90 subscribers
18 photos
1 video
1 file
179 links
#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
Download Telegram
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 28 Oct - 03 Nov, 2023.

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates Weekly Meeting - 02 Nov 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/16270 : "UpScale All Delegate Meeting November 02, 2023. TimeStamps: 00:51 - Tech/Dev, 01:50 - Comms & Media, 03:11 - Finance/Election, 04:36 - Reputation System, 05:20 - Interface with the Reputation System, 07:55 - Consortium, 08:58 - UpScale Dao initializing, 10:30 - UpScale website, 15:01 - Evolution of funds, 17:38 - Advertising content" : - Video -35m- : https://youtu.be/U5TBlE6Wpwc?feature=shared

#POLL : https://consortium.vote/poll/944431/0zqy8av2614/ddbiyrurhcnq : ""Do you agree to proceed with the implementation of the proposal titled 'UpScale Software Package + Migration to Hypha'? - Link to this proposal on IPFS: https://azure-fond-angelfish-789.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmb2DMZBoCpHNZjop6Jp4Pec2uRTMDVpZQ7efkkqfgwWqd

#Project_processing - member proposal : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16197 : "Modified version of the initial proposal, based on feedback. Taking into consideration that we want projects: a) under the UpScale umbrella / to benefit UpScale. b) to have funding. c) to actually do the work. I propose following steps: . . . "

#Bylaws UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - IPFS Table current Bylaws : https://t.me/c/1580300708/15985/15991 : " I. Bylaws: ... II. Purpose Paper: ... III. Dispute Resolution Process: ... IV. Code of Conduct: ... V. Operating Model: ... "

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/UpscaleNowIO
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UpscaleNowIO
Telegram: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo

= END =
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
EdenOnEOS Community - Saturdays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 04-10 Nov, 2023.

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates Weekly Meeting - 09 Nov 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/16384 : "🎯UpScale All Delegate Meeting November 9th, 2023 - Episode 5 : 00:51 - Tech/Dev, 01:42 - Eden UI Website, 02:29 - Zoom randomized feature, 02:54 - Comms & Media, 04:45 - UpScale special meeting, 06:15 - Edenia, 06:41 - Hypha coordination, 06:56 - Reputation System, 07:47 - Marketing, 12:20 - Time to conclude, 16:17 - Introducing UpScale (Advertising video) : - Video -20m- : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm3EYGcBKj0

#EdenOS update - 11 Nov 2023 : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/51160 : "The bloks.io...concensus was recently reached to deprecate the website, as its not a fundamental necessity. We'll be utilizing Hypha's fairly soon . . . ".
- Current status of genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org (#EdenOS) - "404 page not found".

#Upscale_Process - to select projects : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/16361 : "Internal Communication"

#Article which should interest! : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/16316 : "# Synergy In Networked Teams # - Team Management For Rapid Talent Coordination Within Decentralizing Organizations" - ""Highly-opinionated description of exactly how consortiums can form to achieve high performance output, aligned with the values of distributed decision making and contributor empowerment through ownership and autonomy."

#Bylaws UpScale - IPFS Table current Bylaws : https://t.me/c/1580300708/15985/15991 : " I. Bylaws: ... II. Purpose Paper: ... III. Dispute Resolution Process: ... IV. Code of Conduct: ... V. Operating Model: ... "

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/UpscaleNowIO
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UpscaleNowIO
Telegram: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo

= END =
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
EdenOnEOS Community - Saturdays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) : 11- 17 Nov, 2023.

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates weekly meeting : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/16518 : "🎯UpScale All Delegate Meeting November 16th, 2023 - Episode 6 : -Video 15m- : https://youtu.be/axjQZ_O524Y"

#UpScale_Ambassadors - All Chief Delegates, take note : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16537 : "All Chief Delegates, as Senior Ambassadors, please provide a google doc with your Ambassador profile description so I can add it to the site along with mine - https:// . . . "

#UpScale_WebSite - review & comment! : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/16535 + https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/16552 : "πŸ“All UpScale members are invited to do their comments in the document from page 2 onwards. For improving the website. We will follow-up this on next comms/media 24th at 1500 UTC. It will be part of the agenda. - https:// . . . "

#UpScale_Talent_Hub : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16478 : "In a world where the Web3 domain is rapidly expanding, UpScale is at the forefront of innovation with the development of its latest endeavor: The Talent Hub. - Blog post: https:// . . . "

#Important_Document_Links : https://t.me/c/1580300708/15985/15986 : " . we have links to important documents here ."

