words copied:
""We need a framework for direct monetization. We can be both ...
(1) a mutual benefit society of volunteers, and
(2) a network of friends pushing our works forward and peddling our wares.
"Grants" are great!!! (I'm all in) But, where does monetization, payroll, and wages, come in? ""

""Clarity is better than ambiguity. When it comes to donating member's time, and work product, going forward, how are we going to account for that? We need to establish an accounting system for this even though we are all willing to delay our compensation. I suggest a type of "stock [token] option" accounting for all members. This can be a pure "time served" (per diem) PLUS extra for extra work.""

##### To recap discussion that followed the above, here below snippets from some actual posts. Intention to just to give an indication on the range of views expressed so far:

- "Clarity is better than ambiguity. When it comes to donating member's time, and work product, going forward, how are we going to account for that? We need to establish an accounting system for this even though we are all willing to delay our compensation. I suggest a type of "stock [token] option" accounting for all members. This can be a pure "time served" (per diem) PLUS extra for extra work."
- "Compensation in general should likely be tied to the value created, which isn't necessarily easy to define. How do we incentivize Eden membership to contribute effort beyond the election process itself?"
- "There's no doubt that this group possesses an impressive amount of talent. If we all directed energy towards a common goal we could accomplish great things. So maybe a token scheme, outside of the elections themselves, could help with this?"
- "We should all mind our own business, literally, take care of your business and volunteer to eden on top of that, not instead of taking care of being independent."
- " . we can potentially solve numerous issues and in doing so eliminate the need for any Eden community to file taxes. Wyoming has no state tax and the non-profit files a federal return to cover everyone."
- "I think Clarion has the idea that Eden can create a Network microchains without interfering with public access to the internet. So the idea is there are subscription fees for heightened network access to the microchains. This is where the Eden monetization comes in... with an agreement to pay out royalties if we build a social network."
- " . when everyone can hold a part of the network in their pocket, Eden/Clarion/freedom is attainable."
- "The magic of Eden is that it is a real human being network, yes!! Blockchain is just one of our tools. But, what is "our" mission?"
- " . vision is fully in line with how Clarion and Eden and EOS offer tremendous synergies, and how independence ultimately rests upon the further evolution of Eden infrastructure, including physical infrastructure."
Monday to Tuesday 2021-08-10 continued

#EOS_Eden_Improvements :
Question raised:
"In what areas would you like to see Eden improve?
EOS improve?"
and among comments to this query some here below:
- "Tools for real-world organizations to onboard their members to use the account and finance tools available in EOS. Specifically non-tech non-profit community orgs."
- "EOS need one long term common vision all the community share of what EOS is and can be. An organized vision."
- " . what we need is to organise people by language and by interests (NFTs or DeFi, Governance, Marketing, etc.) and create working groups, DAOs to facilitate and encourage collaboration in each respective field of interest."
- " . we need a framework for decentralized governance to have the people and all the communuty say their opinion on different topics. 1000 heads are better than 1."

#Outreach :
- "Looks like a new wave of potential member outreach is needed. Who is on your radar to invite next?"

= END =
Wednesday to Thursday 2021-08-12

#Onboarding :
Number of suggestions discussed how improve member recruitment and make for a smoother onboarding process. Suggestions and some ideas further worked on. New ideas were also raised on using different forms of gamification. Differing opinions whether this a good approach or not.

#Two_member_categories :
Question posted if it would make sense for EdenOnEOS to consider having two categories of affiliations - "active member" and "member affiliate". The latter then a category for inactive but supportive members or entities? No added comment nor discussion for now.

#Open_office :
Every day of the work week (Mon-Fri), from UTC 13:00, anyone may join "Eden Office Hours": https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88060626769?pwd=akhxeTRRSjV6REkxOWNNY3doMzBrUT09
Open to all, use as background noise when working and/or ask any questions about Eden on EOS. Aim is to establish communication between members and community to further improve transparency and productivity.

#Freelance_eos :
A new proposal posted for freelancing platform, similar to Fiverr and Upwork, built on eos platform and governed by Eden. Key points included wide range of services such as tasks, consultation, part-time contracts etc. Eden would generate revenue from a fee for every successful job & any resolving of disputes. By some this was deemed a god fit with already ongoing ideas and proposer lead the continuing work on this idea.

#Proposal_standard :
Snippets here below from a post which basically asked how we justify near term funding through Eden:
- "We had talked about a proposal standard which would help streamline the work for everyone."
- "What’s the vision? How do we really see Eden impacting specific data points that will create value? How are we going to assess our own efforts?"
Discussion ensued and continues.

= END =
Friday to Sunday 2021-08-15

#Negative_to_positive :
How change negative EOS sentiments to positive such was raised and led to much discussion. EOS projects could do their bit, some do already, to improve use of the Ethereum platform and others which would potentially increase interest from other platforms. Some mentioned in the areas of EVM, zkproofs, DSPs, IBC or official EOS ERC20 token, potentially then as an Eden project.

A call was then made to focus more on current EOS use cases instead of cross-chain projects. To focus on further developing and highlighting already established projects to market the EOS platform. Venezuela and EOS Marketplace discussed at length as one such project.

Another comment stated that one path ahead does not preclude other paths since they could work in parallell. An added post kind of summed it up in one sentence - "We still need to do a lot of work to get the real EOS image out there. "

#EOS_Foundation :
Continued discussion around this topic. Mainly then potential allocation to EdenOnEOS and timing/size of such plus if the Foundation were to find itself with growing un-allocated balance, what then. A clarifying response given to this - "Foundation has no control over the inflation. It's just going into eosio.savings like it used to before we burned it twice then shut it off. The BPs would need to sign off everytime that anyone requests to tap into it."

#Consortium :
This already seen in public but worth repeating in part:
" Tokens can be claimed, ONLY if you are an Eden member! "
"" Thank you to Consortium for extending their project with this Claim Pool tool. Consortium is a great product for communities to vote and express their sentiment. Learn more about it (https://consortium.vote/)! ""

= END =
Next #recap posted Friday 2021-08-20 and will cover Monday to Thursday this week.