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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Community private Telegram group - Friday 2023-05-05

#Eden_RFPs RFP-T6-#1 "Eden Fund Distribution Summary" : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/49856 :
"EdenOnEOS CDs decided do a last call on this RFP. Tuesday 9th of May the start of final review of applications received and will also review any new/added proposals received by 8th of May, 2023.
The RFP accesible also to non EdenOnEOS members." - https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/49856

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates Meeting ¤4 - Term 6 - May 4th, 2023 : "Main Agenda items:
- 3. Working Groups (WGs) in action coming week
a) Admin./Elections - *Survey current internet presence EdenOnEOS, how improve?*
b) Bylaws - *Code of Conduct (CoC) & Disciplinary Procedure (DP) - EdenOnEOS.*
c) Comms/Media - *How collaborate and plan increased impact of EdenOnEOS & EOS.*
d) Strategy/Workshops - *EdenOnEOS, What, to Where and How?*
- 4. Initial WG structure for meetings and discussions.
- 5. Approach made to 3 "other language" Edens.
- 6 OPEN MIC Mon-Fri UTC : 07:00, 12:00 and 17:00"
*Recording with quality issues, in worst case only audio/timestamps posted in coming days.*"

#Working_Groups : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/8243 : "Any member interested join any of the Working Groups indicate this by Direct Message to Lennie @mlninparadise or Mo @MoZDS."

#Open_Mic - Eden Community Telegram group : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/8213 : "Monday-Friday @ UTC : 07:00, 12:00 and 17:00 - 30 minute sessions of OPEN MIC with CDs. Any EdenOnEOS member welcome with question(s), suggestion(s) or just a short chat."

= END =
#Recaps - regularly posted
EOS - Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
Eden Fractal - Tuesdays: https://t.me/Eden_Fractal_recaps
Eden on EOS member group - Fridays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
#Recaps - Topical
Delegate Commitments - Eden elections https://t.me/EdenDelegateCommitments -
07 Jan 2023 election toward Term 5
(08 Apr 2023 election toward Term 6, posting commence first weekend of May.)
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap EdenOnEOS Community - Friday 2023-05-12

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates Meeting ¤5 - Term 6 . May 11th, 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/8540 : "00:00 - Start : 02:45 - Working group information & reporting Strategy/Workshops - Gavriel Shaw : ... " - YouTube -49m- : https://youtu.be/iW7oipgzznY

#POLL Workshop starting time Tuesday 16 May 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/8534 : "Workshop on Eden On EOS mission and path going forward. If members wish to be part of shaping the future of EdenOnEOS need join the first Workshop on Tuesday 16th of May in late afternoon UTC time. What time would you prefer?"

#LINKS_internal : 04 May 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/8243 :
- All Delegates - meeting Agenda, Zoom link etc. - EdenOnEOS Meetings - https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342
- Bylaws - https://t.me/c/1580300708/466 : "Review Bylaw including Code of Conduct (CoC),and Disciplinary Procedure (DP) of the EdenOnEOS community."
- Communications/Media - https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229 : "Complete the survey already initiated on current internet presence EdenOnEOS and then plan onward."
- Strategy/Workshops - https://t.me/c/1580300708/651 : "What, to Where and How! With start Tuesday 16 May 2023"Project EdenOnEOS 2024" -
- Administration/Elections - https://t.me/c/1580300708/797 : "Deferred start"
- #NFT_Circle 09 May 2023 meeting summary : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/8392 : "I have summarized today's meeting of the NFT Circle. Short summary (1min read): ... " - "Full summary (10min read) ..."

#Eden_Bylaws - recorded meetings ¤1-07 May & ¤2-10 May : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/8302 / https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/8481 : "Here pointers "flagged" in Eden on EOS ByLaws (Ratified Oct 28, 2022) to discuss further. To view in proper context : ... " - https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/8517

#Comms_Media - recorded meeting ¤1-10 May : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/8483 : "WG Comms/Media meeting 1 - Wednesday 10 May 2023."

#EdenOS : UI issues : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/8341 : 230513 - RESOLVED! "👏🏻🙏🏻 - withdrawal smooth as anything! Well done and hope/trust you take well deserved Friday/Weekend break! Much appreciated!"
-M1- : "If I try to open my profile, this sceen shows up. A colleauge of mine has experienced the same issue earlier today."
-CD- : "Edenia aware and looking at it."
-M2- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/45/8401 : "Did you try using the contract directly?"
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/45/8402 "You need to do two actions, 1. fundtransfer 2. withdraw - I'm planning to add it to the Doc though. When I get a chance... 🤞"
-CD- : https://t.me/c/1580300708/45/8411 : < link to detailing step by step how for now withdraw funds using bloks.io and additional options how view balances, either bloks.io or https://spending.eden.eoscommunity.org/delegate".

#Eden_Election_Guide : https://t.me/c/1580300708/45/8407 :
-CD- : "The so far excellent "guide" might become the main "go to" for many EdenOnEOS members."
-M1- : "Can you share the doc?"
-M2- : "It is not yet in the Docs and it is offline now as I was adding something ... "

#WGs - Working Groups : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/8314 : "Working documents set so EdenOnEOS members may view all. Comments may be made in the relevant Eden Community telegram group. Active WG members get comment/suggestion privileges and CDs currently the document editors.""

#Off-Topic posting Eden Community : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/8194 : -CD- "Any "off topic" posts in named topic groups deleted onward days. Feel free post such in "General" or "Off Topic' if you wish to keep posting in Eden Community Telegram group."

#Working_Groups - "WG"s : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/8243 : "Any member interested join any of the Working Groups indicate this by Direct Message to Lennie @mlninparadise or Mo @MoZDS."

#Open_Mic - Eden Community Telegram group : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/8213 : "Monday-Friday @ UTC : 07:00, 12:00 and 17:00 - 30 minute sessions of OPEN MIC with CDs. Any EdenOnEOS member welcome with question(s), suggestion(s) or just a short chat."

= END =