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/UpscaleNowIO
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UpscaleNowIO
Telegram: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo

= END =
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS - (recaps since 2022-05-15)
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps - (recaps since 2021-08-02)
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 18-24 Nov, 2023.

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates weekly meeting : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/16694 : "🎯UpScale All Delegate Meeting November 23rd, 2023 - Episode 7 : Tech/Dev, Comms/Media, Website, UpScale governance layer with UpScale DAO on Hypha, Arbitrators committee, Finance/Admin/Election, Ambassador Program, Reputation, Learning Management System (LMS) - Video 14m - : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd71CbkHKtc"

#UpScale_Software_Package : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16678 : "You find the notes in the document with orange highlighted what is important to be done and green what is ensured/done." - ""UpScale Software Package | Implementation : Tracking and progress . . . ""

#Fund_Distribution : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16679 : " . . . unanimous consensus on the distribution . . . "
β€” https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16687 : "We are planning on unlocking . . . "
β€” https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16689 : #POLL : ". . . what is the minimum % a project should receive to enter into . . . "

#Meeting_Schedule UpScale : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/16696 : Listing of URLs to UpScale meeting schedule.

#UpScale_WebSite : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/16552 : "All UpScale members are invited to do their comments in the document from page 2 onwards. For improving the website."

#Reputation_System : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1945/16601 : "First, we have to address the cost, at this point we'd be asking for something closer to . . . ""

#Important_Document_Links : https://t.me/c/1580300708/15985/15986 : ". . . links to important documents here."

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/UpscaleNowIO
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UpscaleNowIO
Telegram: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo

= END =
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
(recapped since 2022-05-15)
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
(recapped since 2021-08-02)
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) : 24 Nov - 01 Dec, 2023.

#Polls : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17009 : *1 - "Testing: Should CDs divide the Treasury amongst themselves?"
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16980 : *2 - "UpScale commercialization"

#Tech/Dev meeting 28 Nov, 2023 (video) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16797 : "Main topics: - UpScale Software Package, - Latest update on Hypha side with UpScale DAO configuration, - Other matter related to tech/dev if time allows"

#Reputation_System meeting 28 Nov, 2023 (video) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1945/17006 : "I can't say enough about how critical a well developed and thought out reputation system is to . . . ""

#Comms_Media meeting 01 Dec, 2023 (video) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17017 : "Regular Ambassador WG Meeting time has been moved up for today . . . - . . . If you'd like to show up earlier you can also attend a shortened Comms WG meeting."

#Upscale_Process guidelines : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16838 : "Not having clear guidelines for the process puts us all in a precarious position of ambiguity. Intent of Code can only be law if . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16863 : " . . . with the right information, where we're all singing from the same hymn sheet, we can then make good judgement. Without that, . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16880 : "We need a document that lists the various requirements that is necessary to become a great ROI and all cd needs to discuss and agree . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16908 : " . . . we need to compare revenue opportunity against our community expenses and we have to be honest that there is . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/16955 : "Taking into consideration how much is in the account and how much will be disbursed 6 Dec. As of current exchange rate we . . . "

#EdenOnEOS_Future - #UpScale_future : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16766 : "Anything the community invests in with treasury must be done piecemeal, with milestones, backed by commercial plans, and a full budget plan including . . . "

#UpScale_WebSite & more : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/16685 : "Comms/Media Strategy - Latest status/priorities & Audit of the Website . . . "

#UpScale_Ambassadors - All Chief Delegates, take note : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/16753 : "All Chief Delegates, as Senior Ambassadors, please provide a google doc with your Ambassador profile description so I can add it to the site along with mine https:// . . . "

#Membership opportunities to offer? : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/16713 : ". . . I'd really love to hear from everyone about the kinds of opportunities that you would like to see available for UpScale members. For example, . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/16808 : " . . . It's time to create and develop real, tangible opportunities that will attract people and continue to fund our community into the long-term future."

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/UpscaleNowIO
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UpscaleNowIO
Telegram: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
EOS - Mondays
: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 02-08 Dec, 2023.

#Chief_Delegate - "Product Meeting" Mon. 11 Dec, 2023. All CDs expected to participate/vote!

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates (aka UpScale) weekly meeting : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/17129 : "🎯UpScale All Delegate Meeting December 7th, 2023. - Video 11m (+7m) - : https://youtu.be/SkDOT9zOW38?si=Mywe2alwVWfRDeWX"

#Governance WG meeting 04 Dec, 2023 (Video 16m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17141 : Topics: web platform, preparation for election on 06 January, Bylaws to be updated plus Hypha + more.

#Tech/Dev meeting 05 Dec, 2023 (Video 57m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/17088 : Topics: changes in project funding application form, discussion selection process itself, process to commence in Term 9 or? + more.

#Ambassador WG meeting 08 Dec, 2023 (Video 50m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17142 : Topics: Ambassador program creation, Chief Delegate roles within the program, Course structure, , Monday 11th December "Product meeting" all CDs expected to participate and vote, + more.

#Comms_Media WG meeting 08 Dec, 2023 (Video 49m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17140 : Topics: Web site, Hypha + more.

#Chief_Delegate payment structure? : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17079 : "I propose we radically change payment structure to delegates. Pause the % allocations as they have been to date. Use all treasury only on explicitly revenue producing bets. Such as . . . "

#UpScale_future - treasury : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17033 : " . . . put the treasury into Crypto?"
β€” https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17036 : " . . . "web 3 products and services" could be developed better with a larger Treasury. We could focus now on buying any of these, offering . . . "
β€” https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17111 : " . . . basic offering could consist of crypto management, as well as revenue generating solutions we're developing/invested in, and . . . "
β€” https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17122 : "We probably have to look at legal compliance again if we define ourselves as fund managers."

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 09-15 Dec, 2023.

#UpScale_Software_Package apply before 31 Dec, 2023 @ 13:00 (1pm) UTC : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/51254 : "πŸ’‘Are you building a solution useful for DAOs on Antelope networks?  πŸ’°Apply to become part of UpScale Software Package . . ." πŸ“šLearn more: https://info-10043.medium.com/introducing-upscale-software-package-ec4396cbc932"

#Legal_Side of things UpScale : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17282 : "If we do decide to engage in any cryptocurrency or project investments as a community, it's essential to form a corporate entity for legal protection and avoid personal liability. Our EOS tokens, . . . "
β€”- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17284 : "A DAO is nothing but an operating agreement. This is where people seem to be confused. It's not a corporate shell of any kind whatsoever. A DAO is a way in which a community orients itself to make decisions and operate. That's all it is."

#UpScale_future : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17207 : "Navigating the Future Together – A Look Inside UpScale’s Latest Product Meeting" - ""We recently held a product meeting filled with insightful discussions and forward-thinking ideas about the future of UpScale. In this update, we want to share . . .""
β€”- #Strategy& #Product Meeting 11 Dec, 2023 (Video 1hr 52m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17203 : Among topics: Website, UpScale Software Package & Ambassador Educational Material/Program"

#Tech/Dev meeting 12 Dec, 2023 (Video 39m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/17190 : Among topics: "First phase promote project applications, talk on how to apply and more.

#Ambassador/Comms WG meeting 15 Dec, 2023 (Video 31m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17277 : "Ambassador Program Curriculum and Content" - Discussion & Proposal.
β€”- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17226 : "Revised version of the Ambassador proposal based on the Product call on Monday 11 Dec, 2023."

#UpScale_WebSite and more : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17166 : "Comms/Media - Latest Update + Website improvements Proposal"

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

*** NEXT #RECAP UpScale will be Saturday 30 Dec, 2023! ***

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*
NEXT #RECAP UpScale on 30 Dec, 2023!
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 16-31 Dec, 2023.

#Election on 06 Jan, 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17533 : "The next election take place on January 6th 1 pm UTC. Registration is open until 5th January 1pm UTC. So 24 hours prior.
- Additionally to linked web form registration, please sign this action with your eos account - UpScale (ex. EdenOnEOS) - to confirm your participation as proof of registration on-chain https://bloks. . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17515 : "Registration Via the form linked and (https:// ...) +πŸ“the electopt (https:// ...) action below. Check this document (https:// ...) to see the incoming registrations. This document will be updated until January 5th 1PM UTC which is the ultimate date/time for registration to be accepted."
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17533 : "πŸ“The zoom link will be posted by @M.... on the 6th."

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates (now #UpScale) weekly meeting : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17437 : "🎯UpScale All Delegate Meeting December 21st, 2023 - Episode 11 : 00:51 - UpScale Software Package, 01:41 - Hypha issues, 04:22 - Comms/Media, 07:38 - Governance & Bylaws, 10:46 - Finance, 14:10 - Ambassador Program, 17:08 - Reputation System, 17:41 - Workload for reputation system, 21:57 - Open Block Explorer will apply to USP, 23:36 - Submit your solution to the USP, 24:55 - Time to conclude" -

#Ambassador/Comms WG combined meeting 18 Dec, 2023 : (Video 41m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17346 : *Updates on information/marketing work related to election, website, "USP", how vote in election and more.*

#Tech/Dev meeting 19 Dec, 2023 (Video 48m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/17368 : *Various updates and discussion minimum number of applcations to commence project funding + more.*

#Governance WG meeting 20 Dec, 2023 *(Video 35m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17392 : *Run through of the draft proposal amended Bylaws for coming Term CDs to consider.*

#Membership : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17396 : "There is no page at this time on the website upscalenow.io to list membership. For the inductions we have historic in the eos atomic hub: https://..."

#UpScale_Software_Package "USP" status : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17306 : " . . a few key reasons why these things are important and necessary to be in place first to enable the revenue we’re aiming for: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 ... "

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
EOS - Mondays:
https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 01-05 Jan, 2024.

#UpScale #Election room opens Sat 06 Jan @ 12:00 UTC - the 27 registered participants need join at such time for smoothest possible election! : https://t.me/c/1580300708/473/17647 :
"🎯Term 9 - UpScale Election - Registered EOS Account - Name. - Properly registered - done prior to Friday 5th, 2024 at 13:05 UTC. Link to spreadsheet (https:// ... "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/17601/17608 : "... key points for the election ... :
- Registration via bloks/form
- Manual process
- HCD voted
- Video Recording uploaded to THIS Telegram Topic for validity
- Spreadsheet created and filled in with results."

#UpScale_Delegates (aka #EdenOnEOS_Delegates) weekly meeting : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17625 : "UpScale All Delegate Meeting January 4th, 2024 - Episode 13 : 00:45 - UpScale Software Package extended until January 14th, 01:29 - Hypha ongoing process, 01:51 - Elections will happen off-chain, 02:45 - Comms/Media, 03:08 - Governance Bylaws, 03:53 - Finance/Admin/Election, 04:51 - Ambassador Program, 06:20 - Finance/Election side notes, 07:52 - Ambassador side notes, 08:42 - Reputation System .. " - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRYoGMoe5Ys

#UpScale_Ambassador Program Curriculum and Content : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17575 : "The material is in the google drive UpScale folder "Ambassador Program" - https:// ... ""

#Consensus_Algorithms on Blockchain : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17579 : "In=depth look at consensus algorithms as a resource both for the courses and maybe something that could be put on the website somewhere on a special resources page or something: https:// ... "

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
(recapped since 2022-05-15)
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
(recapped since 2021-08-02)
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) : 06-12 Jan, 2024.

UpScale_Election 06 Jan 2024 to Term 9 - 4 CDs (w/ Telegram handle): Head Chief Delegate (HCD) : Mo - @MoZDS,
Kassy -
@toocute2capitulate, Matthias - @mschoenebeck & Chris / @ChrisBarnes1.
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/15985/17648 : "Participant Registrations for election: Registered EOS Account - Name. Properly registered prior to Friday 5th, 2024 at 13:05 UTC. Link to spreadsheet: . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/17601/17704 : +2 hour video, election main room, one breakout-room and then back to main room.

#UpScale_Weekly CD meeting - 11 jan 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/17848 : "Recorded video of the first weekly meeting of Term 9 CDs (open also for members to join)."

#UpScale_funding proposal : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17746 : "A 1st draft of a proposal for financial support. The ask . . . " - ""The document is open to comments so please add any comments to make changes or ask questions. Ideally we officially submit this at some point next week.""

#UpScale_future - Member's roles? : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17727 : " . . . what it means to be a member of UpScale, what that requires and how does someone become a member? I think . . . "

#Reputation_System meeting 09 jan 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1945/17743 : "Key points from today's Reputation System Meeting: . . . "

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:

Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
(recapped since 2022-05-15)
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
(recapped since 2021-08-02)
#Recap UpScale Community : 13-19 Jan, 2024.

#UpScale_Software_Package - 31 Jan, 2024 deadline : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17872 : ". . . extending deadline for submissions to UpScale Software Package until 31/01/2024."

#UpScale_Weekly CD meeting - 18 jan 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/17925 : "Recorded video of 2nd weekly meeting of Term 9 CDs (open also for UpScale members to join/view)."

#UpScale_funding proposal : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17887 : (The draft of UpScale Funding Proposal being finalized at time of this #Recap posting.)
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17892 : "Rather than suggesting . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17904 : " . . . a ton of effort put . . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17943 : " . . . creating the e-learning platform would highlight all the work done so far, . . . "

#Bylaws UpScale : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17945 : "With the approval and execution of this MSIG the now corrected Governing Documents proposed by the Term 8 Chief Delegates will be ratified by the Term 9 Chief Delegates of UpScale"

Main UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
(recapped since 2022-05-15)
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
(recapped since 2021-08-02)
#Recap UpScale Community : 20-26 Jan, 2023.

#UpScale_Weekly CD meeting - 25 jan 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/17992 : "Recorded video 3rd weekly meeting of Term 9 CDs (open for members to join/view)."

#UpScale_Software_Package - 31 Jan, 2024 deadline : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17872 : ". . . extended deadline for submissions to UpScale Software Package until 31/01/2024."

#Bylaws UpScale : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17945 : "With approval and execution of this MSIG Governing Documents proposed by Term 8 Chief Delegates ratified by Term 9 Chief Delegates of UpScale"
- #Bylaws current - ratified 2024-01-19 : https://ipfs.io/ipfsQmPDrUmUvABqy7Ep8t5da5XpqvLRX7G1QKUWuoys52DcSp

#UpScale_Ambassador Program Curriculum and Content : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/18002 : "Links available to members and invite everyone to check out what’s there and provide feedback through comments, etc."

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps-EOS : Mondays : https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
(recaps EOS since 2022-05-15)
#Recaps-UpScale : Saturdays : https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
(recaps UpScale since 2021-08-02)
#Recap UpScale : 27 Jan - 02 Feb, 2024.

#UpScale_Weekly CD meeting - 01 Feb 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/18092 : Recorded video of 5th weekly meeting of Term 9 CDs (open for members to join/view). - Discussion points were: Project funding process, Phase 1 of the same now concluded - 6 projects moving forward, continued process, a need make UpScale a legal entity + more.
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/18006 - Follow up to previous week's meeting posted : "I suggest being on time for people interested in joining the recording.
- We waited 10min before starting the recording while having open dialogue.
- Began recording and discussed all the main issues relevant to the community, asked for questions, and closed up the recording."

#UpScale on Hypha : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/17375 : - The UpScale DAO on Hypha is up, albeit with more work to be done, but active members might wish sign up to get a first glimpse. Influence the further design and implementation of the same.

#Bylaws Ratified 2024-01-19 : https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmPDrUmUvABqy7Ep8t5da5XpqvLRX7G1QKUWuoys52DcSp

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps-EOS - Mondays : https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
(recapped since 2022-05-15)
#Recaps-UpScale - Saturdays : https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
(recapped since 2021-08-02)
#Recap UpScale Community : February 03-09, 2024.

#UpScale_Weekly CD meeting - 08 Feb 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/181662 : Recorded video of the weekly meeting of Term 9 CDs (also open for members to join/view). - Discussion points: Funding of UpScale into the future, Continuation USP process - Phase 2 community input, Runway current (treasury), Membership engagement, Legal Entity?, Tool for manage funded solution/product development and milestone(s) + more.

#Legal_Side of things - Wyoming DAO LLC draft proposal : https://t.me/c/1580300708/18129/18141 : "There it is all laid out. I estimate the total setup costs to be . . . ".
Links here below to general information
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/15985/18112 : "What is a DAO? How to start an LLC. . . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/15985/18113 : "Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): FAQ . . ."

#UpScale_Software_Package - the 6 moving forward so far : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/18167 : QUESTION - "It would be beneficial to members if CDs post a summary of the 6 projects considered for funding."
https://t.me/c/1580300708/15985/18169 : "UpScale Solution Package (USP) Phase 1 - approved solutions by 2/3rd majority Term 9 CDs - https:// . . . "

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:

Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps-EOS : *Mondays* :
https://t.me/Recaps_EOS - (recapped since 2022-05-15)
#Recaps-UpScale : *Saturdays* : https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps - (recapped since 2021-08-02)
#Recap UpScale : 10-16 February, 2024.

#UpScale_Software_Package community POLL USP funding : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/18225 : "CD's would like to get feedback from the UpScale community as to which projects you would like to see receive funding. Please review Consortium poll via link and cast ONE VOTE for your favourite project of 5 listed. . "
-- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/18229 : "To see poll results . . . "
-- " . . hopefully in a week or two we're able to get moving and get some funds deployed."

#UpScale_Weekly CD meeting - 15 Feb 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/18250 : Recorded video of the weekly meeting of Term 9 CDs (also open for members to join/view). - Discussion points: POLL status Thursday 15th, CDs expect make decision on USP funding after weekend = only few days left give your input,, Decision by CDs by MSIG, Funding process and Milestones, UpScale Working Groups may be activated by any active member, Status of UpScale funding proposal from within EOS community & more."

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps-EOS - *Mondays* : https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
#Recaps-UpScale - *Saturdays* : https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*
#Recap - UpScale DAO : 17-25 February , 2024.

#UpScale_Telegram - NEW member group : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/51464 : How request to join :
- A new Members private group has been created.
- If you would like to be invited, apply here with who you are and what you bring or plan to bring to UpScale DAO: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo
- The recording of last weekly meeting on 22 Feb 2024 is available in the new members channel.

#UpScale_Weekly CD meeting - 22 Feb 2024 : https://t.me/c/2076304702/4/20 : Recorded video (45m) of weekly meeting Term 9 CDs, open for members to join/view. - Discussion points: Telegram private group "glitch" issue, New private group set up a priority, Status funding proposal UpScale DAO, Fractal Voting App, Telegram or new securer chat site?, NTTs & SBTs role - "white listing" members, Who/what caused "glitch" to now retired member private group, Hypha version UpScale DAO, and more.

#UpScale_funding proposal : https://t.me/c/2076304702/14/28 : Blog post: Funding Proposal to the EOS Network By Term 9 CDs - https://upscalenow.io/funding-proposal-to-the-eos-network/

Main UpScale DAO public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps-EOS : Mondays : https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
(recapped since 2022-05-15)
#Recaps-UpScale : Saturdays : https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
(recapped since 2021-08-02)
#Recap - UpScale DAO : 26 Feb - 01 Mar, 2024.

#UpScale_Weekly CD meeting - 29 Feb 2024 : https://t.me/c/2076304702/4/82 : Recorded video (51m) of weekly meeting Term 9 CDs, open for members to join/view. - Topics discussed: Genesis.eden funds to operational account executed, Telegram private group "hick-up", New Telegram private group, Daily demo/test sessions of UpScale DAO Fractal app - the "all in one" election tool, UpVote vs Fractal - hybrid process?, Governance considerations and processes, Reputation system use in governance processes, "USP" Project funding and Treasury - EOS or USDT, current "runway" and more.

#UpScale_Telegram - NEW member group : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/51464 : "A new Members private group has been created - If you would like to be invited, apply here with who you are and what you bring or plan to bring to UpScale DAO: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo

#UpScale_Election fractal app - demo/tests : https://t.me/c/2076304702/1/52 : "Daily demo elections in the new "Fractally" app for UpScale. We try to test it with as many users as possible to make sure it is stable enough until we have our next UpScale election. If you want to join us and check out the app you can sign-up at: . . . "

#UpScale_Treasury Management : https://t.me/c/2076304702/6/69 : "So as to keep the community informed, this MSIG has been presented to unlock our treasury and transfer the funds . . . "

#Reputation_System : https://t.me/c/2076304702/5/63 : "This is the White Paper for the Reputation System being built for UpScale. . . . "

#Dispute_Resolution Process : https://t.me/c/2076304702/9/33 : "The following is the Dispute Resolution Process as it has been approved in Term 9, for those who need to reference it: . . . "
- https://t.me/c/2076304702/9/35 : "If you are in need of utilizing the process, the following link will take you step by step through filing the appropriate claim: . . . "

#UpScale_Ambassador Program : https://t.me/c/2076304702/13/76 : "Whenever we're ready to go i think it's worthwhile to revisit how we want to introduce and utilize what has already been built for the ambassador program. Here are the four courses and their documentation with written curriculums: . . . "

Main UpScale DAO public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps-EOS : Mondays : https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
#Recaps-UpScale : Saturdays : https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*